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layout: post title: "GDG Zhengzhou 开发技术周刊 Issue#0" date: 2018-04-011 22:44:42 +0800 comments: true categories: DevWeekly

GDG Zhengzhou 开发技术周刊 Issue#0


  1. TensorFlow中文社区论坛 (测试版) 上线

  2. Google即将推出重新设计的网页版Gmail

  3. 谷歌手机应用可直接过滤语音垃圾邮件

  4. 谷歌母公司继续投资清洁能源领域:或押注于电池

  5. 传谷歌洽谈收购诺基亚机载WiFi技术 加强娱乐业务

  6. Google为开发者推出改进后的语音转文本服务

  7. 谷歌2018博士生奖研金出炉 八位入选华人学生均毕业于国内高校

  8. 谷歌开源 iOS 自动测试框架 GTXiLib,主打无障碍使用

  9. 谷歌Fuchsia用户界面演示:虽未完善但已展现独特魅力


  1. Slick

    A Reactive Android MVP Framework which is Slick to use

  2. YoutubeUX

    With MVVM Architecture pattern using Android Architecture Components This is a sample app demonstrating Youtube player animation using constraint layout

  3. Convalida

    a simple, lightweight and powerful field validation library for Android

  4. BleGattCoroutines

    This library allows easy and safer usage of BluetoothGatt in Android

  5. konform

    Portable validations for Kotlin

  6. FlutterWebRTCDataChannel

    A Flutter plugin allowing apps to use WebRTC DataChannel to establish P2P connection and exchange text messages

  7. Paris

    Define and apply styles to Android views programmatically

  8. react-native-bluetooth-manager


  1. 有道云笔记是如何使用TensorFlow Lite的?

  2. 使用深度学习推动科学图像分析

  3. 使用可进化的AutoML发现神经网络架构

  4. Deep-Learning-21-Examples



  1. Rough.js

    一个可以创建手绘风格图案的 JS 库

  2. Day.js

    Fast 2KB date library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API

  3. Mustard UI

    a starter CSS framework that actually looks good

  4. pico.js

    a face-detection library in 200 lines of JavaScript

  5. VuePress

    Minimalistic docs generator with Vue component based layout system

  6. Tabler

    Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap 4

  7. JavaScript in 14 minutes

  8. Web Design in 4 minutes


  1. OrbitDB

    Peer-to-Peer Database for the Decentralized Web

  2. 后端架构师技术图谱

  3. swapy

    Easy and modular web development

  4. muffet

    Fast website link checker in Go

  5. XXL-SSO

    分布式单点登录框架,拥有"轻量级、分布式、跨域、Cookie+Token 均支持、Web+APP 均支持"等特性

  6. prototool

    Your Swiss Army Knife for Protocol Buffers


  1. 20 of the most popular courses on GitHub

    很多开放课程的仓库放在 GitHub 上面,GItHub 官方列出了最受欢迎的20个仓库

  2. 谷创字幕组 | Google 开发者周刊 106 期

  3. Interview-Notebook



  1. Mark Text

    Next generation markdown editor, running on platforms of MacOS Windows and Linux.


  1. 30岁以上的程序员该何去何从?