Udacity Project for Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree.
To use this application just open index.html with any modern browser.
Internet connection required.
This app uses Google Maps and Foursquare APIs to provide a map with markers
to coffeeshop locations in Dallas, TX. Photo's provided by Foursquare appear
in an info window when selected. The list of locations can be filtered using
a text box above the list. Map markers use custom icons and animations.
Selecting a location via the list highlights the corresponding location on the
map and opens it's info window. Selecting a location via it's map marker
highlights its corresponding title in the list. Clicking the map deselects
everything. The list can be toggled closed or open. The design is responsive
and mobile first.
I used knockoutJS Model View ViewModel to separate concerns. JQuery and
standard javascript were also used along with html and css. JSON data was
fetched asynchronously from Foursquare API and Google Maps API.
MIT Licesne.