- feat(FOROME-1645): Added debug button (#954) (00b09fd3)
- feat(FOROME-1633): Fixing transcripts (#955) (11b9adc9)
- feat(FOROME-1645): Added debug button (#954) (581a047f)
- fix(nginx): add cors for front container (2e535880)
- feat(FOROME-1632): change a request for included/excluded variants (#946) (5679295d)
- feat(FOROME-1634): add export button to description card (#950) (97260ffd)
- fix(FOROME-1636): fix flow of wizard (#949) (adc957c0)
- fix(FOROME-1635): selecting dataset (#948) (aa5c18b7)
- feat(FOROME-1631): Replacing 'Join' by 'Reset' (#947) (45a774a6)
- feat(FOROME-1322): add macro tagging (#945) (ddd964c2)
- fix(FOROME-1587): add scrolling to prev state on rerendering (#933) (016d9e4e)
- feat(FOROME-1620): add info panel in secondary datasets in wizard (#939) (389d7c97)
- fix(FOROME-1617): get dtree counts without async store (#943) (31d007e8)
- feat(FOROME-1628): close modal by escape key (#944) (c485cd9d)
- fix(FOROME-1621): load derived dataset from wizard (#942) (83df451b)
- fix(FOROME-1576): dont show data saving message if no changes (#927) (52c60831)
- feat(FOROME-1563): attributes list gets to top when searching (#931) (a08b6f98)
- fix(FOROME-1626): numeric condition strictness signs (c1526eb8)
- fix(FOROME-1625): fix bug with min value (#940) (3e3e8772)
- fix(FOROME-1618): DT numeric condition editing (67544550)
- fix(FOROME-1625): fix bug with min value (#940) (c4c16c73)
- fix(FOROME-1626): numeric condition strictness signs (ecc7bad2)
- fix(FOROME-1618): DT numeric condition editing (06e39300)
- fix(FOROME-1424): drawer scroll shadows (1426bbd1)
- fix(FOROME-1599): reset button in func attrs (fc1537b2)
- feat(FOROME-1593): rework getting data via statunits method (6020d71a)
- fix(FOROME-1601): compound request panel error (2931d26c)
- fix(FOROME-1463): remove outdated links (#930) (946a453e)
- feat(FOROME-1554): redesign condition panel (#911) (6299c543)
- fix(FOROME-1569): exception in storybook (76db7baf)
- feat(FOROME-1493): remove clear all button if the tree is empty (a4478fbc)
- feat(FOROME-1583): redesign compound request panel (18de0cc4)
- fix(FOROME-00): hotfix for units list style (edafde54)
- feat(FOROME-1589): add diagrams for enum modals (8738b721)
- fix(FOROME-1424): drawer inner shadows (b36d782e)
- feat(FOROME-1581): redesign compound het panel (7572c53b)
- feat(FOROME-1580): redesign custom inh mode panel (18eb4317)
- feat(FOROME-1579): redesign inh mode panel (eae19774)
- feat(FOROME-1558): redesign numeric panel (c0cae53e)
- fix(FOROME-1560): add preview of units in dashboard (#912) (f67f07f7)
- fix(FOROME-1574): displaying start with card (0d013064)
- fix(FOROME-1478): wizard undo button (face8ace)
- feat(FOROME-1556): redesign enum panel (c31e0dc6)
- fix(FOROME-1485): add validation rule (#906) (71c8ced4)
- feat(FOROME-1555): Redesign of units list (c9f580c3)
- feat(FOROME-1417): Adding a rubric select for solution create dialog (dcd13b2d)
- feat(FOROME-1416): candidate set deletion (c359b4b1)
- fix(FOROME-1551): progress bar progress (c1d1d3df)
- fix(FOROME-1566): duplicating widgets in DB (752e3b9e)
- fix(FOROME-1496): DB saving favorites state (51737a7a)
- feat(FOROME-1431): remove hardcoded limitations (#893) (27bac3ed)
- feat(FOROME-1393): display variants counter (#898) (50672f71)
- fix(FOROME-1486): showing prompt for solution select (008de8ff)
- fix(FOROME-1464): wizard undo button style (0b119101)
- feat(FOROME-1483): add autoscroll to the enum list (352119ae)
- feat(FOROME-1468): opening links from popups (73de6002)
- fix(FOROME-1489): remove dbclick from DB widgets (4fba3be5)
- fix(FOROME-1429): select attrs dialog font color (a34fc76c)
- fix(FOROME-1430): fix dtree indexes system (d093f134)
- feat(FOROME-1488): replace pagination with infinite list (0bd2e51b)
- fix(FOROME-1498): Hide approx if no any (#892) (a0d93784)
- fix(FOROME-1490): increase clickable area for DB sub-tab widget (ae818ad5)
- fix(FOROME-1479): Define scenario fix (#884) (4f627c93)
- fix(FOROME-1467): Fixed card paddings (#883) (bdcf9d67)
- refactor(FOROME-955): get rid of styled components (#874) (c0a7d95c)
- feat(FOROME-1368): activate first gene after preset changed (#863) (97596098)
- feat(FOROME-1446): Use async macrotagging (#877) (b62e24ab)
- fix(FOROME-00): hotfix to replace widget header grabbing style (15d78433)
- feat(FOROME-1398): implement dashboard (9589df28)
- feat(FOROME-1418): disable not applicable presets (#868) (2ced7e6b)
- feat(FOROME-1388): add default preset (1d2aeda5)
- fix(FOROME-1472): Fix refiner route (#881) (df52e701)
- fix(FOROME-1432): remove console error in dev (#876) (cd566cfb)
- feat(FOROME-1466): Hide back button on the first step (#878) (2b76a371)
- fix(FOROME-1469): Fix header alignment (#879) (7e5f8325)
- feat(FOROME-1406): rework the discriminative power icon (1094314b)
- fix(FOROME-1433): Fix button styles (#872) (6c831b00)
- feat(FOROME-1447): Hide macro tagging button (#871) (5d418ed2)
- fix(FOROME-1424): add opacity style (#866) (17b353b5)
- feat(FOROME-1425): Reworking wizard scenarios (#865) (8fad3290)
- fix(FOROME-1407): remove useless unfold icons (#849) (8e6a0c25)
- fix(FOROME-1408): increase clickable area for dropdown arrow (#852) (5c2440b6)
- fix(FOROME-1415): Supported preset rubrics (#850) (d13c2347)
- fix(FOROME-1397): rename buttons (#844) (82ba7a6d)
- fix(FOROME-1373): invalidate spaces in preset names (#848) (a0e2a5d2)
- feat(FOROME-1410): Reworked edit behavior (#843) (8ad5038e)
- feat(FOROME-1367): made create derived dataset button disabled on empty conditions or too much variants exist (#831) (e79895f4)
- feat(FOROME-1420): Fixing card shadow (#851) (33b74eef)
- fix(FOROME-1174): Added preset max length (#846) (8886dee9)
- feat(FOROME-1399): Added animation for cards (#840) (ee94c157)
- feat(FOROME-1319): add dataset descriptions (#825) (bf7c9f40)
- fix(FOROME-1392): disable modifying preset without changes (d3cf0a30)
- fix(FOROME-1394): routing between FR,WS pages with ds creation (68c61824)
- fix(FOROME-1381): FR inheritance mode edition (534a637b)
- fix(FOROME-1380): reset active preset (c6d48378)
- fix(FOROME-1402): whats next card option spelling (1a1ad307)
- fix(FOROME-1375): final step include/exclude (28d368ad)
- fix(FOROME-1333): dont show zero ammount of results (hotfix) (#836) (6c1c155b)
- fix(FOROME-1391): remove unnecessary null check (55ab3cd6)
- fix(FOROME-1391): add possible null to object (13b688e5)
- fix(FOROME-1391): revert idea changes (a140cc68)
- fix(FOROME-1391): check xl datasets (dd97c5ee)
- fix(FOROME-1333): no results message (#828) (dd7af174)
- fix(FOROME-1377): typing space symbol in creating drawer custom tag (bda01ab0)
- fix(FOROME-1349): ds creation (b1163249)
- fix(FOROME-1332): fixed min value validation (3a7fb3be)
- feat(FOROME-1326): add an ability to delete and modify drawer presets (9020c3fa)
- fix(FOROME-1376): freeze filter page header variant numbers (b1132ba7)
- fix(FOROME-1383): dtree ds creation in xl (08aff902)
- fix(FOROME-00): remove wizard logs error (3733bdb1)
- fix(FOROME-1335): change arrows color (#819) (e2b780d6)
- fix(FOROME-00): hotfix for wizard routing (262097ad)
- fix(FOROME-1314): remove import (171fd48d)
- fix(FOROME-1314): remove error on exit modal (6e62c67a)
- feat(FOROME-1309): add wizard (1c02a038)
- fix(FOROME-1372): Fixed Gene lists zone (#816) (287340ef)
- fix(FOROME-1357): opening derived dataset (10b6b0f4)
- fix(FOROME-1302): change enum bar chart colors (7d4e3390)
- feat(FOROME-1304): change button text (#814) (547b3c3f)
- fix(FOROME-1332): range slider min value validation (1976fe9c)
- fix(FOROME-1313): validation for creating presets (#799) (2b23011f)
- fix(FOROME-1323): save scroll position in modal (#807) (82073162)
- feat(FOROME-1303): implemented drag-n-drop conditions moving in refiner (#785) (d1ef1934)
- feat(FOROME-1230): implement search bar for the drawer (2e289323)
- fix(FOROME-1306): set active preset before edit (#800) (c781f0d7)
- fix(FOROME-00): build crush (7765cca0)
- fix(FOROME-1269): format number method (#794) (9ed39531)
- fix(FOROME-1229): replace igv-page to igv-modal (a0940570)
- fix(FOROME-1269): format number method (#794) (e61998af)
- fix(FOROME-1306): set active preset before edit (#800) (3fa09600)
- fix(FOROME-1311): clear filter on pressing close icon from everyplace (f08156e3)
- fix(FOROME-1311): clear filter on pressing close icon, from fr to ws page (accb22e7)
- feat(FOROME-12p8): redesign scrollbar (d6a96fc2)
- fix(FOROME-1290): add local tag for note (#795) (705b10ce)
- feat(FOROME-1305): fix css module (09f9386f)
- feat(FOROME-1305): rework attribute selection (ec5c618d)
- feat(FOROME-1281): make fun async (96523ea8)
- feat(FOROME-97): remove dependency (f33ed180)
- feat(FOROME-97): implement scroll shadow component in drawer (c82c3ceb)
- feat(FOROME-1300): rename methods (4c066748)
- feat(FOROME-1295): fix merge conflicts (3b375e81)
- fix(FOROME-1269): input-numeric with react-number-format (#777) (232b71a0)
- fix(FOROME-1269): input-numeric with react-number-format (#777) (bd053091)
- feat(FOROME-1281): add clear all button (927876d3)
- fix(FOROME-1312): fix fr to dt propt message (d95f6976)
- feat(FOROME-1291): implemented resizable sidebar component (#773) (9adf1359)
- fix(FOROME-1312): don't show prompt on change dtree to refiner (f8fbc788)
- feat(FOROME-1297): remove hours from dataset creation time (3207e18e)
- fix(FOROME-1312): don't show prompt on change dtree to refiner (c5f78c46)
- feat(FOROME-1301): show drawer by default, show Gallery layout by default (9b5aba1a)
- feat(FOROME-1300): make datasets unfolded in the beggining (3b279622)
- fix(FOROME-1274): saving preset on ws-page after reloading (#764) (08d2f914)
- feat(FOROME-1295): add reload button, loader for list and new design button for manupalitng ds (7b4291d2)
- feat(FOROME-1293) Added changelog generator (#772) (72fe8d06)
- feat(FOROME-1295): add reload icon (e882e395)
- feat(FOROME-1224): save preset button outside dropdown (#761) (f62a528f)
- fix(FOROME-1219): dataset creation (13e3798b)
- feat(FOROME-1231): fix comments (5b3f3e75)
- feat(FOROME-1271): implemented base history observer helper (#771) (4676a6b3)
- fix(FOROME-1280): enum modals and panels height (9971be63)
- fix(FOROME-1265): Changed copy for view variants btn (#759) (79581c0f)
- feat(FOROME-1293) Added changelog generator (0de35283)
- feat(FOROME-1100): fix comments (e363fed0)
- refactor(FOROME-1260): implemented async stores for zones (#760) (479dd0ff)
- feat(FOROME-1227): fix comments (c29e2e16)
- feat(FOROME-1227): fix commits (9246d661)
- fix(FOROME-1272): saving dtree data between switching FR,DT (f8e0a323)
- fix(FOROME-1277): reset ws-page in case of 0 variants (be08c1f9)
- refactor(FOROME-1253): unify func modals with dialogs (1924da23)
- feat(FOROME-1227): fix commits (11dd0386)
- feat(FOROME-1231): change colors in drawer (4843399e)
- feat(FOROME-1227): add loading in zones (88b57db9)
- feat(FOROME-1227): merge conflicts (3e3ee5b3)
- feat(FOROME-1100): extract same component (b46e32be)
- feat(FOROME-1100): add modal for modying preset (897bfd0e)
- refactor(FOROME-1232): unify ws-page popovers (2c621159)
- feat(FOROME-1227): add loader in fr attributes (a87ef33a)
- feat(FOROME-1227): add loader in solution control page (5764d6ae)
- feat(FOROME-1227): add some changes in fr and dt progress bar (ec5fb759)
- feat(FOROME-1227): add progress bar in dt and fr (481139ec)
- feat(FOROME-1227): final version of progress bar (fb3890f5)
- feat(FOROME-1259): fixed merge problems (5634f30b)
- feat(FOROME-1259): implemented saving for main table layout (#749) (d6f0a776)
- feat(FOROME-1226): added Tooltip component for UI kit (#757) (207e4b32)
- feat(FOROME-1227): add progress bar (2050b74f)
- feat(FOROME-1255): Added modified icon to modified presets (#756) (df662faf)
- feat(FOROME-1254): Added preset and dtree to URL (#750) (d2a49a67)
- fix(FOROME-1182): table filtration by tags, notes (907641c3)
- fix(FOROME-1186): fixed bar with value of 1 for logarithmic bar charts (#754) (86dcccdc)
- fix(FOROME-1076): fixed main table controls layout (#752) (91127f5a)
- fix(FOROME-1236): change hasTooltip flag (#753) (92d503ba)
- feat(FOROME-1094): add cursor class name (#736) (9e0c21aa)
- feat(FOROME-1173): change design of footer (23f588ed)
- refactor(FOROME-1243): unify popovers (2c049d8e)
- feat(FOROME-1173): fix app freezing (7cc57055)
- feat(FOROME-1173): fix footer (f646774f)
- feat(FOROME-1173): remove import (b9c6b1a5)
- feat(FOROME-1173): move folders to ui (e533784a)
- fix(FOROME-1216): change key value (a884f8fa)
- feat(FOROME-1223): Added prompt on exit / reworked cross behavior (#741) (19ee656d)
- fix(FOROME-1216): add more opropriate way to save value (130148c8)
- refactor(FOROME-1218): refactored main table (#737) (3a1c1039)
- fix(FOROME-1248): fix FR func panels requests (fb8f26e1)
- refactor(FOROME-1211): unify modal and panel for gene region (961c4a9e)
- feat(FOROME-1173): fix conflicts (35c4e54f)
- fix(FOROME-00): shemes for csv/excel export (25fb84d7)
- refactor(FOROME-1187): unify modal and panel for compound request (6ca6f5d3)
- fix(FOROME-1216): add raw saving value (fe56f14c)
- fix(FOROME-1191): change clear-all button logic (#735) (1cc4b3b4)
- refactor(FOROME-1200): implemented async stores for tags and notes in drawer (#721) (6e614490)
- refactor(FOROME-1233): customize-table popover (10895dcc)
- feat(FOROME-1207): move to ui folder and add storybook (6bde0ac5)
- refactor(FOROME-1185): unify modal and panel for compound het (d2b1478e)
- fix(FOROME-1197): export datasets from FR, table (1b6629a2)
- fix(FOROME-1192): linked clear all button in FR with undo-redo (afb03a45)
- fix(FOROME-00): removed header counter for enum panels (77c29d24)
- feat(FOROME-1207): add one style item (4bdb3cdc)
- feat(FOROME-1207): add loading animation in button (3f893fba)
- fix(FOROME-1212): remove useless component and extract close icon (499d1ea8)
- fix(FOROME-1204): place checkboxes in col (697ab5cf)
- feat(FOROME-1173): fix after merge conflicts (42af38e8)
- fix(FOROME-1212): fix css module (d175ceb6)
- fix(FOROME-1212): fix some buttons styles (47249705)
- fix(FOROME-1212): fix some buttons styles (3b3900e4)
- fix(FOROME-1204): fix file (0601c656)
- fix(FOROME-1204): disable modify button if dataset is't chosen (40b6e8fa)
- feat(FOROME-894): change modals structure using the Dialog component (6975a412)
- fix(FOROME-1123): add default value (a1ae91f0)
- fix(FOROME-1175): fix link margins (1b8f0fda)
- fix(FOROME-1145): change fields to kebab-case (#712) (9b71d246)
- fix(FOROME-1123): fix searching in units (6ff33079)
- feat(FOROME-1173): fix small issue with height (33441626)
- feat(FOROME-1173): add dependencies in callback (9237e336)
- feat(FOROME-1173): add dependencies in hooks (f2b0ec0f)
- feat(FOROME-1173): changes based on comments (7fda4918)
- feat(FOROME-1173): add fixes in in pagination page (44283b39)
- fix(FOROME-00): hotfix for custom inh modal closing (1e199e47)
- fix(FOROME-1138): fixed gene_region and compound_het attributes addition in dtree (#707) (59d95c34)
- feat(FOROME-1173): implement component in enum list in fr (abfcd489)
- feat(FOROME-1173): fix story file (a2250857)
- feat(FOROME-1173): add pagination list component (9ecf0be2)
- refactor(FOROME-1166): unify modal and panel for custom inh mode (0cbbf85f)
- fix(FOROME-1119): change container height (#703) (a45bd056)
- refactor(FOROME-1103): refactored stores for variant drawer and modal (#690) (086aee28)
- refactor(FOROME-954): add async stores for dtree_set & dtree_counts (af4f1722)
- fix(FOROME-000): fixed ModalContent styles (#702) (51d5fb96)
- fix(FOROME-1143): fixed adding numeric attributes with joining in dtree (#696) (64b058a7)
- fix(FOROME-1137): fixes scroll in attributes modal on dtree (#699) (dd45dfde)
- fix(FOROME-1138): fixed adding functional attributes in dtree (#701) (a7219947)
- feat(FOROME-1173): raw component (429f4d36)
- fix(FOROME-1055): showing dtree step codes (33f15039)
- fix(FOROME-1148): fix button in filter refiner (#689) (168a4e9c)
- fix(FOROME-1093): fix not mode in tags (#685) (f896c96c)
- Revert "fix(FOROME-1098): fix setting code after to editing in decicision tree" (645891db)
- feat(FOROME-1164): showing relevant data in FR redactor mode (30c1c0bd)
- refactor(FOROME-1043): unify inheritance mode (ad282a1b)
- fix(FOROME-1163): move shadow scroller component (d5f27669)
- feat(FOROME-1100): add disabling modify button when preset doesn't changed (7c9f64df)
- fix(FOROME-1098): fix setting code after to editing in decicision tree (7d22c51e)
- feat(FOROME-1052): implemented gallery layout mode for variant aspects in drawer (#678) (35439666)
- fix(FOROME-1142): fixed adding an attribute with joining on dtree (#687) (c5d731e3)
- feat(FOROME-1135): Sorting standard presets (#686) (b26d0bde)
- fix(FOROME-00): hotfix for showing FR panel in redactor mode (#688) (722451e0)
- feat(FOROME-1078): supported new API for functional attributes in
methods (#676) (7181bd79)
- fix(FOROME-1087): fix activating final step (1090a8ad)
- fix(FOROME-1108): Fixed checkbox layout (#682) (ee055c5b)
- fix(FOROME-1113): Crash when choose dataset (#681) (f2386298)
- feat(FOROME-1080): fix naming (152e829b)
- feat(FOROME-1096): fix height increasing more than free space (7580cb3b)
- feat(FOROME-1051): implemented an ability to create layout presets and save them (#663) (10b718f8)
- feat(FOROME-1005): camelizator for dirinfo data (763a7183)
- fix(FOROME-1099): Sorting presets and dtrees (#673) (da69207b)
- feat(FOROME-1081): Added clear button for search bars (#668) (f494b37f)
- feat(FOROME-1079): Added tooltips on left panel (#662) (30409a48)
- feat(FOROME-1080): add disabling button and input while saving (edbe81fc)
- fix(FOROME-00): hotfix for loading table with 0 variants in applied preset (1bddf8ca)
- feat(FOROME-985): Added show zeroes functionality (#661) (b875763d)
- fix(FOROME-1028): fix closing modal on button pressing (b725815c)
- fix(FOROME-1028): fix closing note modal on outside click (e3108da7)
- fix(FOROME-1096): fix height of single element in enum list, so count of elements calculated right (2ca138ec)
- feat(FOROME-990): remove changes in drawer window (4e73834a)
- feat(FOROME-990): add storybook and add hiding shadows ability (5fd3a128)
- fix(FOROME-00): hotfix for dividers (0f4a96c6)
- feat(FOROME-97): remove changes in drawer (2c0b8d92)
- feat(FOROME-97): remove test page (86175f9c)
- feat(FOROME-1065): Changed layout for main page (#654) (29355c64)
- feat(FOROME-97): move useEffect to hook (156c628a)
- feat(FOROME-97): create scroll shadow component (fe3d5300)
- feat(FOROME-1064): Added divider after switcher (#653) (367f3405)
- feat(FOROME-1007): undo, redo buttons for FR (704c07ce)
- feat(FOROME-1032): fix merge conflicts (d763ec68)
- fix(FOROME-980): redesign filter page control panel (a4eb28c7)
- feat(FOROME-1032): fix based on comments (9cd5eb52)
- feat(FOROME-97): add grab scroll hook (bd2aabf3)
- feat(FOROME-1032): fix text styles (245f3884)
- refactor(FOROME-975): created tab_report async store with pagination (2b38791e)
- feat(FOROME-915): changed styles for buttons in drawer header (#655) (79243f47)
- fix(FOROME-1042): fixed layout for refiner and dtree pages (#651) (55736f59)
- refactor(FOROME-1002): replaced styled components with css modules for charts (#649) (94d8d5d2)
- fix(FOROME-1066): fix elements (89da81f7)
- fix(FOROME-1061): fix text in checkbox (19eb30c4)
- fix(FOROME-00): hotfix for opening 0 variants in returned variants (c17bc8cc)
- feat(FOROME-1061): use variable instead of constant (2f01b35d)
- feat(FOROME-1061): add common variable (3b1ad495)
- feat(FOROME-1061): fix bug (0294569c)
- fix(FOROME-1037): opening step settings with algorithm value (32b2ab52)
- feat(FOROME-919): fix merge conflict (a323f926)
- fix(FOROME-1034): disabling numeric buttons when min, max is not loaded (b61974d6)
- feat(FOROME-919): fix merge conflicts (9797534b)
- feat(FOROME-919): delete import (c43a5568)
- refactor(FOROME-994): unify enum attribute component (0864555c)
- feat(FOROME-919): fix problem with all not mods (8b224f0b)
- feat(FOROME-919): fix merge conflicts (76443563)
- feat(FOROME-918): implemented functional units selector (#640) (45b4977c)
- feat(FOROME-1032): fix import (e984b1b7)
- feat(FOROME-1032): fix button margin problems (704ac84b)
- fix(FOROME-1036): disabling apply button, comp het (38702bdf)
- feat(FOROME-919): fix issues with design (de8692ff)
- feat(FOROME-919): fix container heights problems (cfe9ede9)
- feat(FOROME-919): merge dev (fbbb3eb9)
- refactor(FOROME-1006): dtree controls (05327a59)
- feat(FOROME-977): change label to static value (c45e368b)
- feat(FOROME-1032): fix comments (7317a9c7)
- feat(FOROME-1032): add button index file (9129c44b)
- fix(FOROME-1001): comp request numeric field (efba8871)
- fix(FOROME-1026): Restore ref (#639) (7de7ea94)
- feat(FOROME-977): add switcher to find full word entry or part entry (be7cafbd)
- feat(FOROME-979): implemented base MobX store for paginated data (#614) (6a2df3b6)
- fix(FOROME-1025): fixed initial reconcilation in BaseAsyncDataStore (#635) (26d1ad53)
- feat(FOROME-1032): create button css module, with all styles (a6cc48b4)
- feat(FOROME-919): fix imports (2d98c629)
- feat(FOROME-919): redesign numeric range part (7e7a9cc1)
- feat(FOROME-919): redesign compound request part (7d427ecf)
- fix(FOROME-1023): all not mode checkboxes disabling style (a76f152a)
- feat(FOROME-919): redisign compound het (4ac7cbf9)
- feat(FOROME-919): redisign select in custom inheritance mode (f55945ea)
- feat(FOROME-995): implement feature of removing datasets (1085ba54)
- feat(FOROME-919): redisign custom inheritance mode (75e4a524)
- feat(FOROME-1018): Updated readme (#632) (8ad33f2a)
- fix(FOROME-00): hotfix for table opening (d9cae0f3)
- feat(FOROME-984): support error response (c686ae0b)
- refactor(FOROME-992): dataset store (773b8ec6)
- feat(FOROME-919): redesign inheritance mode (de3f2cac)
- refactor(FOROME-995): remove DatasetDeleteDialog component & change type of dropDs (bd83f9ec)
- refactor(FOROME-995): change text of toast error message (8efaf3af)
- feat(FOROME-957): added detailed information in chart tooltip (#630) (62c6b1b7)
- refactor(FOROME-999): dtree_set method (1ece3d38)
- fix(FOROME-928): fixed display of accepted and rejected variants for WS datasets in decision tree (#624) (7ed23845)
- feat(FOROME-995): add invalidation of dirinfo after drop dataset (74555e24)
- refactor(FOROME-993): add async store for dirinfo (30a73fe4)
- refactor(FOROME-905): do redesign of drawer note modal (31094276)
- feat(FOROME-995): show toast with error after unsuccessful request (07f34e5e)
- feat(FOROME-995): add ability to pass styles for button (d38d495c)
- refactor(FOROME-993): rename store and 2 fiels in class (078af5a6)
- feat(FOROME-919): redisign gene-redising (31d4461a)
- feat(FOROME-919): rename props (b3d00bb6)
- feat(FOROME-919): rename props (39fe3d6b)
- feat(FOROME-919): redesign enum panel (5144ef4a)
- feat(FOROME-995): add toast after delete dataset (73a0342f)
- fix(FOROME-995): change pharses for delete modal (34c97b42)
- feat(FOROME-995): add check modal before delete dataset (ebc6e4ee)
- refactor(FOROME-995): add btn name to dictionary (63280f97)
- refactor(FOROME-995): move btn to separate component (669b758a)
- feat(FOROME-995): add condition for rendering delete dataset btn (13c19c18)
- feat(FOROME-995): add ability to delete 'ws' dataset (cb6fb7a6)
- refactor(FOROME-905): add space in css module (cef931ea)
- refactor(FOROME-905): add spaces via linter (fddf07f7)
- feat(FOROME-919): fix height in all positions (f76693e2)
- feat(FOROME-919): fix margings and heights (f3cbcb31)
- fix(FOROME-981): dtree results panel (fa1b1a0e)
- fix(FOROME-933): change query in local dir info store (0c77c18c)
- feat(FOROME-969): Added storybook and few stories (#611) (0e5fe7ff)
- feat(FOROME-933): add local dir info store (2288bd64)
- feat(FOROME-916): redesign sidebar in main page and fix bug with some popper buttons (#622) (ce6c812c)
- feat(FOROME-956): implemented new design for preset controls (64f60674)
- feat(FOROME-916): fix conflicts (61a4b8d3)
- feat(FOROME-956): implemented new design for preset controls (#603) (06937242)
- fix(FOROME-963): created the new async store for ws-list (520fe3d2)
- fix(FOROME-987): fixed app crash when statunits has enum attribute without variants (#617) (b94d5189)
- feat(FOROME-916): move import export button to header (846fcb1e)
- refactor(FOROME-933): use PopperButton for open conditions options popup (1c020df8)
- feat(FOROME-916): fix merge conflicts (5e332190)
- feat(FOROME-916): fix comments and reformat folder of main page (180e7d15)
- fix(FOROME-920): redesign main-table zone's modals (ff4c833c)
- refactor(FOROME-932): wrap PopperTableModal into PopupCard (c74612bb)
- refactor(FOROME-933): add types & remove useless function call (ac07dd25)
- feat(FOROME-936): reduced maximum items for bar chart (#609) (7d4bc80e)
- feat(FOROME-916): fix comments (5765c2ff)
- refactor(FOROME-933): remove condition from props (9362a059)
- fix(FOROME-933): change index for make condition active (7da5de1e)
- refactor(FOROME-933): use PopperButton for open conditions options popup (d18df5f5)
- feat(FOROME-916): redisign sidebar in main page and fix bug with some popper buttons (8bfd677b)
- fix(FOROME-941): app crush with dataset loading (9c6bf6e7)
- refactor(FOROME-905): use theme in module css file (4b95f326)
- refactor(FOROME-932): wrap PopperTableModal into PopupCard (843e74a2)
- refactor(FOROME-905): wrap DrawerNote into PopupCard (4abeaebc)
- refactor(FOROME-905): add useResizeTextAreaHeight hook (e9627e20)
- fix(FOROME-00): got back clear preset button (3c3f606b)
- fix(FOROME-921): incorrect display of genes (baac4c71)
- fix(FOROME-926): view variants layout (f4d5646c)
- fix(FOROME-930): gene region validation (db913ed3)
- fix(FOROME-872): get new variant list after change dataset (963bc0ab)
- refactor(FOROME-000): enabled kebab-case -> camelCase conversion for CSS modules (#600) (7bc4fd03)
- fix(FOROME-927): Added a check for final step (#594) (3c2df0db)
- fix(FOROME-905): add cross-btn & rename styles (856c2f27)
- refactor(FOROME-905): do redesign of drawer note modal (cca6a61c)
- fix(FOROME-885): filters page folders structure (b514dfd2)
- fix(FOROME-911): dtree loading by one click (48a68d71)
- fix(FOROME-929): FR result disappearing (aa17f5ee)
- fix(FOROME-912): fixed preset clear in filter refiner (#592) (8d1a8bd7)
- feat(FOROME-97): add shadows in veiw variants table (f8bf1e09)
- feat(FOROME-97): make shadow more visible (13ee39b6)
- fix(FOROME-909): remove wrong condition on downloading dataset info (d31c5902)
- feat(FOROME-902): resolve merge conflicts (687e5a17)
- feat(FOROME-97): delete unused file (6e346b3d)
- feat(FOROME-97): add final scroll shadowier component (10c54f69)
- feat(FOROME-787): Supporting dynamic env vars (#580) (9c0afcf0)
- feat(FOROME-902): fix text size (a353ac7a)
- fix(FOROME-904): redesign main-table control panel (03e26466)
- feat(FOROME-882): add doc nav links to main page (182ddc81)
- fix(FOROME-903): change search params for dtree page (097a68a7)
- feat(FOROME-811): check if value was changed before gdisabling button (2f254c2b)
- feat(FOROME-811): add checking for inserting new value in numeric range (7448e00f)
- feat(FOROME-97): delete scroll shadowier (0fd91d6c)
- feat(FOROME-811): fix merge conflicts and resolve comments (3d701382)
- fix(FOROME-834): comp req, comp het approx changing (f134528e)
- feat(FOROME-902): fix excess letter (536f481a)
- feat(FOROME-811): add disabling button in compound request (15e95dec)
- feat(FOROME-811): add disabling on compound het (909d653d)
- feat(FOROME-811): add disabling button in custom inheritance mode (51ba21ba)
- feat(FOROME-811): add disabling in gene region (a99acf4a)
- feat(FOROME-811): add disabling button on inheritance mode (9fdeb3ed)
- feat(FOROME-811): add disabling buttons in ranges (f678c280)
- feat(FOROME-811): add disabling button on unseved changes (45314922)
- feat(FOROME-902): fix margings in bottom (61964677)
- feat(FOROME-902): remove bold font and add margin on right on empty list (53df0f2f)
- feat(FOROME-902): fix imports (015bd9d7)
- feat(FOROME-902): redesign header, add component for showing count of variants (8c4383c0)
- fix(FOROME-872): get new variant list after change dataset (52b20333)
- fix(FOROME-852): remove 'viewReturnVariant' btn for final step in emtpy tree (a0abf8f4)
- refactor(FOROME-888): remove unused code in 'datasetStore.fetchWsListAsync' function (aac969a3)
- fix(FOROME-000): fixed eslint warning (d248f482)
- feat(FOROME-827): implemented prediction power indicator (#578) (e7a8df07)
- fix(FOROME-907): fixed reactive data reconciliation in async data stores (#581) (d2c1a79d)
- feat(FOROME-97): return ref (73d1fd24)
- feat(FOROME-97): merge dev (5a71630e)
- feat(FOROME-906): fix naming of get method (36d6ef82)
- fix(FOROME-876): uncheck not mode (e70385fb)
- feat(FOROME-906): add loading message on preset selector in main page (59a9b112)
- feat(FOROME-97): merge develop (a667912f)
- refactor(FOROME-850): implemented base store for async data, refactored filter refiner store (#555) (a8935684)
- feat(FOROME-97): remove states and use resize observer (d6c618f1)
- fix(FOROME-881): duplicating 0 in refiner's results (2753bc46)
- refactor(FOROME-852): move isTreeEmpty into dtreeStore (fc20988c)
- fix(FOROME-837): add ability to search variant name in decision tree (6ee191a4)
- feat(FOROME-841): fix comments (2225e1e3)
- feat(FOROME-841): remove margings if theres no children (067c6af5)
- feat(FOROME-841): fix merge conflicts (4b391733)
- feat(FOROME-841): delete import and placing in modal (ceca11a2)
- fix(FOROME-825): add runtime-problem status (#569) (16787e19)
- feat(FOROME-841): change all checkboxes to our own, and prev dependency (82246972)
- feat(FOROME-841): made id not necessary (85e69973)
- refactor(FOROME-888): remove unused code in 'datasetStore.fetchWsListAsync' function (9381e51a)
- feat(FOROME-841): use right fun in all not mods (b4825f72)
- feat(FOROME-841): problems with showing changes (a816c209)
- fix(FOROME-884): hide igv button when we dont have igv-urls for dataset (8b849ca4)
- fix(FOROME-837): use filteredStepData instead of stepData in step components (21953cd0)
- fix(FOROME-871): redesign "TRANSCRIPTS" window in Drawer (4275b3c2)
- refactor(FOROME-837): remove getStepData from dtreeStore (552ab7ae)
- feat(FOROME-841): use common radio button instead custom (9c5a090a)
- fix(FOROME-837): add filteredStepData (e6b57c20)
- feat(FOROME-841): add raw checkbox component (e769c4dc)
- fix(FOROME-852): add ability for correct open view variants for final step with empty step in tree (b6ffd4f1)
- fix(FOROME-871): hide shadow when user scrolled via scrollbar to start position (8d96bcd8)
- fix(FOROME-871): resotre ability for open urls in drawer windows (992ff21b)
- feat(FOROME-97): fix commits about files sys (e7d8a1e2)
- fix(FOROME-871): add check before change state of adding shadow (031998db)
- fix(FOROME-000): fixed styles in attributes list (8741145b)
- feat(FOROME-839): Added Import/Export dataset UI support (#563) (cb29264c)
- fix(FOROME-852): remove 'viewReturnVariant' btn for final step in empty tree (b4cd48a6)
- fix(FOROME-871): add transparent background for checkbox (bdab9bd7)
- fix(FOROME-871): change style of checkbox (d7c1c98e)
- refactor(FOROME-871): add useScrollShadow hook (55b00829)
- feat(FOROME-97): fix merge conflicts (01f85dc5)
- feat(FOROME-97): add resize parameter, add element for x y shadow shower (fef64452)
- feat(FOROME-97): add horizontal and vertical scroll (6be2f972)
- refactor(FOROME-871): move getLeftDistance to util (68cc02dd)
- refactor(FOROME-871): add DrawerClass enum (5c1f00cc)
- refactor(FOROME-871): move DrawerTable & DrawerPreView to separate components (03f09740)
- fix(FOROME-871): fix crush app after choose variant without gene (1ddea4e6)
- feat(FOROME-871): hide checkbox when drawer is close (962bcc9a)
- feat(FOROME-802): add a dnd scroll to the drawer and a sticky left column (c0561151)
- fix(FOROME-871): add style for label (4413b3ee)
- fix(FOROME-871): restore logic for checkbox (1593e797)
- refactor(FOROME-871): move part UI from body to drawer window component (699be797)
- fix(FOROME-871): remove thead from drawer table (6f2cfd6e)
- feat(FOROME-97): remove unused import (9facbfc9)
- feat(FOROME-97): add shadows on x scroll (4a111b24)
- refactor(FOROME-802): add better readability for handleScroll function (bd875e86)
- fix(FOROME-000): fixed missing import (987ef868)
- fix(FOROME-815): func filters conditions displaying (#544) (1b7c5f37)
- refactor(FOROME-802): rename ITableViewProps interface (f495965c)
- fix(FOROME-802): move text and add text to dictionary (972f0a55)
- fix(FOROME-802): add ability for dnd scroll for all drawer windows (11173116)
- refactor(FOROME-802): optimize two functions (ce87d4ee)
- feat(FOROME-802): add style for cursor in drawer window (a0cd4f0e)
- fix(FOROME-802): resotre ability to highlight text in drawer window (fc82d728)
- fix(FOROME-00): reset conditions, use case #2 (#553) (10f80912)
- feat(FOROME-802): add shadow after horizontal scroll (b32ed9be)
- refactor(FOROME-842): Added service providers for ops and vault (#551) (fc060855)
- fix(FOROME-857): add white bg for loading screen (083b92da)
- fix(FOROME-835): show modal out of parent container and add on mouse events on icons (e78cddd3)
- feat(FOROME-847): fix grammar mistake in word variants (5f9e245a)
- refactor(FOROME-802): rename variables (cabc6389)
- fix(FOROME-711): add showing elements in creating filter page (2973f32b)
- fix(FOROME-832): delete unused variable (5d7f90db)
- fix(FOROME-832): use current name and prev name exect from storage (11406820)
- fix(FOROME-857): fix double edges in view variants modal (916de18b)
- feat(FOROME-703): add cursor pointer on icon (d1fc85cd)
- feat(FOROME-777): add a histogram for numeric attributes in filter refiner (#543) (ca174e31)
- fix(FOROME-833): return order of columns on exiting without applying (e68eb2a8)
- fix(FOROME-796): change call of tabReport request after loading mainTable (4d3f626d)
- feat(FOROME-802): add dnd scroll for table in drawer (fde95605)
- feat(FOROME-822): remove unused imports (88696e76)
- feat(FOROME-822): make popper modal pure from settings panel (08088c80)
- fix(FOROME-833): don't delete columns after hiding them in column list for setting table (02ffece1)
- feat(FOROME-822): change style of customize table modal (b4bc2ac3)
- fix(FOROME-761): fix cell with null value array (7526ed0f)
- fix(FOROME-831): fix issue with redirecting to 0 variant (e8cd2bc3)
- feat(FOROME-703): add icon for showing tooltips (cfa667aa)
- fix(FOROME-819): add a routing to the main page when clicking on the cross (b08eedd1)
- feat(FOROME-829): added support for disabling min/max validation in numeric attributes (#540) (f17b4787)
- fix(FOROME-796): change call of tabReport request after loading mainTable (94158be0)
- fix(FOROME-761): create file for constants (eb383f3b)
- feat(FOROME-711): remove uneccessary useeffect and state (37b6fc5c)
- feat(FOROME-803): change function and add cursor style to table (c7ce99ef)
- fix(FOROME-800): fixed statunits request in decision tree (#541) (eed8b3fb)
- fix(FOROME-761): extract empty value as constant (a58f088f)
- feat(FOROME-803): fix comment with using fun (f979dc38)
- feat(FOROME-774): reworked dataset breadcrumbs (#538) (808ab23e)
- fix(FOROME-819): add a routing to the main page when clicking on the cross (2d5fc3fd)
- fix(FOROME-762): columns position is reset after the user opens and closes the Drawer (483d1760)
- fix(FOROME-821): add page check for dtreeStore.getQueryBuilder (081d0aec)
- feat(FOROME-791): implement panels editing (6b98f0c6)
- feat(FOROME-803): redesign view variants (a59297e7)
- feat(FOROME-818): adjusted range slider histogram with a small number of values (#535) (fd815eba)
- feat(FOROME-817): adjusted histogram data for logarithmic attributes (#532) (4b422075)
- fix(FOROME-821): add page check for dtreeStore.getQueryBuilder (925ace41)
- fix(FOROME-766): restore ability for add tag or note (b3747021)
- fix(FOROME-762): dont save configuration after click cancel (78914993)
- feat(FOROME-803): raw example (3c96b902)
- fix(FOROME-812): dtree route view layout (71946040)
- fix(FOROME-762): restore columnsStore.columns after unmount drawer (9cffa98d)
- refactor(FOROME-762): move component logic into local store (734323f8)
- fix(FOROME-634): all not mods for dtree filters (7e398608)
- fix(FOROME-762): columns position is reset after the user opens and closes the Drawer (3266f36a)
- fix(FOROME-794): change the information block of the pie chart (#527) (ee09d1ff)
- refactor(FOROME-751): add service provider for Filtering regime requests group (#499) (88c91753)
- fix(FOROME-766): remove checked variants after click 'Cancel' btn (#520) (66735d8f)
- feat(FOROME-804): implemented logarithmic scale for Y-axis in range slider histogram (#528) (08d6a716)
- fix(FOROME-242): minimap hover func (9811071b)
- fix(FOROME-761): add default value to other fields (d7c623d8)
- fix(FOROME-793): disable exportReport btn when there are no variants (#525) (fc10c7fd)
- fix(FOROME-764): add resetConditions for 'Reset filters' btn (#523) (9d2efc80)
- fix(FOROME-736): change source of igv service request urls (19a7753f)
- fix(FOROME-757): add all variants (1384c076)
- feat(FOROME-739): implemented histograms for numeric attributes in sidebar (#503) (7a9cc35f)
- fix(FOROME-767): selected filters data structure (fea92e60)
- feat(FOROME-752): Added service provider for ws dataset (#492) (3d3edf7d)
- feat(FOROME-711): change fun name (1427f65d)
- fix(FOROME-750): chosen preset doesnt stay after opening Decision tree panel second time (#506) (d0e93462)
- fix(FOROME-749): set counts in updatePointCounts (#515) (73e38d2d)
- fix(FOROME-757): remove import from library (3ad5b14a)
- fix(FOROME-757): remove wrong braces in code in decision tree (22aeea2d)
- fix(FOROME-795): comp het incorrect data in submit (d73a878b)
- feat(FOROME-116): add leveling system in displaying datasets layoyts (9463f63c)
- feat(FOROME-711): add error message on wrong value in compound request (b5593178)
- refactor(FOROME-744): modals enum filters (25624501)
- fix(FOROME-710): remove showing error on empty input (1620538e)
- fix(FOROME-760): remove wrong calling of massive (043c9eac)
- fix(FOROME-785): move logic, and rewrite reset button (167d47c2)
- fix(FOROME-765): change conditions for setConditionsAsync (#513) (f986e41e)
- fix(FOROME-765): change 'refiner' query parameter when moving from Re… (#508) (360ed9aa)
- feat(FOROME-365): added all, not mods to refiner func filters (35686862)
- fix(FOROME-560): place formatting in right place (ea6fff1f)
- fix(FOROME-560): add commas in header (af4a02e8)
- fix(FOROME-760): remove exception on opening view variants (f5206759)
- fix(FOROME-785): add set all and reset all buttons in inheritance mode (9557bc54)
- fix(FOROME-504): fix comments (eb9df901)
- fix(FOROME-776): display charts in the left panel collapsed (b89cff9f)
- fix(FOROME-761): add showing '-' for default value in field 'in silico', 'protein change' (4e2e063b)
- fix(FOROME-758): centralyze 'edit filters' button (80898c48)
- fix(FOROME-504): add hiding attachments (8ce90ae6)
- fix(FOROME-682): fixed dtree stat fetching (#483) (db83ae6b)
- fix(FOROME-708): fixed DeferRender component for safari browser (#493) (95a3eb55)
- fix(FOROME-746): clearBtn doesnt clear preset (85ded5db)
- fix(FOROME-741): change condition of fetching mainTable data after reloading (10a38daf)
- refactor(FOROME-721): dtree func filters (25ec3442)
- fix(FOROME-560): update converting number function (08cb659b)
- fix(FOROME-696): use formatNumber instead of getNumberWithCommas (e185322b)
- feat(FOROME-696): add Total numbers and redising left side of chart area (#479) (559195c3)
- fix(FOROME-713): added number formatting for "Result" value in filter refiner (#488) (0709eed5)
- fix(FOROME-707): fixed display of the dataset name in header (#484) (bfa52d87)
- feat(FOROME-670): Added dataset service provider (#486) (13b2c360)
- fix(FOROME-560): more stable showing digits divided (b2fefe49)
- fix(FOROME-317): revert old changes (28d15abe)
- fix(FOROME-317): fix closing result modal, and add parameters on mouse events (37ffba9a)
- fix(FOROME-560): dtree variant numbers separated by commas (bf579157)
- fix(FOROME-738): remove
restrictions in numeric attributes (#485) (33200703) - fix(FOROME-703): revert changes, to showing some tooltip on hover (d79a929d)
- fix(FOROME-686): show previous number of step instead of '...' in empty step (544b5b4a)
- fix(FOROME-707): fixed display of the dataset name in header (c044ff22)
- fix(FOROME-705): remove reset tabReport data after unmounting refiner page (#481) (08b65a38)
- fix(FOROME-568): drawer notes restriction (7db8077a)
- fix(FOROME-317): small bug with don't open modal (eced7622)
- feat(FOROME-243): add confirmation modal to delete dtree (cb9ef279)
- fix(FOROME-317): add array of refs that can be pressed for hook click outside (9a28225b)
- feat(FOROME-703): change tooltip appearing action (eaef48e5)
- feat(FOROME-697): add pie chart to left panel in filter (3d465885)
- fix(FOROME-627): temporarily blocked notes for drawer tags (830548ec)
- feat(FOROME-363): possibility to add func filters more than one time (8c7a6e37)
- feat(FOROME-638): implemented center-distance numeric attribute (#469) (1cb3c3bc)
- fix(FOROME-443): Fix notes width (#464) (b97ed53c)
- feat(FOROME-560): Added commas for varians (#467) (35eb4098)
- fix(FOROME-299): load preset on dropdown change (8ca7e89c)
- feat(FOROME-663): make color of link different color of link (ce251355)
- refactor(FOROME-704): refactored numeric attribute modals (#463) (66f39fbe)
- fix(FOROME-635): fix displaying functional attributes (fa5b6c22)
- fix(FOROME-698): height diff depend on page (45cbfee9)
- fix(FOROME-538): outside click handling (12f43ea4)
- fix(FOROME-698): remove empty space (fb39dab8)
- fix(FOROME-678): unify button name (ed47a644)
- fix(FOROME-538): fix issue with reseting values (29bea443)
- feat(FOROME-694): add left dtree panel to Filter Refiner (#454) (8c8753cb)
- fix(FOROME-692): remove 'undo', 'redo' btns & remove 'not mode' checkbox (d5173566)
- refactor(FOROME:685, 688): get step index for api (49205810)
- fix(FOROME-372): add cross for popup dialog (976f465e)
- feat(FOROME-637): implemented logarithmic scale and histogram for range slider (#448) (edaf9c56)
- fix(FOROME-683): show locus in title from recieved hg mode (9c65325d)
- fix(FOROME:630): add reset for preset name after joining (111bf203)
- fix(FOROME-621): add toast for modify,delete & join preset (e69723d9)
- fix(FOROME-681): remove unused reccnt request (7181575d)
- feat(FOROME-223): added loader for export button (#441) (801738ae)
- feat(FOROME-353): add modals for table samples (2642a1eb)
- feat(FOROME-675): add 404 (Not found) page (5ff2d0ec)
- fix(FOROME-641): reset stat func data in inh mode's modals (a5fb7021)
- feat(FOROME-360): added underscore break to dataset name (#434) (c4efbcdb)
- fix(FOROME-590): fixed filter reset (#431) (46fae0d5)
- fix(FOROME-651): fix app crush with 500 status of dtree_check (7b799bde)
- fix(FOROME-00): dtree compound_het (dd5c4be2)
- fix(FOROME-641): reset stat func data in inh mode's modals (baedc26f)
- fix(FOROME-573): fix locus for variant without gene (91b2d35c)
- fix(FOROME-658): fixed gene region (9f278156)
- fix(FOROME-658): fixed gene region (b87623a7)
- fix(FOROME-674): dtree compound_het (3d46e013)
- fix(FOROME-652): fixed version disappear (#432) (36a9358a)
- fix(FOROME-00): dtree compound_het (fcee684a)
- feat(FOROME-673): add short cut for service-provider folder (6f59b03a)
- feat(FOROME-614): add types for api response (c45522f8)
- feat(FOROME-592): enable range slider in numbers modals (8d6d3621)
- fix(FOROME-440): memorizing previous filters to reset them on close (#426) (15461c48)
- fix(FOROME-516): fixed add enum attributes in filter refiner (#421) (8e59bdb7)
- fix(FOROME-522): fixed 0 value after attribute editing in decision tree (#422) (1a0ad539)
- fix(FOROME-454): fixed wrong chart data (#416) (7840d5e2)
- fix(FOROME-311): show accepted & rejected variants and include/exclude final step (2262655e)
- fix(FOROME-000): removed warnings (e84231f4)
- fix(FOROME-516): fixed add enum attributes in filter refiner (#421) (9f205675)
- fix(FOROME-522): fixed 0 value after attribute editing in decision tree (#422) (5295a047)
- fix(FOROME-454): fixed wrong chart data (#416) (8be68719)
- fix(FOROME-311): show accepted & rejected variants and include/exclude final step (2f6312d5)
- fix(FOROME-311): show accepted & rejected variants and include/exclude final step (2221d0fb)
- fix(FOROME-000): removed warnings (fb55a1cb)
- fix(FOROME-000): removed warnings (a5e5e0f1)
- fix(FOROME-295): inh mode default choice (53045ed4)
- fix(FOROME-295): inheritance mode default choice (4fc3509b)
- feat(FOROME-488): implemented RangeSlider component (#413) (189ffae9)
- fix(FOROME-295): inh mode default choice (fdaa54df)
- fix(FOROME-617): functional attributes fixes (ea24cce2)
- fix(FOROME-593): table dnd bug (3d913ca7)
- fix(FOROME-593): table dnd bug (9bba86fa)
- fix(FOROME-617): functional attributes fixes (3eb506c0)
- fix(FOROME-619): fixing last row (#410) (c418255d)
- feat(FOROME-602): react-scripts 5 migration (#405) (08c8b14e)
- fix(FOROME-551): displaying numeric attrs in refiner (f1ce3dd1)
- fix(FOROME-618): fixed request duplication in table (#409) (ef6347fe)
- feat(FOROME-588): changed format of the Anfisa version (1395fc13)
- feat(FOROME-612): switching the deploy script on develop (#407) (834c30ec)
- fix(FOROME-00): main-table-loading (7a9c8de0)
- feat(FOROME-547): getting list of bam files on igv (4cc0564b)
- refactor(FOROME-583): Table refactoring (45c65f23)
- refactor(FOROME-351): refactoring columns list / turn off genes and variant (e771af06)
- feat(FOROME-300): add refiner filter to url (b0a522ec)
- feat(FOROME-300): add refiner filter to url (dbb10d67)
- fix(FOROME-349): move increment before yarn install (bd11af19)
- feat(FOROME-349): remove caret (0f5e2ca2)
- feat(FOROME-349) add commit lint && stylelint (9d7abf33)
- fix(FOROME-349): set increment version action before deploy (738eced4)
- feat(FOROME-349): remove caret (332ac54a)
- feat(FOROME-349) add commit lint && stylelint (d2c1a717)
- fix(FOROME-349): increment version manually due to pipeline failed (839bf210)
- feat(FOROME-349): remove caret (1c2e68e5)
- feat(FOROME-349) add commit lint && stylelint (67117abb)
- fix(FOROME-349): skip hooks push after version icrement (322c7850)
- feat(FOROME-349): remove caret (95fe0180)
- feat(FOROME-349) add commit lint && stylelint (fe10dbac)
- fix(FOROME-349): skip hooks for version increments (78bfd45e)
- feat(FOROME-349): remove caret (e03d20a5)
- feat(FOROME-349) add commit lint && stylelint (571d328f)
- fix(FOROME-349): add no verify pushing tags (d26328ac)
- feat(FOROME-349): remove caret (0edf8779)
- feat(FOROME-349) add commit lint && stylelint (35490f89)
- fix(FOROME-349): fix build wih lint-staged hook upd (2dd2a3ab)
- feat(FOROME-349): remove caret (c6203ed4)
- feat(FOROME-349) add commit lint && stylelint (4cf643fa)
- fix(FOROME-349): fix build wih lint-staged hook (d097549d)
- feat(FOROME-349): remove caret (07647370)
- feat(FOROME-349) add commit lint && stylelint (12d9befe)
- feat(FOROME-349): remove caret (838b2dce)
- feat(FOROME-349) add commit lint && stylelint (736eafca)
- fix(FOROME-335): search attribute with substring from middle (4222634f)
- fix(FOROME-552): fixed variant loading (592fcd27)
- fix(FOROME-364): added select all button (1e36942a)
- fix(FOROME-542): incorrect preset, attrs adding on refiner (321a5723)
- fix(FOROME-544): remove ws_list method from refiner with xl_datasets (3c1ee45c)