A python-based ball-shooting game of fluid-rigid simulation and autonomous control via Deep Reinforcement Learning.
- MLS-MPM method for fluid simulation
- Newton-Eulerian system for rigid body movement
- Lagrangian sampling for fluid-rigid coupling
- Robustness and Vram optimization for GPU parallelization
- Soft Actor-Critic deep reinforcement learning framework for tube control
- Meta Learning for problem generalization
- CNN Autoencoder pretraining for correlated field properties
python 3.10
jittor 1.3.6
taichi 1.4
gym 0.26.2
pytorch 2.1.0
Good Nvidia GPU (cuda) to run simulation, rendering and learning
python play.py
- A(←) & D(→): control the tube to move leftwards and rightwards
- W(↑) & S(↓): increase or decrease the ejecting speed
- right & left mouse click: control the tube to rotate clockwise and counter-clockwise
- R: reset the ball and tube
python train.py ./configs/train.json
python eval.py ./configs/eval.json
-provided models in model_trial1
-Effects of the AutoEncoder:
—— by Zhiwei Zhao, Dec. 2023