April 18, 2016
- New: Support for elevation information in bike related profiles.
- New: The service provides traffic information.
- New: Avoid Tunnels for Car and HGV.
- New: Consider avoid ferries in wheelchair profile #172.
- Improved: Recommended weighting method for heavy vehicles. Now it returns more realistic routes.
- Improved: Logic in considering destination tag in heavy vehicle profile.
- Improved: Consider speed reduction on roundabouts #218.
- Improved: Add avoid paved roads for bike profiles #222.
- Fixed: Geocoder is unable to resolve an address which contains a hyphen in zip code (e.g. D-69120). #219
- Fixed: Footway along a railway is inaccessible #225.
- Fixed: MaxSpeed option does not work in HeavyTruck profile #229.
- Fixed: A bunch of minor bugs.
- New: Extend route summary by providing number of traffic warnings #[239] (GIScience/openrouteservice#239) .
- New: Traffic Information #227.
- New: Leaflet Port with new Styles #154.
- New: Avoid Tunnels for Car and HGV #223.
- New: Avoid Paved Roads for Bike Profiles #222.
- New: Feedback Button for Users #179.
- New: Support for Height Profiles for Bike #107.
- Improved: Leaflet Restrictions Overpass for HGV #207.
- Fixed: Leaflet Mouse coordinates #171.
- Fixed: Incorrect Time in Stopover Summary #224.
- Fixed: Restrictions Layer removed when HGV deactivated #216.
- Fixed: Feedback messaging does not support Unicode #214.
- Fixed: Route results check user interaction bteween map and ui route list #97.
- Fixed: Avoid Steps Feature missing for Pedestrian Profile #221.
- Fixed: Graph update information is presented in two different date formats #220.
- Fixed: Dynamic layer names for each language package #[237] (GIScience/openrouteservice#237) .