Here you can find some of mine projects from the bachelor's course ofAlgorithms and Data Structures, having Luca Tesei as professor at the University of Camerino (UNICAM). The projects are 3 (mp1,mp2,mp3) and the junit test's are implemented by the teacher.
On this project you can find three main classes. "Crivello di Eratostene" is the implementation of the sieve of Eratosthenes. "Factoriser" that factorize every natural number into prime number by using the sieve of eratosthenes and the class "Factor". "Shelf" it's a basic example of OOP.
On this project you can find three main classes as well. "Deque" Implementation of the Java SE Double-ended Queue (Deque) interface based on a double linked list with some restrictions. "Balanced Parenthesis Checker" that check if in a given (and accepted) expression, the parenthesis are well balanced. "Ternary Min Heap" it's a min heap with three brackets; it was implemented by using a priority queue.
"Undirected Graph" Class that implements an undirected graph using an adjacency matrix and lists. "El Mamun Caravan" Example of dynamic programming by solving the El mamun's best parenthesization in an expression with matrix. "Prim Algorithm" is an implementation of Prim algorithm by using a priority list.
If there's something that you want to know you can contact me anytime, otherwise you can look at javadoc. Thanks for the patience, enjoy ;)