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File metadata and controls

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GDScript Mod Loader

A general purpose mod-loader for GDScript-based Godot Games.

For detailed info, see the docs for Delta-V Modding, upon which ModLoader is based. The docs there cover mod setup and helper functions in much greater detail.

Mod Setup


Mod ZIPs should have the structure shown below. The name of the ZIP is arbitrary.

Notes on .import

Adding the .import directory is only needed when your mod adds content such as PNGs and sound files. In these cases, your mod's .import folder should only include your custom assets, and should not include any vanilla files.

You can copy your custom assets from your project's .import directory. They can be easily identified by sorting by date. To clean up unused files, it's helpful to delete everything in .import that's not vanilla, then run the game again, which will re-create only the files that are actually used.

Required Files

Mods you create must have the following 2 files:

  • - The init file for your mod.
  • manifest.json - Meta data for your mod (see below).

Example manifest.json

	"name": "ModName",
	"namespace": "AuthorName",
	"version_number": "1.0.0",
	"description": "Mod description goes here",
	"website_url": "",
	"dependencies": [
		"Add IDs of other mods here, if your mod needs them to work"
	"extra": {
		"godot": {
			"id": "AuthorName-ModName",
			"incompatibilities": [
				"Add IDs of other mods here, if your mod conflicts with them"
			"authors": ["AuthorName"],
			"compatible_modloader_version": "3.0.0",
			"compatible_game_version": [""],
			"config_defaults": {}

See get_mod_config below for info on config_defaults.

Helper Methods

Use these when creating your mods. As above, see the docs for Delta-V Modding for more details.

Method Description
mod_log Log data to godot.log.
dev_log Log verbose data to godot.log. Only shows if dev logging is enabled
install_script_extension Extend a vanilla script
add_translation_from_resource Import a translation file (eg mod_text.en.translation)
append_node_in_scene Create and add a node to a instanced scene
save_scene Save the scene as a PackedScene, overwriting Godot's cache if needed
get_mod_config Get data from a mod's config JSON file


func mod_log(text:String, mod_name:String = "Unknown-Mod", pretty:bool = false)->void

Log data to godot.log.. The mod ID should be provided as the 2nd arg.


func dev_log(text:String, mod_name:String = "Unknown-Mod", pretty:bool = false)

Logs verbose info to godot.log, but only if developer logging is enabled, either via the CLI arg --log-dev or by temporarily changing the DEBUG_ENABLE_DEV_LOG to true.


func install_script_extension(child_script_path:String)

Add a script that extends a vanilla script. This allows you to overwrite funcs, extend them, and add your own. See Script Inheritance in the Delta-V modding readme for more info on usage.

child_script_path is the path to your mod's extender script path, eg MOD/extensions/singletons/

Inside that extender script, it should include extends "{target}", where {target} is the vanilla path, eg: extends "res://singletons/".

Your extender scripts don't have to follow the same directory path as the vanilla file, but it's good practice to do so.

One approach to organising your extender scripts is to put them in a dedicated folder named "extensions", eg:
            └───Any files that extend vanilla code can go here, eg:


add_translation_from_resource(resource_path: String)

Add a translation file, eg "mytranslation.en.translation". The translation file should have been created in Godot already: When you import a CSV, such a file will be created for you.

Note that this function is exclusive to ModLoader, and departs from Delta-V's two functions addTranslationsFromCSV and addTranslationsFromJSON, which aren't available in ModLoader.


append_node_in_scene(modified_scene, node_name:String = "", node_parent = null, instance_path:String = "", is_visible:bool = true)

Create and add a node to a instanced scene.


save_scene(modified_scene, scenePath:String)

Save the scene as a PackedScene, overwriting Godot's cache if needed.


get_mod_config(mod_id:String = "", key:String = "", default_value = null)->Dictionary:

Get data from a mod's config JSON file. Returns a dictionary with three keys: data, error, and error_msg, which are explained below.


Data (data) is either the full config, or data from a specific key if one was specified.

If no user config JSON exists, data uses the defaults set in the mod's manifest.json (see Config JSON below). Returns an empty dictionary ({}) if either a) the mod's manifest.json has no defaults, or b) the specified key doesn't exist.


Error (error) is 0 if there were no errors, or > 0 if the setting could not be retrieved:

# Description Data
0 No errors As requested
1 Invalid mod_id {}
2 No custom JSON exists Defaults from manifest.json
3 Invalid key. Custom JSON does not exist {}
4 Invalid key. Custom JSON does exist {}

Error Msg

Text representation of the error that occured, intended to make debugging easier.

Config JSON

ModLoader supports config files in the JSON format. Custom configs can be added by users, to a folder named configs (res://configs). They are named by the mod ID (eg. AuthorName-ModName.json).


Default settings can be set in your manifest.json file, via extra.godot.config_defaults.

If you use get_mod_config when no custom JSON file exists, your mod's default settings will be used instead (returned as data). This works wheter you're using key or not.

Config Options

A user's custom config file can use a special setting, load_from. If specified, their config is loaded from the specified file, instead of the file named after the mod ID.

The load_from JSON file should be in the same directory, and include the file extension, eg:

	"load_from": "my-special-config.json"

This allows users to multiple config files for a single mod and switch between them quickly. This settings is ignord if the filename matches the mod ID, or is empty.

CLI Args

ModLoader supports the following command line arguments:

Arg Info
--mods-path Override the path to the mod ZIPs dir. Default path is res://mods
--configs-path Override the path to the config JSONs dir. Default path is res://configs
--log-dev Enable developer logging. This is more verbose and can be used with the func dev_log.

You can use these in the Godot editor via Project > Project Settings > Display > Editor > Main Run Args


🔥 ModLoader is based on the work of these brilliant people 🔥