5.0.0-4 (2022-12-08)
- add aws secret manager JanssenProject/jans#3026 (48418cd)
- charts: add pdb and topology spread constrants (6191c47)
- upgrade i18next from 21.10.0 to 22.0.1 (7befaa3)
- upgrade i18next-browser-languagedetector from 6.1.8 to 7.0.0 (7f57d9f)
- upgrade react-i18next from 11.18.6 to 12.0.0 (411b31f)
- admin-ui: edit values not auto popup #617 (c0c8589)
- admin-ui: es lint run (5ac7600)
- admin-ui: fix user delete role (f3ae09f)
- admin-ui: fix user write permission (e179d65)
- admin-ui: permission check for user (9794f29)
- admin-ui: user and client page (f387806)
- admin-ui: user delete permission fixed (1be3cf1)
- docker-admin-ui/Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (#613) (81f7fe3)
- fix CodeQL report (ce86056)
- getting ready for a release (a0de091)
- upgrade com.twilio.sdk:twilio from 9.0.1 to 9.1.0 (b71d7de)
- upgrade com.twilio.sdk:twilio from 9.1.0 to 9.1.1 (7b4f003)
- upgrade com.twilio.sdk:twilio from 9.1.1 to 9.1.2 (ae0245f)
- upgrade org.apache.tika:tika-core from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0 (fdf4bc1)
- uth server configuration are not saving in admin-ui #635 (978b20a)
- update jans version in casa (0a81109)
- admin-ui: add ACR column (d2c69e6)
- admin-ui: add count of client in scope list page (511b549)
- admin-ui: add delete dialog (6c1db7b)
- admin-ui: add loader to user list page (f5f766a)
- admin-ui: add notification (df729ea)
- admin-ui: add search component to scripts page under admin #436 (4e2dcb2)
- admin-ui: add uma resources detail (84acd39)
- admin-ui: add uma resources function (94c513a)
- admin-ui: add view mode in scripts #292 (94effe5)
- admin-ui: added custom tooltip (07eb695)
- admin-ui: added payload action for getuser #412 (08c1b70)
- admin-ui: added the possibility to filter client by organization #335 (bade331)
- admin-ui: additional refactoring #412 (daa519f)
- admin-ui: change in client (ce2f20c)
- admin-ui: change uma resource detail page to modal (68f7cb0)
- admin-ui: changed view_only to camel case and removed inline styling #375 (a94c8ea)
- admin-ui: convert boolean dropdowns to switch completed #389 (8d85657)
- admin-ui: convert boolean dropdowns to switch in admin-ui #389 (0dc18d8)
- admin-ui: create redux for uma (8a4aeb4)
- admin-ui: dashboard card unexpected wrap contecnt (44b2ac7)
- admin-ui: fix [object object] on client basic and software panel #437 (ee37405)
- admin-ui: fix bootstrap typehead css import (2567f56)
- admin-ui: fix bug on client details dropdown #440 (3b1e7d0)
- admin-ui: fix dashboard chart (536451a)
- admin-ui: fix on scope count click in the client list page (b6a185b)
- admin-ui: fix script add page (ad98b44)
- admin-ui: Fix Tokens and Logout tab in Client Edit Page #390 (13c622a)
- admin-ui: fix undefined inum (c0d3676)
- admin-ui: fixed card (ad29bcd)
- admin-ui: gentle push (5a5c79b)
- admin-ui: get clients from scope api endpoint (73d0ea3)
- admin-ui: get scope by inum api not triggered (a1b568c)
- admin-ui: get scope data in the edit page instead (44fbf66)
- admin-ui: handle delete uma (2d1c47d)
- admin-ui: handle edit scope (9116ecc)
- admin-ui: implement dashboard graph (0cc7494)
- admin-ui: implement pattern search in users (1a6c523)
- admin-ui: implement server side pagination (51f9703)
- admin-ui: implement server side pagination #446 (b9f1577)
- admin-ui: implement server side pagination for scopes page #449 (f7ef0a3)
- admin-ui: implement server side pagination on users screen (19de5b4)
- admin-ui: implement server side search (8344c17)
- admin-ui: implement translation in dashboad page (08cc409)
- admin-ui: implement uma option (e8dddf8)
- admin-ui: improved the look of License Details page #399 (a8a40e1)
- admin-ui: improvement in oidc client info in view mode #375 (dbd9f11)
- admin-ui: little refactoring on feature Filter clients by organization #335 (b4240d2)
- admin-ui: little refactoring on licence details page #399 (45bc00e)
- admin-ui: little refactoring to check empty object #437 (99f006d)
- admin-ui: loading in the client list page (82c47e1)
- admin-ui: migration from react-router v5 to v6 #422 (29726c4)
- admin-ui: pagination implementation started #449 (7807fcc)
- admin-ui: reactstrap styling update (cc5bd68)
- admin-ui: refactored handleResponse function across code base #412 (0176f02)
- admin-ui: relayout and remove unused dashboard components (d5f966c)
- admin-ui: remember languange and theme config after user logout (3580382)
- admin-ui: remove debug code (194631d)
- admin-ui: remove unnecessary inline styling (af7099b)
- admin-ui: remove unused debug code (125bc4c)
- admin-ui: removed console log expression #437 (dd51235)
- admin-ui: removed some chunks of commented code #390 (636e511)
- admin-ui: removed some unused imports #389 (414550c)
- admin-ui: resolved merge conflict #412 (ea5c1e6)
- admin-ui: reviewed previously updated dependencies #416 (ab81760)
- admin-ui: revoke session by userDn (6af3ab9)
- admin-ui: separate some component styling code (47af2e1)
- admin-ui: session viewer page (4b8696e)
- admin-ui: shift rpt claims field (d33a7db)
- admin-ui: show client of scope in client list page (28bf678)
- admin-ui: show display name in scope selection (9d65849)
- admin-ui: show ldpat test result based on API response (871340c)
- admin-ui: show uma in coba tab (dd23342)
- admin-ui: show uma resource on edit (32117a7)
- admin-ui: table header background color based on selected theme (a3ffc7f)
- admin-ui: update badge dynamically to theme color (f19cdde)
- admin-ui: update button dynamically to theme color (5cc85be)
- admin-ui: update count style and url param (8134ce9)
- admin-ui: update dashboard count summary from stat data (0d0d0b2)
- admin-ui: update dashboard count summary not shown (1fed704)
- admin-ui: update dashboard layout (0c6cc4c)
- admin-ui: update date selection in MAU graph (1d1f078)
- admin-ui: update design new oidc client (6841842)
- admin-ui: update edit and page card design (c488d52)
- admin-ui: update get and set umar resource (26203d9)
- admin-ui: update IdleTimer component cleanup code (ac21739)
- admin-ui: update IdleTimer component due to react-idle-timer upgrade (7157395)
- admin-ui: update loggin params name (b2390c7)
- admin-ui: update project dependencies to latest #416 (0581a5e)
- admin-ui: Update project dependencies to latest #416 (76e9f52)
- admin-ui: update revoke action (7967f9b)
- admin-ui: update scope and selection (e2fde36)
- admin-ui: update scope edit url (2837852)
- admin-ui: update scroll on main card (6629c7e)
- admin-ui: update sidebar scroll behavior (17254c0)
- admin-ui: update some component and styling related to reactstrap upgrade (9aaf41d)
- admin-ui: update some depedencies #375 (a52b12e)
- admin-ui: update table head styling (14030d7)
- admin-ui: update tablet view dashboard (6d26cc8)
- admin-ui: update tr highlighted background color (9a08147)
- admin-ui: update translation for uma detail page (136f613)
- admin-ui: use session permission in the nav menu (6c2737d)
- admin-ui: user lang and theme config for each user (d6ca354)
- change to Spontaneous Scope should not be allowed #334 (314a2a8)
- change to Spontaneous Scope should not be allowed #334 (b89b911)
- change to Spontaneous Scope should not be allowed #334 (bfac54f)
- change to Spontaneous Scope should not be allowed #334 (9361de9)
- change to Spontaneous Scope should not be allowed #334 (86f7ebb)
- change to Spontaneous Scope should not be allowed #334 (7b390c0)
- code refactoring following api change #444 (b733d6d)
- docker-admin-ui: add support for plugins installation (#319) (f660fb8)
- flex docker monolith (#510) (5cbf7a8)
- flex-linux-setup add options to setup.properties (#467) (29b9055)
- flex-linux-setup ask compoments to install (ref: #282) (8907087)
- flex-linux-setup non-interactive mode (#340) (15a73dc)
- flex-linux-setup option -download-exit (#474) (62c5556)
- flex-linux-setup uninstall (#461) (de8c700)
- generate jans-config-api client from multiple swagger specs #426 (0870b03)
- generate jans-config-api client from multiple swagger specs #426 (f0e09ce)
- generate jans-config-api client from multiple swagger specs #426 (cc02b16)
- generate jans-config-api client from multiple swagger specs #426 (bc2b602)
- helm-charts: allow emitting logs for preStop hook (2cdd90f)
- image: add authentication method selection for admin-ui image (#540) (d97d10d)
- image: use admin-ui client encoded secret to render properties (#567) (31e9142)
- remove Auth Server Defaults page #307 (9721318)
- remove Auth Server Defaults page #307 (d4eef01)
- remove Auth Server Defaults page #307 (0d54fed)
- scopes Form is broken -- missing most important field (id) #305 (44e3c52)
- scopes Form is broken -- missing most important field (id) #305 (a108965)
- scopes Form is broken -- missing most important field (id) #305 (67ee7a3)
- scopes Form is broken -- missing most important field (id) #305 (c1c7e8b)
- upgrade ag-grid-community from 21.2.2 to 28.1.1 (2eab18a)
- upgrade com.sun.mail:jakarta.mail from 1.6.7 to 2.0.1 (#83) (d0971a6)
- upgrade com.twilio.sdk:twilio from 8.36.0 to 9.0.1 (35fe25a)
- upgrade jakarta.el:jakarta.el-api from 4.0.0 to 5.0.1 (4ac6b21)
- upgrade jakarta.servlet:jakarta.servlet-api from 5.0.0 to 6.0.0 (90c6fec)
- upgrade org.jboss.weld.servlet:weld-servlet-shaded from 4.0.3.Final to 5.1.0.Final (b551875)
- upgrade org.jsmpp:jsmpp from 2.3.11 to 3.0.0 (3e14ccb)
- upgrade react-bootstrap-typeahead from 4.2.3 to 6.0.0 (37fc5a2)
- upgrade react-idle-timer from 4.6.4 to 5.4.2 (#534) (1497915)
- upgrade reactstrap from 8.10.1 to 9.1.4 (af030df)
- #475 (f123aa6)
- add cbSqlDbSchema propetry to helm chart (2dac5c8)
- add certbot option to docker monolith (6fc72c4)
- add certbot option to docker monolith (983776a)
- add quote on prometheous env (c4a20b9)
- add rewrite rule directly in the default nginx conf of the docker admin ui (#524) (5798ee9)
- admin-ui not working #487 (b59133e)
- admin-ui: add translation (e4fa52e)
- admin-ui: add yaml file to git ignore (264eede)
- admin-ui: associated client (e04e99c)
- admin-ui: audit log remove red border from no (022d2a9)
- admin-ui: basic page correction (8f33c39)
- admin-ui: camel case and creator change (4a20fc2)
- admin-ui: change birthdate value (b5d5c6b)
- admin-ui: change links theme (04b416d)
- admin-ui: change password infinity loading (07cea41)
- admin-ui: change password payload changed (e5d756c)
- admin-ui: clients count fix on dashboard (8d6398b)
- admin-ui: creator date and type added (f9ae6b3)
- admin-ui: dashboard and roles page fix (bf6afe4)
- admin-ui: dashboard card overlapping (e90667d)
- admin-ui: delete client fix (94696bf)
- admin-ui: delete yaml file (b3f831e)
- admin-ui: filter records for spontaneous (957a227)
- admin-ui: final push for clients redesign (636923d)
- admin-ui: fix api change for scripts (8678980)
- admin-ui: fix attribute api change for users (2f4a9a9)
- admin-ui: fix bars alignment (d283b04)
- admin-ui: fix feedback points (6c88067)
- admin-ui: fix get roles (da52ad8)
- admin-ui: fix naming (4bfc471)
- admin-ui: fix pattern auto blank issue (19cdbcb)
- admin-ui: fix pattern search #432 (a21e4a2)
- admin-ui: fix permissions for script (c227872)
- admin-ui: fix some ui issues (15d02ca)
- admin-ui: gentle push (4820508)
- admin-ui: gentle push (b721cd7)
- admin-ui: gentle push (269c6f7)
- admin-ui: gentle push for backup (4c406f0)
- admin-ui: get scope from scripts (59c8693)
- admin-ui: graph added (9fc9e53)
- admin-ui: implement on change feature (d5c0bdf)
- admin-ui: issue fixed for scopes in client (80983cf)
- admin-ui: limit user to fetch (5747e44)
- admin-ui: link associated client (ad38103)
- admin-ui: made the multi-language support work properly for all label and tooltips #388 (65ce880)
- admin-ui: minor bug fix (3d1fd39)
- admin-ui: regenerate jans api (06e41eb)
- admin-ui: regenerate jans api (57838f0)
- admin-ui: remove resources api (dc5bc75)
- admin-ui: remove unused dependency (14427ce)
- admin-ui: removed filed put blank value (758ba85)
- admin-ui: response change for api (d66a443)
- admin-ui: sass issue after upgrade some dependencies (46e3f19)
- admin-ui: show client name (918a959)
- admin-ui: show id for scopes 357 (7f35a6b)
- admin-ui: show list of users on dashboard (6a0f705)
- admin-ui: show roles on form (e9917a2)
- admin-ui: show scope expression as json (17ae2d0)
- admin-ui: table ui issue fixed (2b14a5f)
- admin-ui: table ui issue fixed (c0df9a9)
- admin-ui: text changes (fcf63cc)
- admin-ui: uma fix (e60ee71)
- admin-ui: update labels name (f615ffa)
- admin-ui: update lint plugin (c62685b)
- admin-ui: update modal uma resource and editor config (20ed15b)
- admin-ui: update theme lang config and condition (4b124b9)
- admin-ui: user active claims (af3ce0f)
- admin-ui: user management blank page fix (2ae6d41)
- allow overriding istio gateway (280f432)
- block user without proper roles #277 (9c23986)
- block user without proper roles #277 (98feedb)
- casa/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (1d60ee7)
- casa/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (7dbd49a)
- charts: fix values.yaml schema (09e8f14)
- Custom scripts not saving#583 (02c3aec)
- docker-admin-ui/Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (a2050c8)
- docker-casa: upgrade lxml version (#330) (bfc2c34)
- error in creating scope #573 (9c09bef)
- fix form oidc submission issue (ffaffc3)
- fix plugin installation script #589 (6aa6055)
- fix plugin installation script #589 (4da2e07)
- flex linux setup admin UI client (#542) (ef51e0f)
- flex-linus-setup code smell (c10bdd3)
- flex-linux-setup code smell - remove unused var (a5856d1)
- flex-linux-setup download node (61b6246)
- flex-linux-setup enable apache module mod_dir (ref: #291) (d92b21a)
- flex-linux-setup import shutil (3a2f346)
- flex-linux-setup missing source_files definition for casa (363da1d)
- flex-linux-setup nod download (#508) (bab8837)
- flex-linux-setup noninteractive setup (ad46bd6)
- flex-linux-setup prompts (8dad937)
- flex-linux-setup python executable (#480) (f9f7682)
- flex-linux-setup use encoded client secret (427e2bb)
- flex-linux-setup version 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT (9f4776d)
- flex-linux-setup-replace replace-shlex.join() by subprocess.list2cmdline() (57a4213)
- getting ready to release 5.0.0-3 (e8f3ecc)
- gluu casa version (3a0ef91)
- helm chart nil SQLSCHEMA property (0a87349)
- image: add missing openapi-merge-cli executable (#526) (c14b1f4)
- image: admin UI regressions (#537) (b466435)
- jans-linux-setup flex-plugin install dir (8c91b77)
- jans-linux-setup set Jannsen version to 1.0.3 (e4e6a61)
- license feature not working #454 (63a238b)
- mismatch of new added fields name on oidc clients screen #352 (20a04ad)
- remove inum from scripts list page #296 (bd4c042)
- replace inum with jansID #303 (c765894)
- scope names correction (45de3d3)
- typos in istio vs (1c48e40)
- update cronjob api versions (c572384)
- update gluu version (c928121)
- update rancher questions (35dd0ee)
- upgrade com.fasterxml:aalto-xml from 1.3.0 to 1.3.2 (a1a4b47)
- upgrade com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core from 2.13.2 to 2.13.4 (5554e0b)
- upgrade com.nimbusds:oauth2-oidc-sdk from 9.36 to 9.43.1 (6ee733b)
- upgrade com.twilio.sdk:twilio from 8.29.1 to 8.36.0 (e1dafc7)
- upgrade com.unboundid:unboundid-ldapsdk from 6.0.5 to 6.0.6 (d418871)
- upgrade org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api from 2.17.2 to 2.19.0 (#553) (03a56ff)
- upgrade org.apache.tika:tika-core from 2.4.1 to 2.5.0 (241cab4)
- upgrade org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-client from 6.0.0.Final to 6.2.0.Final (9dc27d3)
- upgrade org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-client from 6.2.0.Final to 6.2.1.Final (e7a313a)
- upgrade org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-jackson2-provider from 6.0.0.Final to 6.2.0.Final (b5e1afb)
- upgrade org.jsmpp:jsmpp from 2.3.7 to 2.3.11 (#550) (236f71b)
- upgrade org.zkoss.theme:breeze from to (eaefc7b)
- upgrade react-image-crop from 8.6.9 to 8.6.12 (1939e48)
- upgrade react-spinners from 0.11.0 to 0.13.4 (677a993)
- use correct jans_stat permission #576 (770e480)
- release 0.1.1 (fa0f8a3)
- release 0.1.2 (0185ce9)
- release 1.0.0-1 (6463768)
- release 1.0.0-1 (172398e)
- release 1.0.1-1 (366d4b8)
- release 1.0.1-1 (0bed6d0)
- release 5.0.0-1 (663971f)
- release 5.0.0-1 (abb0e52)
- release 5.0.0-1 (bb2aeec)
- release 5.0.0-2 (06c6e64)
- release 5.0.0-2 (a23191b)
- release 5.0.0-2 (1f6f950)
- release 5.0.0-2 (cea3e6e)
5.0.0-2 (2022-08-31)
- admin-ui: add count of client in scope list page (511b549)
- admin-ui: add delete dialog (6c1db7b)
- admin-ui: add loader to user list page (f5f766a)
- admin-ui: add uma resources detail (84acd39)
- admin-ui: add uma resources function (94c513a)
- admin-ui: add view mode in scripts #292 (94effe5)
- admin-ui: added custom tooltip (07eb695)
- admin-ui: added the possibility to filter client by organization #335 (bade331)
- admin-ui: change in client (ce2f20c)
- admin-ui: change uma resource detail page to modal (68f7cb0)
- admin-ui: changed view_only to camel case and removed inline styling #375 (a94c8ea)
- admin-ui: convert boolean dropdowns to switch completed #389 (8d85657)
- admin-ui: convert boolean dropdowns to switch in admin-ui #389 (0dc18d8)
- admin-ui: create redux for uma (8a4aeb4)
- admin-ui: fix on scope count click in the client list page (b6a185b)
- admin-ui: Fix Tokens and Logout tab in Client Edit Page #390 (13c622a)
- admin-ui: fix undefined inum (c0d3676)
- admin-ui: get clients from scope api endpoint (73d0ea3)
- admin-ui: get scope by inum api not triggered (a1b568c)
- admin-ui: get scope data in the edit page instead (44fbf66)
- admin-ui: handle delete uma (2d1c47d)
- admin-ui: handle edit scope (9116ecc)
- admin-ui: implement dashboard graph (0cc7494)
- admin-ui: implement translation in dashboad page (08cc409)
- admin-ui: implement uma option (e8dddf8)
- admin-ui: improved the look of License Details page #399 (a8a40e1)
- admin-ui: improvement in oidc client info in view mode #375 (dbd9f11)
- admin-ui: little refactoring on feature Filter clients by organization #335 (b4240d2)
- admin-ui: little refactoring on licence details page #399 (45bc00e)
- admin-ui: loading in the client list page (82c47e1)
- admin-ui: remember languange and theme config after user logout (3580382)
- admin-ui: remove debug code (194631d)
- admin-ui: remove unnecessary inline styling (af7099b)
- admin-ui: removed some chunks of commented code #390 (636e511)
- admin-ui: removed some unused imports #389 (414550c)
- admin-ui: shift rpt claims field (d33a7db)
- admin-ui: show client of scope in client list page (28bf678)
- admin-ui: show display name in scope selection (9d65849)
- admin-ui: show ldpat test result based on API response (871340c)
- admin-ui: show uma in coba tab (dd23342)
- admin-ui: show uma resource on edit (32117a7)
- admin-ui: update badge dynamically to theme color (f19cdde)
- admin-ui: update button dynamically to theme color (5cc85be)
- admin-ui: update count style and url param (8134ce9)
- admin-ui: update dashboard count summary from stat data (0d0d0b2)
- admin-ui: update dashboard count summary not shown (1fed704)
- admin-ui: update dashboard layout (0c6cc4c)
- admin-ui: update date selection in MAU graph (1d1f078)
- admin-ui: update get and set umar resource (26203d9)
- admin-ui: update scope and selection (e2fde36)
- admin-ui: update scope edit url (2837852)
- admin-ui: update some depedencies #375 (a52b12e)
- admin-ui: update tablet view dashboard (6d26cc8)
- admin-ui: update tr highlighted background color (9a08147)
- admin-ui: update translation for uma detail page (136f613)
- change to Spontaneous Scope should not be allowed #334 (314a2a8)
- change to Spontaneous Scope should not be allowed #334 (b89b911)
- change to Spontaneous Scope should not be allowed #334 (bfac54f)
- change to Spontaneous Scope should not be allowed #334 (9361de9)
- change to Spontaneous Scope should not be allowed #334 (86f7ebb)
- change to Spontaneous Scope should not be allowed #334 (7b390c0)
- docker-admin-ui: add support for plugins installation (#319) (f660fb8)
- flex-linux-setup non-interactive mode (#340) (15a73dc)
- remove Auth Server Defaults page #307 (9721318)
- remove Auth Server Defaults page #307 (d4eef01)
- remove Auth Server Defaults page #307 (0d54fed)
- scopes Form is broken -- missing most important field (id) #305 (44e3c52)
- scopes Form is broken -- missing most important field (id) #305 (a108965)
- scopes Form is broken -- missing most important field (id) #305 (67ee7a3)
- scopes Form is broken -- missing most important field (id) #305 (c1c7e8b)
- add quote on prometheous env (c4a20b9)
- admin-ui: add translation (e4fa52e)
- admin-ui: associated client (e04e99c)
- admin-ui: audit log remove red border from no (022d2a9)
- admin-ui: basic page correction (8f33c39)
- admin-ui: camel case and creator change (4a20fc2)
- admin-ui: change birthdate value (b5d5c6b)
- admin-ui: change links theme (04b416d)
- admin-ui: change password infinity loading (07cea41)
- admin-ui: change password payload changed (e5d756c)
- admin-ui: creator date and type added (f9ae6b3)
- admin-ui: dashboard card overlapping (e90667d)
- admin-ui: filter records for spontaneous (957a227)
- admin-ui: final push for clients redesign (636923d)
- admin-ui: fix bars alignment (d283b04)
- admin-ui: fix feedback points (6c88067)
- admin-ui: fix some ui issues (15d02ca)
- admin-ui: gentle push (b721cd7)
- admin-ui: gentle push for backup (4c406f0)
- admin-ui: get scope from scripts (59c8693)
- admin-ui: link associated client (ad38103)
- admin-ui: minor bug fix (3d1fd39)
- admin-ui: remove resources api (dc5bc75)
- admin-ui: removed filed put blank value (758ba85)
- admin-ui: show client name (918a959)
- admin-ui: show id for scopes 357 (7f35a6b)
- admin-ui: show scope expression as json (17ae2d0)
- admin-ui: uma fix (e60ee71)
- admin-ui: update labels name (f615ffa)
- admin-ui: update modal uma resource and editor config (20ed15b)
- casa/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (7dbd49a)
- docker-admin-ui/Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (a2050c8)
- docker-casa: upgrade lxml version (#330) (bfc2c34)
- gluu casa version (3a0ef91)
- mismatch of new added fields name on oidc clients screen #352 (20a04ad)
- remove inum from scripts list page #296 (bd4c042)
- replace inum with jansID #303 (c765894)
- release 0.1.2 (0185ce9)
- release 1.0.1-1 (366d4b8)
- release 1.0.1-1 (0bed6d0)
- release 5.0.0-2 (06c6e64)
- release 5.0.0-2 (a23191b)
- release 5.0.0-2 (1f6f950)
- release 5.0.0-2 (cea3e6e)
- add acrValues property in admin-ui configuration. #1016 (328c92e)
- add acrValues property in admin-ui configuration. #1016 (328c92e)
- add acrValues property in admin-ui configuration. #1016 (ac8b572)
- add applogers for the admin ui plugin (1185372)
- add applogers for the admin ui plugin (1185372)
- add applogers for the admin ui plugin (5208e19)
- add applogers for the admin ui plugin to values schema (873dc55)
- add fido2-client lib (ref: #263) (eac50ea)
- add main() function (01f118c)
- add message under the textinput field (c8937ec)
- add prometheus jmx (#261) (867a031)
- adjust ownership and permission to avoid bloated images (#219) (#229) (6187559)
- admin UI - Option to specify a python file containing a custom script #110 (f33fa7a)
- admin UI - Option to specify a python file containing a custom script #110 (53106c3)
- admin UI - Option to specify a python file containing a custom script #110 (2bd248f)
- admin-ui updated dependencies and manifests (#208) (57c5f12)
- admin-ui: added countries dropdown (5c4394a)
- admin-ui: added support for pure java scripts #242 (0047c2a)
- admin-ui: added support for pure java scripts #242 (e7ec2f0)
- admin-ui: auto apply highglight on edit page (f0da5f2)
- admin-ui: change password implemented (3e03014)
- admin-ui: edit page not save updated script field (514f1b1)
- admin-ui: fix issues with material list #43 (0a98d9e)
- admin-ui: fix issues with material list #43 (87eb557)
- admin-ui: gentle push (251436d)
- admin-ui: gentle push for backup (ce2f3c8)
- admin-ui: implement middle name (193aa1c)
- admin-ui: list OIDC according to ticket 204 (f341b7f)
- admin-ui: make list workable for add user (7f13117)
- admin-ui: make user management screens working (607ab2a)
- admin-ui: show active users page on dashboard #43 (8bffd11)
- admin-ui: show active users page on dashboard #43 (bfe2870)
- admin-ui: show active users page on dashboard #43 (003a2af)
- admin-ui: show active users page on dashboard #43 (ae8b1e1)
- admin-ui: show list of users (5fe8fe1)
- admin-ui: syntax highlight in the add new script page (c9c8b6f)
- admin-ui: unable to add description of an existing permission in config-api #66 (806f4fe)
- admin-ui: update api for the user management (7b97e7f)
- admin-ui: update import path (c246d4f)
- admin-ui: update relative path for styles path (a66353a)
- admin-ui: Update relative path for styles path (0f2dde0)
- admin-ui: update some code that not aligned with defined lint rule (cd0314e)
- admin-ui: user edit page gentle push (bd60e6c)
- admin-ui: work on user add form and attributes picker (b81e99f)
- casa updated dependencies and manifests (#202) (a1e621d)
- centre aligned x (5299b5a)
- change collapse option location (62ab2fa)
- change form design (95fe299)
- change in keys page #117 (4ae82f1)
- change in keys page #117 (6ef2460)
- design of API key page (57807c1)
- edit role permission mapping (b905d11)
- flex linux setup casa fix (72903cd)
- flex linux setup casa fix (72903cd)
- flex-linux-setup add casa install (0ff917f)
- flex-linux-setup argparse pkg issue (d235ef4)
- flex-linux-setup ask compoments to install (ref: #282) (8907087)
- flex-linux-setup jans installer args (#268) (b096e83)
- flex-linux-setup package (05d51ae)
- flex-linux-setup self installer (d05061f)
- flex-linux-setup typo (9523c8a)
- gentle commit (2c2a298)
- gentle commit for backup (6542d2d)
- image: pull otp and super_gluu configuration from secrets (5192cbb)
- image: pull otp and super_gluu configuration from secrets (5192cbb)
- image: pull otp and super_gluu configuration from secrets (2242843)
- implement deletable option (4b5b3ab)
- introduce new hybrid persistence mapping (#250) (473abdc)
- licence: implement license key (eab2249)
- lint: resolve conflicts (1948692)
- lint: update semi eslint config to remove end semicolon (fbd3091)
- lodash: update import chain function (b59b9a4)
- lodash: update lodash import to be more readable and smaller (b61cb31)
- make admin lock file location parameterizable #221 (87babf8)
- move health menu under Home menu #116 (b5c86bf)
- move health menu under Home menu #116 (76a19d2)
- move health menu under Home menu #116 (75d0138)
- move health menu under Home menu #116 (94ea401)
- move health menu under Home menu #116 (ae455c5)
- put MAU under admin (bed0fa5)
- redux store: update deprecated createStore (0da47c8)
- refactoring (8949ff5)
- relative path: update import path for components (6fabb30)
- relative path: update import path for images (2ea647b)
- relative path: update relative path components and routes (cb214b1)
- relative path: update relative path for utils (190752d)
- relocating burger menu button (9f8008b)
- resolve conflict (92b462d)
- upgrade com.unboundid:unboundid-ldapsdk from 5.1.4 to 6.0.4 (05576ab)
- upgrade i18next from 19.9.2 to 21.6.10 (f077d69)
- upgrade multiple dependencies with Snyk (53babbf)
- upgrade rc-slider from 8.7.1 to 10.0.0 (db13efc)
- upgrade react-toastify from 5.5.0 to 8.1.0 (cf0d35f)
- webpack: setup relative path config (ec0ee39)
- webpack: setup relative path plugins (c22b691)
- webpack: setup relative path redux (b4eaba1)
- #183 (dadec21)
- #45 val of localPrimaryKey on Gluu is mapped with the primary key attr of the backend AD (3c4a856)
- add app loggers for client-api (9e4d631)
- add mapping (4b85cb8)
- add specific permissions for serverless runs (fdf9c7b)
- added delete functionality (5cd1a66)
- adjust python's lib path ref #104 (d54ae9d)
- adjust wrong import (7477adc)
- admin-ui: add openid connect clients count to the dashbaord #43 (18fa51e)
- admin-ui: added country name to view (f5f2c69)
- admin-ui: added description (255b360)
- admin-ui: added parameters (1297cca)
- admin-ui: audit log implement on crud operation (6411b4c)
- admin-ui: birthdate edit fix (b484db6)
- admin-ui: bug fix for loading (5f72957)
- admin-ui: change text of boolean tooltip (8213522)
- admin-ui: changed naming conventions (66fe216)
- admin-ui: client edit page fix (4194762)
- admin-ui: code with put request (1ad701b)
- admin-ui: edit field value delete (e709a51)
- admin-ui: edit scopes fix (1c20cb6)
- admin-ui: edit user fix (6bb1d59)
- admin-ui: fix actions as per standards (22b85f8)
- admin-ui: fix create user (42c8d85)
- admin-ui: fix identification for user fields (fbb0a39)
- admin-ui: fix loader on api key page (f03903e)
- admin-ui: fix pattern auto blank issue (19cdbcb)
- admin-ui: gentle push (1a1f2bf)
- admin-ui: given name text added (af17e1e)
- admin-ui: minor issues fixed (488a325)
- admin-ui: multi value attribute implement (d503cb8)
- admin-ui: payload in put request (109e580)
- admin-ui: pr comments resolve (c3b25c4)
- admin-ui: put check for values in users (893ad2a)
- admin-ui: put loader and make hooks component (fc837bb)
- admin-ui: remove claim from formic on cancel (580f145)
- admin-ui: remove commented code (3f84158)
- admin-ui: remove local claim list (2b8185f)
- admin-ui: remove unused react-big-calendar (35fc389)
- admin-ui: separate user menu (cfdfe9c)
- admin-ui: show buttons to edit user (c0bef04)
- admin-ui: show roles on form (e9917a2)
- admin-ui: tooltip and birthdate fix (14a90b2)
- ajust customObjectClass usage in non-ldap backends (88c9638)
- alb setup (e703c4b)
- all scopes fields should be saved on add/edit #144 (44a1d75)
- backup push (415b672)
- block user without proper roles #277 (9c23986)
- block user without proper roles #277 (98feedb)
- casa administrable lockfile (a422553)
- casa/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (04c56fc)
- casa/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (a37b1d7)
- casa/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (10350da)
- casa/pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities (ec305ca)
- change jans-config-api-swagger.yaml path in package.json #59 (0c39429)
- change text and put toggle button (121ac4a)
- claims dropdown is not populated in Add/Edit scopes page #140 (f42ab3b)
- code issue (39badec)
- commit message (aabe13a)
- compilation error (1e81db7)
- correct typo (18ab757)
- create oidc client not working #129 (b65076c)
- create oidc client not working #129 (75abeb4)
- default authentication method dropdown is not populating #159 (1cac02f)
- delete icon hanged with bordered icon (7b01899)
- details show for access role (b14d288)
- disallow override of resources if opendj is not installed (7f3ae75)
- docker-admin-ui/Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (#164) (fe01bcb)
- download plugins with dependencies (37d68d2)
- edit and list OCID client (07b9705)
- edit data issues fix (d5df5e3)
- edit fields issue fix (80708e6)
- edit params mapping correct (59fcf22)
- fields value not set to state (0b2df8e)
- fix api call (34695c3)
- fix edit and add multiple scopes (6138ee2)
- flex-linus-setup code smell (c10bdd3)
- flex-linux-setup able to use existing jans-setup to be used as standalone script (3ce3b58)
- flex-linux-setup able to use existing jans-setup to be used as standalone script (3ce3b58)
- flex-linux-setup able to use existing jans-setup to be used as standalone script (1d1e979)
- flex-linux-setup add admin-ui apache directive (ref: #281) (1306cb1)
- flex-linux-setup casa installation fixes (4c1fa73)
- flex-linux-setup casa jansPostLogoutRedirectURI (bdcfdb7)
- flex-linux-setup casa python lib dir (1e4752b)
- flex-linux-setup casa-client jansAccessTknAsJwt: false (7c88349)
- flex-linux-setup change admin-ui-plugin name (7fb45c5)
- flex-linux-setup code smell - remove unused var (a5856d1)
- flex-linux-setup code smells (4a97270)
- flex-linux-setup enable apache module mod_dir (ref: #291) (d92b21a)
- flex-linux-setup enable Casa Person Auth script (589f8a8)
- flex-linux-setup get py_lib_dir from Config (1f2015b)
- flex-linux-setup import package (d97258a)
- flex-linux-setup more verbosity (44abfb2)
- flex-linux-setup move version to version.py (61ecb19)
- flex-linux-setup parser (83d280e)
- flex-linux-setup pass -yes to install.py (116b791)
- flex-linux-setup readme file (41e7c9d)
- flex-linux-setup readme grammar (52671bd)
- flex-linux-setup restart jans-auth after casa (32b4f56)
- flex-linux-setup set jansTrustedClnt: true in casa client (78999c0)
- flex-linux-setup setup arg (c5db5ab)
- flex-linux-setup setup profile (727bbcd)
- flex-linux-setup start casa after install (d139354)
- flex-linux-setup update admin-ui plugin url (9c92b0a)
- flex-linux-setup update config-cli plugins (d2ec21f)
- flex-linux-setup url of casa extrnal files (285e3bd)
- flex-linux-setup var names (b2252c8)
- flex-linux-setup version 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT (0d1e9e7)
- gentle commit for backup (5da263e)
- gentle push (a4457e4)
- gentle push for backup (033ce45)
- image updater (92d5fb4)
- image: conform to nginx filesystem structure (c5cf5a9)
- image: update admin-ui image assets (b92bcc6)
- image: update admin-ui image assets (b92bcc6)
- image: update image manifests (7e48528)
- minor change (db13fd3)
- package: fix package settings (65453b1)
- permission on
folder (e2f2ca0) - permissions details not showing (85344bf)
- popup message textbox fix (7f4140a)
- put functionality for user management (827e7ed)
- recheck code (670984e)
- redefine dates logic (fc882ec)
- remove bar graph (7e5a729)
- remove casa env (bd65442)
- remove commented code (10e742d)
- remove commented code (6ea2e88)
- remove console logs (a983227)
- remove empty space created for response_type param in authz url created by admin ui #55 (85f2ca5)
- remove ldap multi cluster and update base images (982473c)
- remove unnecessary code and put loader (6d55d8a)
- scriptType dropdowns is not working perfectly in Script-List and Add Script page #155 (1b08d60)
- search pallets (d22b09a)
- show buttons (45bf399)
- start const fix (009aeb4)
- typo fix (3588b3f)
- typo fix (957bdbb)
- update gluu version (c928121)
- update plugin due to removal of associatedPerson in DB schema #17 (6e3e698)
- update rancher questions (35dd0ee)
- update readme (2c64ca4)
- update scope undefined value (f8ef4c2)
- upgrade axios from 0.24.0 to 0.27.2 (fd9078c)
- upgrade com.nimbusds:oauth2-oidc-sdk from 9.19 to 9.32 (a8c5c7a)
- upgrade com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp from 2.3.0 to 2.7.5 (d6310b2)
- upgrade com.unboundid:unboundid-ldapsdk from 6.0.4 to 6.0.5 (2a3c1e9)
- upgrade net.jodah:expiringmap from 0.5.8 to 0.5.10 (c3b6dfe)
- use authoriztion_url for authz request #47 (40b703c)
- use authoriztion_url for authz request #47 (92f9ade)
- use authoriztion_url for authz request #47 (8d794d5)
- we need to refresh the custom scripts list page to see the added/edited entries #137 (6ff9d2b)
- prepare release 1.0.0-0 (68c02f8)
- prepare release 5.0.0-0 (1318a2d)
- release 0.1.1 (fa0f8a3)
- release 1.0.0-1 (6463768)
- release 1.0.0-1 (172398e)
- release 5.0.0-0 (3d5cca6)
- release 5.0.0-1 (663971f)
- release 5.0.0-1 (abb0e52)
- release 5.0.0-1 (bb2aeec)
- add acrValues property in admin-ui configuration. #1016 (328c92e)
- add acrValues property in admin-ui configuration. #1016 (328c92e)
- add acrValues property in admin-ui configuration. #1016 (ac8b572)
- add applogers for the admin ui plugin (1185372)
- add applogers for the admin ui plugin (1185372)
- add applogers for the admin ui plugin (5208e19)
- add applogers for the admin ui plugin to values schema (873dc55)
- add casa and janssen integration (#25) (973beca)
- add main() function (01f118c)
- add message under the textinput field (c8937ec)
- add plugins to casa plugins folder (fd31ff3)
- adding .env.tmp (6dcf479)
- admin UI - Option to specify a python file containing a custom script #110 (f33fa7a)
- admin UI - Option to specify a python file containing a custom script #110 (53106c3)
- admin UI - Option to specify a python file containing a custom script #110 (2bd248f)
- admin-ui: create a shared redux that can use by all admin-ui plugins. #350 (02a6427)
- admin-ui: date range showing undefined and ? #359 (9dfda59)
- admin-ui: design the layout for api role management #327 (f848b42)
- admin-ui: design the layout for api role management #327 (ad7b72c)
- admin-ui: design the layout for api role management #327 (c8fcaf6)
- admin-ui: design the layout for api role management #327 (a3048ef)
- admin-ui: design the layout for api role management #327 (056524c)
- admin-ui: design the layout for api role management #327 (a421a70)
- admin-ui: design the layout for api role management #327 (1cc2789)
- admin-ui: design the layout for api role management #327 (9e7c947)
- admin-ui: design the layout for api role management #327 (d121479)
- admin-ui: design the layout for api role management #327 (2403ff0)
- admin-ui: design the layout for api role management #327 (44e5d1a)
- admin-ui: design the layout for api role management #327 (b5d7bf9)
- admin-ui: design the layout for api role management #327 (1951b9c)
- admin-ui: design the layout for api role management #327 (96482db)
- admin-ui: design the layout for api role management #327 (71de0da)
- admin-ui: design the layout for api role management #327 (aac6eca)
- admin-ui: design the layout for api role management #327 (7ed9533)
- admin-ui: design the layout for api role management #327 (5d17005)
- admin-ui: design the layout for api role management #327 (14da9b9)
- admin-ui: design the layout for api role management #327 (86ba279)
- admin-ui: design the layout for role-permission mapping #336 (3fe1760)
- admin-ui: design the layout for role-permission mapping #336 (b1d56f1)
- admin-ui: design the layout for role-permission mapping #336 (36c8bfc)
- admin-ui: design the layout for role-permission mapping #336 (207c282)
- admin-ui: design the layout for role-permission mapping #336 (9d81a7a)
- admin-ui: design the layout for role-permission mapping #336 (256a24d)
- admin-ui: design the layout for role-permission mapping #336 (f8ccaf5)
- admin-ui: design the layout for role-permission mapping #336 (392dbaa)
- admin-ui: design the layout for role-permission mapping #336 (4a28921)
- admin-ui: design the layout for role-permission mapping #336 (43173bf)
- admin-ui: fix bugs #363 #361 #362 (9bd5808)
- admin-ui: fix bugs #363 #361 #362 (aedc9ab)
- admin-ui: fix bugs #363 #361 #362 (fdc5d14)
- admin-ui: fix issues with material list #43 (0a98d9e)
- admin-ui: fix issues with material list #43 (87eb557)
- admin-ui: fix maximum actives users page #2 (ad157e3)
- admin-ui: fix the console errors that show up on list views #357 (139feee)
- admin-ui: fix the console errors that show up on list views #357 (183bdfd)
- admin-ui: fix the console errors that show up on list views #357 (9ad0431)
- admin-ui: provide roles and permissions management screens in Admin UI #339 (18e72e2)
- admin-ui: provide roles and permissions management screens in Admin UI #339 (f36d313)
- admin-ui: provide roles and permissions management screens in Admin UI #339 (98e6318)
- admin-ui: provide roles and permissions management screens in Admin UI #339 (957dc49)
- admin-ui: provide roles and permissions management screens in Admin UI #339 (24487d7)
- admin-ui: provide roles and permissions management screens in Admin UI #339 (726823b)
- admin-ui: provide roles and permissions management screens in Admin UI #339 (2d1fa30)
- admin-ui: provide roles and permissions management screens in Admin UI #339 (a6a4172)
- admin-ui: show active users page on dashboard #43 (8bffd11)
- admin-ui: show active users page on dashboard #43 (bfe2870)
- admin-ui: show active users page on dashboard #43 (003a2af)
- admin-ui: show active users page on dashboard #43 (ae8b1e1)
- admin-ui: unable to add description of an existing permission in config-api #66 (806f4fe)
- admin-ui: update packages with security fixes (f8e6dc5)
- admin-ui: update packages with security fixes (8d6b0db)
- bulk of removals #156 (73a09ad)
- centre aligned x (5299b5a)
- change collapse option location (62ab2fa)
- change in keys page #117 (4ae82f1)
- change in keys page #117 (6ef2460)
- create cli tool for adding/removing plugins #351 (218bf55)
- create cli tool for adding/removing plugins #351 (9c2e03f)
- create cli tool for adding/removing plugins #351 (23ebd1d)
- create cli tool for adding/removing plugins #351 (8e60c0e)
- create cli tool for adding/removing plugins #351 (6cd185b)
- edit role permission mapping (b905d11)
- finish OIDC flow with nimbus lib #156 (14fd5bf)
- flex linux setup casa fix (72903cd)
- flex linux setup casa fix (72903cd)
- flex-linux-setup (dac8b70)
- flex-linux-setup add casa install (0ff917f)
- flex-linux-setup argparse pkg issue (d235ef4)
- flex-linux-setup package (05d51ae)
- flex-linux-setup self installer (d05061f)
- flex-linux-setup typo (9523c8a)
- image: pull otp and super_gluu configuration from secrets (5192cbb)
- image: pull otp and super_gluu configuration from secrets (5192cbb)
- image: pull otp and super_gluu configuration from secrets (2242843)
- implement deletable option (4b5b3ab)
- move health menu under Home menu #116 (b5c86bf)
- move health menu under Home menu #116 (76a19d2)
- move health menu under Home menu #116 (75d0138)
- move health menu under Home menu #116 (94ea401)
- move health menu under Home menu #116 (ae455c5)
- populate the heath status from Config-api #287 (c4867c3)
- populate the heath status from Config-api #287 (58d180a)
- protecting Admin-UI Plugin Apis #346 (6e25fa5)
- protecting Admin-UI Plugin Apis #346 (ee4543f)
- protecting Admin-UI Plugin Apis #346 (ab4563b)
- put MAU under admin (bed0fa5)
- relocating burger menu button (9f8008b)
- rewrite OIDC flow using nimbus lib #156 (b8ae92e)
- sql- add/edit/delete of sql configuration not working #283 (069fdb8)
- sql- add/edit/delete of sql configuration not working #283 (15da0a6)
- upgrade i18next from 19.9.2 to 21.6.10 (f077d69)
- upgrade react-toastify from 5.5.0 to 8.1.0 (cf0d35f)
- write test for all pages under admin plugin #302 (a69f4a4)
- write test for the pages under admin plugin #302 (37275a9)
- #45 val of localPrimaryKey on Gluu is mapped with the primary key attr of the backend AD (3c4a856)
- add mapping (4b85cb8)
- add missing lib #162 (4ec0da8)
- add specific permissions for serverless runs (fdf9c7b)
- added delete functionality (5cd1a66)
- adjust attribute names consent plugin #159 (773f14c)
- adjust gluu coordinates #162 (57aedf1)
- adjust location of webauthn js files #171 (03bd1d3)
- adjust python's lib path ref #104 (d54ae9d)
- adjust wrong import (7477adc)
- admin-ui: add openid connect clients count to the dashbaord #43 (18fa51e)
- admin-ui: resolve all bugs displayed for admin-ui #308 (afdf03b)
- admin-ui: resolve all bugs displayed for admin-ui #308 (5ff03e6)
- admin-ui: resolve all bugs displayed for admin-ui #308 (57708d1)
- admin-ui: resolve all bugs displayed for admin-ui #308 (100a706)
- admin-ui: resolve all bugs displayed for admin-ui #308 (18ac6f8)
- admin-ui: resolve all bugs displayed for admin-ui #308 (fa7b08d)
- admin-ui: resolve all bugs displayed for admin-ui #308 (b35a6e1)
- admin-ui: resolve all bugs displayed for admin-ui #308 (e7bc830)
- admin-ui: resolve all bugs displayed for admin-ui #308 (d400154)
- admin-ui: resolve all bugs displayed for admin-ui #308 (d4643c0)
- admin-ui: resolve all bugs displayed for admin-ui #308 (510f19e)
- admin-ui: resolve all bugs displayed for admin-ui bug #308 (ec60500)
- admin-ui: resolve all bugs displayed for admin-ui bug #308 (b4d6521)
- admin-ui: resolve all bugs displayed for admin-ui bug #308 (0e2a476)
- admin-ui: resolve all bugs displayed for admin-ui bug #308 (b7c9665)
- admin-ui: resolve all bugs displayed for admin-ui bug #308 (194e158)
- admin-ui: resolve all bugs displayed for admin-ui bug #308 (45e4186)
- admin-ui: resolve all bugs displayed for admin-ui bug #308 (3241bc9)
- admin-ui: resolve all bugs displayed for admin-ui bug #308 (224da64)
- admin-ui: resolve all bugs displayed for admin-ui bug #308 (2a3394a)
- admin-ui: sample testing (53d441b)
- admin-ui: Setup sample jest test for base component (10fe50a)
- admin-ui: write test for all Gluu custom base UI components #290 (b008af6)
- admin-ui: write test for all Gluu custom base UI components #290 (a100a9a)
- admin-ui: write test for all Gluu custom base UI components #290 (144dabf)
- admin-ui: write test for all Gluu custom base UI components #290 (d0f1cc2)
- admin-ui: write test for all Gluu custom base UI components #290 (6878eed)
- admin-ui: write test for all Gluu custom base UI components #290 (72a59af)
- admin-ui: write test for all Gluu custom base UI components #290 (9c18d31)
- admin-ui: write test for all Gluu custom base UI components #290 (06e7bd2)
- admin-ui: write test for all Gluu custom base UI components #290 (df9c3e1)
- admin-ui: write test for all Gluu custom base UI components #290 (5dcd4b6)
- admin-ui: write test for all Gluu custom base UI components #290 (e6c76c0)
- admin-ui: write test for all Gluu custom base UI components #290 (98d75df)
- admin-ui: write test for all pages under auth-server plugin #301 (2c1cb78)
- admin-ui: write test for all pages under auth-server plugin #301 (ea4d016)
- admin-ui: write test for all pages under auth-server plugin #301 (7d31e72)
- admin-ui: write test for all pages under auth-server plugin #301 (e2a1ff8)
- admin-ui: write test for all pages under auth-server plugin #301 (a9cbcf0)
- admin-ui: write test for all pages under auth-server plugin #301 (bd2a35b)
- admin-ui: write test for all pages under auth-server plugin #301 (3cefa36)
- admin-ui: write test for Openid connect client pages #295 (82e3b8f)
- admin-ui: write test for Openid connect client pages #295 (4f3538d)
- admin-ui: write test for Openid connect client pages #295 (237a3a5)
- admin-ui: write test for scopes management #300 (14f4c32)
- admin-ui: write test for scopes management #300 (fde30a9)
- ajust customObjectClass usage in non-ldap backends (88c9638)
- alb setup (e703c4b)
- avoid crash at startup #162 (57e106f)
- change jans-config-api-swagger.yaml path in package.json #59 (0c39429)
- chart: fix probes for admin-ui (a110323)
- chart: fix typo (9079bb5)
- claims dropdown is not populated in Add/Edit scopes page #140 (f42ab3b)
- code issue (39badec)
- code smells (c1ec8bf)
- create oidc client not working #129 (b65076c)
- create oidc client not working #129 (75abeb4)
- create script based on Gluu one #160 (c3fe27e)
- delete icon hanged with bordered icon (7b01899)
- details show for access role (b14d288)
- download plugins with dependencies (37d68d2)
- fix malformed markup #171 (78d7ca6)
- fix plugins resolver (ec76f9f)
- flex-linux-setup able to use existing jans-setup to be used as standalone script (3ce3b58)
- flex-linux-setup able to use existing jans-setup to be used as standalone script (3ce3b58)
- flex-linux-setup able to use existing jans-setup to be used as standalone script (1d1e979)
- flex-linux-setup auiConfiguration.properties link (dc2418e)
- flex-linux-setup casa installation fixes (4c1fa73)
- flex-linux-setup casa jansPostLogoutRedirectURI (bdcfdb7)
- flex-linux-setup casa python lib dir (1e4752b)
- flex-linux-setup change admin-ui-plugin name (7fb45c5)
- flex-linux-setup download links (22cf221)
- flex-linux-setup enable Casa Person Auth script (589f8a8)
- flex-linux-setup get py_lib_dir from Config (1f2015b)
- flex-linux-setup import package (d97258a)
- flex-linux-setup more verbosity (44abfb2)
- flex-linux-setup move version to version.py (61ecb19)
- flex-linux-setup parser (83d280e)
- flex-linux-setup pass -yes to install.py (116b791)
- flex-linux-setup restart jans-auth after casa (32b4f56)
- flex-linux-setup set jansTrustedClnt: true in casa client (78999c0)
- flex-linux-setup start casa after install (d139354)
- flex-linux-setup update admin-ui plugin url (9c92b0a)
- flex-linux-setup update config-cli plugins (d2ec21f)
- image updater (92d5fb4)
- image: conform to nginx filesystem structure (c5cf5a9)
- image: update admin-ui image assets (b92bcc6)
- image: update admin-ui image assets (b92bcc6)
- image: update image manifests (7e48528)
- make bean named to prevent NPE at logout #156 (657288b)
- mau reporting page i18n and refactoring (3ee22a8)
- minor change (db13fd3)
- package: fix package settings (65453b1)
- permissions details not showing (85344bf)
- populate the heath status from Config-api #287 (80d15c6)
- prep for automatic chart generation (a24cec3)
- prep for automatic chart generation (a24cec3)
- prep for automatic chart generation (b6e8cc7)
- recheck code (670984e)
- redefine dates logic (fc882ec)
- reference jans jars for truezip #162 (7677026)
- remove bar graph (7e5a729)
- remove conflicting lib #162 (d6a2c41)
- remove console logs (a983227)
- remove empty space created for response_type param in authz url created by admin ui #55 (85f2ca5)
- removing querystring from polyfill (dca182d)
- replace ox attributes with jans #160 (5f3c03c)
- search pallets (d22b09a)
- show buttons (45bf399)
- some icons are not visible on admin-ui #32 (93c5d12)
- start const fix (009aeb4)
- typo fix (957bdbb)
- update imports OTP #160 (75af40d)
- update readme (2c64ca4)
- upgrade com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp from 2.3.0 to 2.7.5 (d6310b2)
- upgrade net.jodah:expiringmap from 0.5.8 to 0.5.10 (c3b6dfe)
- use authoriztion_url for authz request #47 (40b703c)
- use authoriztion_url for authz request #47 (92f9ade)
- use authoriztion_url for authz request #47 (8d794d5)
- we need to refresh the custom scripts list page to see the added/edited entries #137 (6ff9d2b)