cd rich-content
npm i
- installs all dependencies and links any cross-dependencies.- Build the modules by running one of the following:
npm run build:dev
- build oncenpm run watch
- rebuild on changes
- Choose an example from the and run
npm start
wix-rich-content-editor is the rich content editor React Component.
wix-rich-content-common is a shared library utilized by the rest of the modules.
config build config for rich-content-common and all plugins.
wix-rich-content-plugin-link convert plain text URLs into <a>
wix-rich-content-plugin-hashtag convert plain text #hastags into dynamic elements.
wix-rich-content-plugin-emoji add emojis to your content.
wix-rich-content-plugin-image add images to your content.
wix-rich-content-plugin-video add videos to your content.
wix-rich-content-plugin-gallery add pro galleries to your content!!!
wix-rich-content-plugin-html embed html code or sites in your content.
wix-rich-content-plugin-divider add dividers to your content.
rich-content-editor-example to see how to consume the Component as an editor.
rich-content-viewer-example to see how to consume the Component as a viewer.
rich-content-editor-tpa to see how to consume the Component as an editor within a Wix Third Party Application.