Citation Manager for OJS
- Handle
- Arxiv
- given_name
- family_name
- Batch process can be executed from Website > Plugins > Settings.
- Batch process is automatically triggered by the Task Scheduler.
- All publications which are not declined are processed.
- Batch deposit can be executed from Website > Plugins > Settings.
- Batch deposit is automatically triggered by the Task Scheduler.
- All publications which are published are deposited.
name | description | example |
id | doi, issn, isbn, url, wikidata, wikipedia | doi:3233/ds-170012 |
title | the title of the document | |
author | name of author(s), orcid if available | Yücel, Gazi [orcid:0000-0002-2013-6920] |
pub_date | the date of publication of the document | 2021-02-28 |
venue | the venue of the document | Journal of Public Knowledge [issn:0378-5955] |
volume | the volume if document in journal | |
issue | the issue if document in journal | |
page | the page range of document (first-last page) | 59-81 |
type | type of document | journal article |
publisher | the publisher of the document | |
editor | name of the editor(s) | Yücel, Gazi [orcid:0000-0002-2013-6920] |
Citing and cited relation
name | description | example |
citing_id | identifier of the citing document | doi:3233/ds-170012 |
citing_publication_date | publication date of the citing document | 2021-02-28 |
cited_id | identifier of the cited document | doi:3233/ds-170012 |
cited_publication_date | publication date of the cited document | 2022-02-28 |
Please see for more information.
Only items which have unique identifiers will be deposited to Wikidata.
- author
- journal
- cited article (scholarly article)
- main article (scholarly article)
- PHP 8.0+
Get the correct version for your OJS version:
- branch stable-3_3_0: use this version for OJS version 3.3.0.x
git clone -b stable-3_3_0
- branch stable-3_4_0: use this version for OJS version 3.4.0.x
git clone -b stable-3_4_0
- Download release for your OJS version from here. Note the correct version for you OJS version.
- Alternatively, download the code with the option 'Download ZIP'. Note the correct branch for your OJS version.
- Extract the downloaded file to
- Login in your OJS instance as an Administrator or Manager
- Navigate to Website > Plugins > Installed Plugins > Generic Plugins > Citation Manager Plugin
- Activate the plugin by clicking the checkbox
- Click on the arrow at the left and click "Settings"
- Fill in your authentication info as described in the sections OpenCitations and Wikidata
- Click Save
Depositing at OpenCitations will be done through GitHub issues of OpenCitations/crowdsourcing.
For this you need a GitHub account, if you have none please register one through
- Login at and navigate to
- Click "Generate new token" button at the right top
- At the input field "Note" typ in "OpenCitations Crowdsourcing"
- Select "No expiration" at Expiration
- Check the checkbox "public_repo"; leave all other checkboxes unchecked
- Click on the button "Generate token"
- You will be provided the token; save this token, as you will not be shown this again
- Login to your OJS with an administrator account
- Navigate to Settings > Website > Plugins and find "Citation Manager Plugin" on the page
- Click on the arrow at the left and click "Settings"
- At Owner field, fill in "OpenCitations"
- At Repository field, fill in "crowdsourcing"
- Fill in your token, which you generated above
- Click Save
Depositing at will be done through the wikidata API. For this you need an account on If you have none please register one through
- Login at and navigate to
- Type a name (e.g. OJSCitationManager) at "Bot name" in the section "Create a new bot password"
- Check the following permissions: "High-volume editing", "Edit existing pages", Edit protected pages, "Create, edit, and move pages"
- Optionally, add your server IP address(es) into the field "Allowed IP ranges"
- Click on the button "Create"
- After creation, you will be redirected to a page where your credentials are shown
- Save these data somewhere safe
- Login to your OJS with an administrator account
- Navigate to Settings > Website > Plugins and find "Citation Manager Plugin" on the page
- Click on the arrow at the left and click "Settings"
- At "Wikidata bot username" field, fill in the username which you saved previously (e.g. Username@OJSCitationManager)
- At "Wikidata bot password", fill in the password which you have saved previously
- Click Save
- Fork the repository
- Make your changes
- Open a PR with your changes
├─ assets # Styles, images, javascript files
├─ classes # Main folder with models / logic
│ ├─ DataModels # Data models used in this plugin
│ │ ├─ Citation # Data models for citations, authors in citations
│ │ └─ Metadata # Metadata for OJS authors, journals and publications
│ └─ Db # Database related classes
│ │ ├─ PluginDAO.php # Retrieve / save data to / from database
│ │ └─ PluginSchema.php # Schema extestions for data models
│ ├─ External # Classes for external services
│ | ├─ Wikidata # Classes for
| | | ├─ DataModels # Data models for this service, e.g. mappings
│ | | ├─ Api.php # Methods for connecting to their API
│ | | ├─ Inbound.php # Methods for retrieving data
│ | | └─ Outbound.php # Methods for depositing data
| | ├─ ... Other services # Other services follow the same structure
| | ├─ ApiAbstract.php # This class is used by service Api class
| | ├─ InboundAbstract.php # This class is used by service Inbound class
| | └─ OutboundAbstract.php # This class is used by service Outbound class
│ ├─ FrontEnd # Classes for the front end, e.g. ArticleView
│ ├─ Handlers # Handlers, e.g. Outbound, Inbound, API
│ ├─ Helpers # Helper classes
│ ├─ PID # PID classes
│ ├─ ScheduledTasks # Classes for the scheduler
│ ├─ Settings # Settings classes
│ └─ Workflow # Classes or the workflow and submission wizard
├─ docs # Documentation, examples
├─ locale # Language files
├─ templates # Templates folder
├─ tests # Tests folder
│ ├─ classes # Classes for tests
│ ├─ composer.json # Composer configuration file for tests
│ └─ vendor # Composer autoload and dependencies
├─ vendor # Composer autoload and dependencies
├─ .gitignore # Git ignore file
├─ CitationManagerPlugin.php # Main class of plugin
├─ composer.json # Composer configuration file
├─ # Code of conduct
├─ index.php # Entry point plugin (ojs version 3.3.0)
├─ LICENSE # License file
├─ # This file
├─ scheduledTasks.xml # Scheduler configuration file
└─ version.xml # Version information of the plugin
- Autoload of the classes in the folder
is done with composer according to the PSR-4 specification. - All classes have namespaces and are structured according to PSR-4 standard.
- If you add or remove classes in the
folder, run the following command to update autoload files:composer dump-autoload -o --no-dev
. - Running
composer install -o --no-dev
orcomposer update -o --no-dev
will also generate the autoload files. - The
option generates the optimised files ready for production.
There is a debug mode possibility in this plugin. This constant puts the plugin in debugging mode.
Extra debug information will be written to the log file (see LogHelper class)
such as API calls.
Debug information is written to the log file in the files_dir
directory of your OJS instance.
You can find the files_dir
constant in your file.
Please put the following in the file to enable this:
Careful with sensitive information, (passwords, tokens) will be written in plain text.
Test classes
If you are developing, you might use the classes in tests/classes/
The classes in this folder have the same folder and namespace structure as in classes
The purpose of these classes is to override the main classes.
You can accomplish this by running the composer command composer dump-autoload -o --dev -d tests
If this is done, then test or sandbox versions of API's will be used.
For example instead of
Autoload of the classes is done with composer classmap.
First the classes in tests/classes/
are loaded, after which the classes in classes/
are loaded.
By doing this in this order, all classes present in tests/classes/
will override the classes in classes/
Please put the following in the file to enable this:
Headless tests
npm install
# start containers
npm run-script test_compose
# run tests with UI
npm run-script test_open
name | description |
doi | The DOI for the work |
title | The title of this work |
publication_year | The year this work was published |
publication_date | The publication date, formatted as an ISO 8601 date eg 2018-02-13 |
type | The type or genre of the work, eg journal-article |
volume | The volume of the issue of the journal, eg 495 |
issue | The issue of the journal, eg 7442 |
pages | The number of pages of the work/article, eg 4 |
first_page | The first page of the work/article, eg 49 |
last_page | The last page of the work/article, eg 59 |
abstract | The abstract of this work |
authors | List of AuthorModel objects |
journal_name | Name of the journal |
journal_issn_l | Issn_l of the journal |
journal_publisher | Publisher name of the journal |
url | URL for the work |
urn | URN for the work |
arxiv_id | The arxiv id of the work |
handle_id | The handle id of the work |
openalex_id | The OpenAlex ID of the work |
wikidata_id | The Wikidata QID of the work |
opencitations_id | Open Citations ID |
github_issue_id | GitHub Issue ID used by Open Citations |
raw | The unchanged raw citation |
isProcessed | Is processed / structured |
name | description |
orcid_id | The ORCID ID for this author |
display_name | The name of the author as a single string |
given_name | The given name of the author as a single string |
family_name | The family name of the author as a single string |
wikidata_id | The Wikidata QID |
openalex_id | The OpenAlex ID |
name | description |
openalex_id | The OpenAlex ID of the work |
wikidata_id | The Wikidata QID of the work |
name | description |
openalex_id | The OpenAlex ID of the work |
wikidata_id | The Wikidata QID of the work |
name | description |
openalex_id | The OpenAlex ID of the work |
wikidata_id | The Wikidata QID of the work |
opencitations_id | Open Citations ID |
github_issue_id | GitHub Issue ID used by Open Citations |
All help is welcome: asking questions, providing documentation, testing, or even development.
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
This project is published under GNU General Public License, Version 3.