- 🕓 Working in IT Support at Century.
- 🌱 Learning about Godot and Cybersecurity.
- 🎲 Software Game Developer and Sound Producer at Sandboa.
- I've used Vim and Neovim to automate everyday general typing and coding with Termux, Linux, Windows, and MacOS. Check out my nvim to get started on or learn more about vim/neovim. Feedback is welcome.
- Ask me about game development combined with Godot, p5.js (with Rhythm Swipe), Neovim, Love2D or Roblox.
- I've had experience with system configurations in Bash, ZSH, and Python.
- Programming languages include but are not limited to Rust, C++, Java, Javascript with audioContext, and much more.
- Primarily developing on the Linux Desktop with some Windows and MacOS knowledge.
- Fun fact: I like to snowboard and ice skate.
- There's a lot of code I should upload here. Maybe one day...
- I've created CSS userstyles in the past such as a YouTube anti-distraction style before I knew that Unhook existed. Other styles I created are on uso.kkx.one. Note this requires something to inject (CSS) user styles such as the Stylus extension. Also
⚠️ warning: Please do not attempt to view my profile on userstyles.org or use the Stylish (Stylus is safe) web extension. They have been known to have collected people's search history and may be doing so to this day.