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Sync Gateway Sync Function Tester


Don't want to touch the Sync Gateway Sync Function with a 10-foot pole because who knows what's going to happen to your writes and channel process when you change it?


I wrote this simple Python script to test the Sync Function of Sync Gateway with CRUD operations from:

  • different users
  • different docTypes


Project screenshot

This script will:

  1. read a config.json file with your settings(usernames , URLs & commands)
  2. opens a folder of individual JSON files: default folder jsons
  3. process each of the JSON file in the folder as HTTP [GET, PUT, DELETE, CHANGES, GET_ADMIN, PUT_ADMIN, DELETE_ADMIN , CHANGES_ADMIN and/or PURGE] against your SG endpoint to test your Sync Function
  4. writes the results into a log file as failed or success by HTTP type & timestamp

NOTE: a failed PUT might be a good thing as the Sync Function is denying a particular write.

The script will do all the above as different user(s) from the config.json file.


To install the required library:

pip install requests


Step 1. Update the config.json with your Sync Gateway hostname, one or more CBL test users, and other settings you want.

Step 2. In the folder specified in your config (default is jsons), put sample JSON docs as individual files. Example: {"_id":"foo","channels":["bob"]} saved in a file foo.json.

Step 3. Run the Python code

python3 config.json

OUTPUT: It will output a log file of the run: sync_gateway_log_{date}_{time}.log

Example output:

2024-07-22T17:06:30.000 - INFO - [success] - [GET] - [bob] - GET result for [foo] - {"_id": "foo", "_rev": "4-42bc40048cf41b74565750f2d2c55b28", "channels": ["bob"], "dateTimeStamp": "2024-07-22T17:03:56.604936"}
2024-07-22T17:06:30.000 - INFO - [success] - [PUT] - [bob] - PUT result for [foo] - {"id": "foo", "ok": true, "rev": "5-b9b6eb547de2d751b83457c29610994c"}
2024-07-22T17:06:30.000 - INFO - [success] - [CHANGES] - [bob] - Changes feed result for [foo], rows: 2 - {"results": [{"seq": 1, "id": "_user/bob", "changes": []}, {"seq": 163, "id": "foo", "changes": [{"rev": "5-b9b6eb547de2d751b83457c29610994c"}]}], "last_seq": "163"}


The script supports the following operations:

  • GET: Retrieve a document
    • GET_RAW: Retrieve a document with full meta data _sync (admin only)
  • PUT: Create or update a document
  • DELETE: Delete a document
  • CHANGES: Get the changes feed. To filter channel(s) on the change just add your channel(s) names: CHANGES:bob or CHANGES:bob,water
  • PURGE: Purge a document (admin only)
  • SLEEP: Pause execution for a specified number of seconds

Admin versions of operations are available by appending _ADMIN to the operation name (e.g., GET_ADMIN, PUT_ADMIN).

Warning: If you do CHANGES_ADMIN without a channel filter like CHANGES_ADMIN:bob Sync Gateway will process your whole database _changes feed in the output.

SLEEP Operation

The SLEEP operation allows you to introduce a delay between other operations. This can be useful for testing time-sensitive scenarios or rate limiting.

  • SLEEP: Pauses execution for 1 second
  • SLEEP:X: Pauses execution for X seconds (where X is an integer)

Example usage in the operations list(sleeps for 3 seconds):

"operations": [


You can copy and paste the config.json file and rename them to run tests. example_config folder has below examples.

python3 1.user_put-user_get.json
python3 2.user_put-user_changes.json
python3 3.admin_put-user_delete.json

PRO TIP The config 3.admin_put-user_delete.json is a great way to see if the user can delete "READ-ONLY" documents.


    "sgHost": "http://localhost",
    "sgPort": "4984",
    "sgAdminPort": "4985",
    "sgDb": "sync_gateway",
    "sgTestUsers": [
        {"userName": "bob", "password": "12345", "sgSession": ""}
    "sgAdminUser": "Administrator", // Required if you want to do Admin Operations
    "sgAdminPassword": "password",  // Required if you want to do Admin Operations
    "jsonFolder": "jsons",   // Folder containing all your individual json files
    "logPathToWriteTo": "sync_gateway_log",
    "debug": false,
    "operations": ["GET", "PUT", "DELETE", "CHANGES", "GET_ADMIN", "PUT_ADMIN", "DELETE_ADMIN", "CHANGES_ADMIN","SLEEP:3","GET_RAW","PURGE"]  // Specify the order of operations and/or indivdual operations

Scopes and Collection

If your not using scopes and collections for mobile yet just leave the default values of: "sgDbScope":"_default" and "sgDbCollection":"_default". This script will not test all your collections at once. You have to have a different config.json for each collection Sync Function.


"PURGE" is a great way to clean up data between tests. It literally 100% removes the document from Sync Gateway and the Couchbase Bucket. NOTE: PURGE is a Sync Gateway Admin function. In the config.json, you'll need to add Sync Admin (Couchbase Server RBAC Sync Gateway Architect ) credentials for sgAdminUser and sgAdminPassword. Link here for Offical Docs for: POST {db}/_purge


Here is a link to understand what the Sync Function can and can not do.

Sample Sync Functions:

Key Changes:

  1. Updated the operations Configuration: Added an operations attribute to specify the list of operations to perform.
  2. Dynamic Operation Execution: The script now executes operations in the order specified in the operations array.
  3. Clarified Usage Instructions: Updated the usage instructions to reflect the new configuration options.
  4. Admin Operations: Your Sync Function might have certain restrictions at a USER level, but you still need to GET and PUT docs. There are now admin equivalents to the operations.
  5. Sleep Operation: Added a new SLEEP operation that allows pausing execution between other operations. This can be useful for testing time-sensitive scenarios or simulating delays.
  6. HTTP GET /_raw/{docId}: Added a new GET_RAW operation that allows you to get the document from Sync Gateway exactly how it is stored in Couchbase Server includes all the meta / bookkeeping data from _sync.
  7. Scopes and Collection: In the config.json just pass in non-default(_default) value for sgDbScope and sgDbCollection to test scopes and collection Sync Functions.
  8. Changes Channel(s) Filter: Add the channel(s) you want to filter by in the changes operation like this:CHANGES:bob .

Works on My Computer - Tested & Certified ;-)