G-GiveCar is a script for FiveM QBCore providing a command to give a new car to an online citizen by putting it in their garage.
- Drop the g-givecar folder into your [standalone] folder (or whichever other ensured folder you want to use)
- Execute the query from g-givecar.sql in your server's database
- Use "add_ace" in your server.cfg to give desired access to the command
- Ex: add_ace group.admin "can.givecar" allow
- Ex. add_ace identifier.steam:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "can.givecar" allow
- For more info: https://forum.cfx.re/t/basic-aces-principals-overview-guide/90917
- /admingivecar [id] [carname] used to give player (by server ID) specified car
- Ex. /admingivecar 1 adder
- Know which admin gave a car away via the "giver_admin" field in the player_vehicles table
- Configure which garage the car goes to
- Configure notifications on car send & receipt via text messages or pop-up notifications
The code for generating a new license plate is from qb-vehicleshop.