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Flashlist simplifies your task world! For real!

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Task management made simple

Flashlist is a crossplattform mobile app that allows you to manage and share shopping lists, tasks and todos. Providing realtime-updates through WebSockets for perfect sync.

In case you haven't already install the following:

Install Flutter and Dart.

You can follow the instructions on the official Flutter website: Flutter Installation Guide

Install Docker.

You can follow the instructions on the official Docker website: Docker Installation Guide

Install Serverpod CLI

Once you have Flutter and Docker installed and configured, open up a terminal and install Serverpod by running:

dart pub global activate serverpod_cli

Clone Flashlist

To clone run:

git clone

Server Setup

Create /flashlist/flashlist_server/config/passwords.yaml with the development passwords set in docker-compose.yaml

  database: '6nGjb0OBhU9WqqZDzSAnwWotoiGiQS6C'
  redis: 'QC_mss_jkyaTZDiMhJvDJj0M6quWjOal'

To be able to easily create users on your local DB navigate to /flashlist/flashlist_server/lib/server.dart. There you:

  1. Uncomment the print and return statement.
  2. Comment out the try-catch with the sendEmailFromFlashlist Function
      sendValidationEmail: (session, email, validationCode) async {
        //  Send the validation email to the user.
        // Return `true` if the email was successfully sent, otherwise `false`.

        //UNCOMMENT the two lines beneath
        // print(validationCode);
        // return true;

        // COMMENT OUT this try / catch
        try {
          return await sendEmailFromFlashlist(
            'Flashlist Email Validation',
            'Your validation code is: $validationCode',
        } catch (e) {
          return false;

Navigate to the server directory in your shell

cd flashlist/flashlist_server

Start up the Database by running

docker-compose up --build --detach

Run the server and apply the migrations to your (fresh) database:

dart bin/main.dart --apply-migrations

If your database already has all the changes you just run:

dart bin/main.dart


then all you need to do is navigate to flashlist_flutter and run:

flutter run