This adds tracking of visited locations to the map provided by Digital_Utopia.
Currently supported maps:
- Fallout 4 (
) - Fallout 4: Far Harbor (
) - Fallout 4: Nuka-World (
This is just a quick hack, so there are some caveats:
- Marking a location will now show up immediately – the page has to be reloaded.
- The tracked locations are barely visible.
All tracked locations are stored in your browser, more precicely in localStorage
. This data might be removed when you clean your browser's history.
In order to migrate your progress to another machine or simply to back it up, see the commands below.
Open the developer console in your browser and issue the following command:
localStorage.toSource().replace(/(^\(|\)$|")/g, '').replace(/'/g, '"')
Save the file, e.g., as fallout4.json
. Note that if you copy the string from your browser's console, there are still some escaped quotes \"
in the string. You might need to unescape them manually, e.g, by issuing (where pbpaste
simply returns the contents of your clipboard (macOS)):
pbpaste | sed 's/\\\"/"/g' > fallout4.json
In Firefox you might need to allow pasting by entering 'allow pasting'
into the console.
Copy the content of the file fallout4.json
and assign it to the variable json
var json = '…'
var locations = JSON.parse(json)
for (var property in locations) {
if (locations.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
localStorage.setItem(property, locations[property])
Then reload the page in order to see the tracked locations.