Navigate the github site using the terminal emulator.
execute this command in your terminal:
mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
after that the jar file should be in the target folder.
launch the jar by doing:
java -jar gitCliShell-0.8.7.jar
GitCli has the following commands:
- clone: clones a git repository given a repository, a username and a branch
- info-branch: gets informations about all the possible branches in a git repository
- info-repository: gets informations of the folders inside a git repository
- info-user: gets informations about a specific user such as followers or personal repositories
- search-repository: searchs for a git repository given a specific term to search and a number of page (example 1=first page, 2=second page and so on...)
- search-user: search for a specific user
- navigate: checks a path in the repository
- check-file: shows the content of a file in the repository
- create-database: creates the local database
- insert-author: insert the name of the author
- assign-repository: assign a repository to an author
- search-autor: search for an author in the database
- search-repository-author: gets a list of repositories given an author's name
Below you can see some examples on how to use these commands.
clone GitCli FrancescoDiSalesGithub /home/myuser/newgitcli test
If the branch argument is omitted then the project will be cloned from the master branch
info-branch GitCli FrancescoDiSalesGithub
If you want to know the content of the files and folder in a specific branch do:
info-repository GitCliShell FrancescoDiSalesGithub test
Otherwise like the clone command omitt the branch argument
info-user FrancescoDiSalesGithub
This command shows only the first page
search-repository postgresql
This command shows the second page (actually each integer is a specific page you want to see)
search-repository postgresql 2
This command shows only the first page
search-user johndoe
This command shows the second page (actually each integer is a specific page you want to see)
search-user johndoe 2
Supposing you have already checked the main page of the repository with the info command and you want to check a folder
navigate FrancescoDiSalesGithub/GitCliShell/tree/master/.github
check-file /FrancescoDiSalesGithub/GitCliShell/blob/master/LICENSE
create-database mylocaldb /home/myusername/mygitdb/
insert-author FrancescoDiSalesGithub /home/myusername/mygitdb/mylocaldb.db
search-author FrancescoDiSalesGithub /home/myusername/mygitdb/mylocaldb.db
assign-repository FrancescoDiSalesGithub GitCliShell /home/myusername/mygitdb/mylocaldb.db
search-repository-author FrancescoDiSalesGithub /home/myusername/mygitdb/mylocaldb.db