Genocs.WebApiTemplate is part of the Genocs.Library project.
To get all the information you need to use it: please check Genocs Library documentation
This is an WebApi Template that help you create LOB applications. It follows the Microservice Architecture and built on Domain-Driven-Design. This is a useful tool to increase productivity on developing your next microservices solution.
Create, build, test and run:
dotnet new install Genocs.WebApiTemplate::{{semver}}
dotnet new gnx-webapi -n {{CompanyName.ProjectName.ServiceName}}
cd {{CompanyName.ProjectName.ServiceName}}
dotnet build src/{{CompanyName.ProjectName.ServiceName}}.WebApi
dotnet test
cd src/{{CompanyName.ProjectName.ServiceName}}.WebApi
dotnet run src/{{CompanyName.ProjectName.ServiceName}}.WebApi
To build the package run the following commands:
cd .\src
.\nuget.exe pack -OutputDirectory nupkgs -NoDefaultExcludes -Version {{semver}}
dotnet new install .\nupkgs\Genocs.WebApiTemplate.{{semver}}.nupkg
dotnet new gnx-webapi --help
dotnet new gnx-webapi --name {{CompanyName.ProjectName.ServiceName}}
# To get a list of the installed templetes
dotnet new list
# To get a list of templates that can be removed
dotnet new -u
# To uninstall the template
dotnet new uninstall Genocs.WebApiTemplate
Run dotnet new install Genocs.WebApiTemplate
then try the following commands.
dotnet new gnx-webapi
How to get the list of installed templates
dotnet new -u
dotnet --list