General library for setting up linux-based environments for developing, running, and evaluating planners.
This doesn't work yet, but gives a general sense of where the project may be headed.
$ planutils --install-planners ipc-2018
This will require 3Gb of storage. Proceed? [Y/n]
Fetching all of the planners from IPC-2018 for use on the command line...
$ planutils --setup-server-environment
Setting up a webserver to call the installed planners...
$ planutils --setup-development-environment
Installing common dependencies for building planners...
Installing common planning libraries...
$ planutils install-planning-domains
Installing the command-line utilities...
Installing the python library...
Fetching default benchmarks...
$ planutils --setup-evaluation configuration.json
Installing Lab...
Configuring Lab...
Run to evaluate
$ lama domain.pddl problem.pddl
The lama planner requires the FastDownward to be installed. Install now (30Mb)? [Y/n] Y
Installing FastDownward...
Ready! Please try running the planner again.
$ lama domain.pddl problem.pddl
The included Docker file will come with planutils pre-installed. Note that in order to
run a number of the planners (all those that are based on singularity), you will need
to run the docker with the --privileged