Wii homebrew archive
This archive contains:
- Wii Forwarders
- Wii Channels
- Wii Homebrew apps
- Wii Homebrew packs
- Wii Development stuff
- Wii NANDs
- Wii Exploits
- Wii Source code
Software related to the Nintendo Wii in some way Most is available through NUS
- Jacob Nilsson
- Archival and maintaining of forwarders/channels, as well as starting the Forwarder Factory project
- Gabubu
- Maintains Forwarder Factory
- Found the WiiFlow Dance Party WAD
- emilyd
- Found a lot of WADs, such as WiiRadio by ThatDude.
- Damaj301damaj
- Found the Super Mario WAR (Super Mario Bros. 3 Cover art)
Clone the repository using git
Please mirror it and fork it if you can. I do not trust GitHub/Nintendo and this repository may be taken down one day.