SmartTextify applies msart edits to your textx by using the OpenAI ChatGPT chat completion API. It provides a set of convenience moethds to eaisly shorten, expand, etc your text.
SmartTextify offers these methods to edit your text
- shorten: shortens your text to 50%
- expand: expands your text by 50%
- formallize: use a more formal lnaguage
- casualize: use a more casual language
- keywords: extraxt a list of x keywords
- summarize: creates a summary
- translate: translates into another language
- glossary: extracts a list of all abbreviations together with their ong version
Install SmartTextify with composer:
composer require galloverdedev/smart-textify
You need to provide your OpenAI Access Key in your .env file like
To you get hold of SmartTextifys config file you need to run this command:
php artisan smarttextify:install
This will put a smarttextify.php configuration file in your config folder.
Here's what you may adjust:
return [
// Your OpenAI API key
'api_key' => env('ST_OPENAI_API_KEY'),
// The chat model to be used
'chat_model' => 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613',
// Sample temperatire (between 0=strict and 2=innovative)
'sample_temperature' => 0.5,
// The maximum number of input and output tokens per request
'max_tokens' => 2048,
Run tests via composer
composer test
Using the Facade
use GalloVerdeDev\SmartTextify\Facades\SmartTextEditor;
$textsample = 'Excepteur fugiat tempor nisi esse tempor proident excepteur ea enim esse aliqua. Minim dolore adipisicing culpa enim nulla aliquip deserunt enim sint. Aute cillum incididunt eu dolor sint qui ut elit ea qui qui aliqua in consectetur.';
$shortText = SmartTextEditor::shorten($textsample);
$expandedText = SmartTextEditor::expand($textsample);
$summary = SmartTextEditor::summarize($textsample);
$formalText = SmartTextEditor::formalize($textsample);
$casualText = SmartTextEditor::casualize($textsample);
$keywordlist = SmartTextEditor::keywords($textsample, 3);
$translatedText = SmartTextEditor::translate($textsample, 'latin', 'german');
$glossary = SmartTextEditor::glossary($textsample);