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Catalog Service

As described in the conceptual description, the CatalogService provides APIs that the UI, and all other users of the service, interact with.


The CatalogService application is packaged and deployed as a Helm chart. The chart is stored in the src/app/charts directory. It offers a set of parameters that can be used to customize the deployment (see values.yaml for all).

Parameter Description
scale.minReplicas Minimum number of replicas to deploy
scale.maxReplicas Maximum number of replicas to deploy
networkPolicy.enabled Whether to enable network policies
networkPolicy.egressRange Allowed egress range - defaults to

Networking and Security

When CatalogService is deployed with .Values.networkPolicy.enabled set to true (default), it uses a custom network policy that allows ingress traffic (which is needed to expose the workload via the Ingress controller) and egress traffic. The egress traffic can be limited via .Values.networkPolicy.egressRange to for example the IP address range that contains the per-stamp Private Endpoints. It also enables ingress traffic for cert-manager (which is needed to provision certificates) and denies everything else (default deny).

NOTE: The CatalogService contains a default-deny policy. When disabling NetworkPolicy per-helm chart, you've to disabled it for all charts deployed to a specific namespace.

The CatalogService container is running its workload with the non-privileged user workload, created as part of the image build process (see its Dockerfile for more). It is also configured with readOnlyFilesystem set to true to set its root filesystem / to read-only. This is a recommended practice for containers running workloads that are not expected to modify the filesystem. Directories requiring read-write access like /tmp and /var/log are mounted as volumes.


Configuration settings are maintained in the AlwaysOn.Shared/SysConfig.cs file and either defined with default values there or loaded through the .NET IConfiguration provider. When running inside AKS, settings get injected via environment variables as well as through key-value files (by the CSI secret driver for Key Vault. While ENV variables are loaded automatically, to read settings from the files, we need to add this line in the CreateHostBuilder() method:

config.AddKeyPerFile(directoryPath: "/mnt/secrets-store/", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true);

Apart from the configuration settings which are common between components, such as Cosmos DB connection settings, the following settings are used exclusively by the CatalogService:

  • FrontendSenderEventHubConnectionString: Connection string with Send permissions to the Event Hub.


The CatalogService application is based on the .NET Core Web API template, using Controllers to implement the APIs.

Currently there are three API Controllers:

  • CatalogItemController: This implements all the APIs to perform CRUD operations on the catalog item business objects.
  • CommentsController: Provides APIs to create and fetch comments for individual catalog items.
  • RatingsController: Provides APIs to create and fetch ratings for individual catalog items.

When running in development mode (set ENV ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development), the CatalogService exposes a Swagger interface at /swagger to retrieve the API definitions and execute operations for debugging.

In addition to the controllers, an ASP.NET Core HealthCheck is listening at health/liveness API which is only used by Kubernetes to probe the pod. It does not do any further checking than responding with a 200 result code.

Dependency Injection

Wherever possible, we use Dependency Injection with interfaces for common services (for example for the message and database service). All implementations are placed in the AlwaysOn.Shared class library, so no package references for the actual underlying services such as Cosmos DB are required in the CatalogService.

Logging and tracing

We use the Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore NuGet package to get out-of-the-box instrumentation from the Web API. Also, Serilog is used for all logging inside the application with Azure Application Insights configured as a sink (in addition to the Console sink). Only when needed to track additional metrics, we use the TelemetryClient for ApplicationInsights directly.


To demonstrate the update process, CatalogService implements simple API versioning on the action-level using a standard ASP.NET Core library (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning).


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // ...
    services.AddApiVersioning(o => {
        o.ReportApiVersions = true; // return header with list of supported versions
        o.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true; // support legacy clients
        o.DefaultApiVersion = new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApiVersion(1, 0); // default to "1.0"
    // ...


[ApiVersion("1.0")] // controller supports version 1.0
[ApiVersion("2.0")] // controller supports also version 2.0
[Route("{version:apiVersion}/[controller]")] // route for updated clients with version: /1.0/catalogitem/

We are using attributes to declare that this controller supports two versions: 1.0 and 2.0. All action methods will default to 1.0 unless specified otherwise. This is how versioning would be implemented on action methods:

[HttpGet("{itemId:guid}", Name = nameof(GetCatalogItemByIdAsync))]
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(CatalogItem), (int)HttpStatusCode.OK)]
public async Task<ActionResult<CatalogItem>> GetCatalogItemByIdAsync(Guid itemId)
    _logger.LogDebug("Received request to get item {itemId}", itemId);
    HttpContext.Response.Headers.Add("X-Used-Api-Version", "1.0");

    return await GetCatalogItemByIdAsync(itemId);

[HttpGet("{itemId:guid}", Name = nameof(GetCatalogItemByIdAsync))]
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(CatalogItem), (int)HttpStatusCode.OK)]
public async Task<ActionResult<CatalogItem>> GetCatalogItemByIdAsyncV2(Guid itemId)
    _logger.LogDebug("Received v2 request to get get item {itemId}", itemId);
     HttpContext.Response.Headers.Add("X-Used-Api-Version", "2.0");

    return await GetCatalogItemByIdAsync(itemId);
  • Providing version string in the URL is mandatory (e.g. https://localhost:5000/1.0/catalogitem/ or
  • If version is 1.0, the first implementation will get called (GetCatalogItemByIdAsync).
  • If version is 2.0, the second implementation will get called (GetCatalogItemByIdAsyncV2).
  • If version 3.0 is specified on the controller, but no actions map to it, first implementation will be called.

Container Image

The container image for CatalogService is built using a Dockerfile in /src/app/AlwaysOn.CatalogService. It's using a multi-stage process to build a lightweight container image without the overhead needed for the dotnet build process.

# Create build environment
FROM AS build-env

# Create application container

# Copy build artifacts from previous stage build-env
COPY --from=build-env /app/AlwaysOn.CatalogService/out .

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