I am a full-stack developer with a variety of experience. Most of my projects are based around mods for Beat Saber, a popular VR rhythm game. I have a passion for networking and backend development.
Original main contributor for MultiplayerCore, MultiplayerExtensions, and BeatTogether the core multiplayer mods for Beatsaber. Although as of 2023, I retired.
I also used to manage a few more BeatSaber mods:
- MultiQuestensions, the Quest port of MultiplayerExtensions.
- BeatSaberOptimizer, which optimizes some of the base game code to make it more performant.
- PauseCoob, which adds a coob (cube) that pauses the game when cut.
- MultiplayerAvatars, a mod that allows other players to see your custom VR avatars in multiplayer.
Here are some of the BeatTogether repos, in case you were looking for them:
- BeatTogether.Core (core server logic)
- BeatTogether.MasterServer (master server)
- BeatTogether.DedicatedServer (dedicated server)
- BeatTogether.LiteNetLib (my take on a faster, thread safe LiteNetLib rewrite)