Defeloper: Flag Studio
- app
- Debian base (
- Node 16.13.1
- PHP: 8.1.5
- Laravel: 9.10.1
- Laravel nova: 3.30.0
- postgres (can be swapped to mysql)
- dockerhub image
- Postgres 13.2
- mysql (can be swapped to postgres)
- custom image (
- MySQL 8.0
- traefik (only for local development)
- dockerhub image (traefik:v2.5.6)
- Traefik 2.5.6
- redis (laravel cache driver usage)
- dockerhub image (redis:6.2.5-buster)
- 6.2.5-buster
- meilisearch (full text search engine, can be swapped to elasticsearch)
- dockerhub image (getmeili/meilisearch:v0.24.0)
- meilisearch v0.24.0
- elasticsearch (full text search engine, can be swapped to meilisearch)
- custom image (
- elasticsearch-7.6.2
- mailhog (do not use in production)
- dockerhub image (mailhog/mailhog)
- latest
- utility compose files:
— Just an utility setup for base image build, used for application base image build for future push to container registry, you can read Build and push base image
— Just an utility setup for application image build, based on base image, used for build and future push to container registry, you can read Build and push app image section
- environment orchestration compose files:
— For local
— Orchestration setup to run on the production environment. Placed on a production server from master branch, renamed to docker-compose.yml, used byAnsible Deployer
— Orchestration setup to run on the test environment. Placed on a staging server from develop branch, renamed to docker-compose.yml, used byAnsible Deployer
— Orchestration setup to run on the premaster environment. Placed on a staging server from premaster branch, renamed to docker-compose.yml, used byAnsible Deployer
— the only configuration is not under VCS, so it stores all the settings of the app and dockerdocker/app/www.conf
— php-fpm settingsdocker/app/laraflag.ini
— php settingsdocker/app/crontab
— cron jobsdocker/app/supervisord.conf
— supervisordocker/app/opcache.ini
— opcachedocker/app/xdebug.ini
— xdebug
- docker/app/xdebug.ini — xdebug
- docker/app/xdebug.bash — xdebug manage bash script
- Check docker-compose.yml file and change the default key
to env variable<COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME>
project: # <- change this key to COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME env variable value e.g.: 'mdat'
driver: overlay
external: true
- Create docker network by bash command:
docker network create <COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME>
- Run a bash command
docker-compose up -d
- !!! ATTENTION !!! All commands in the
container should be executed from non-root userflag
, use--user=flag
argument for that - Go to the shell of app container by bash command:
docker-compose exec --user=flag app /bin/bash
- Run by bash command
composer install
- Generate key file by bash command
php artisan key:generate
- Create symlink for /storage folder by bash command
php artisan storage:link
- Run migrations and seeds by bash command
php artisan migrate --seed
- Install node dependencies by bash command
npm install
- Build frontend assets by bash command
npm run dev
- Exit from app container by bash command:
- Run by bash command
- Check http endpoint by bash command
curl -I --insecure https://<APP_URI>
- it should be:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK ...
- Administrator panel will be accessed by
, auth as<ADMIN_EMAIL>
Make sure that .env file on remote host contains following variables :
Make sure that following commands were added to deploy CI/CD stage:
sed -i 's/GIT_COMMIT=.*/GIT_COMMIT=\""$CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE"\"/' .env &&
sed -i 's/GIT_BRANCH=.*/GIT_BRANCH=\""$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH"\"/' .env &&
sed -i 's/GIT_DATE=.*/GIT_DATE=\""$CI_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP"\"/' .env
- If pre-commit hook returns an error message
code style errors
, fix it by bash command and add changes to your commit:docker-compose exec --user=flag app vendor/bin/composer csfix
- For the run only
code style
validation use this bash command, Its will returns problem files list:docker-compose exec --user=flag app vendor/bin/composer csfix-validate
- If pre_commit hook contains test errors, check that you have local version of phpunit.xml, if not then run a bash command:
cp phpunit.xml.dist phpunit.xml
- If pre_commit hook contains test errors, fix the tests and run the test again.
- Fill in variable
in the.env.*
file with the server address
- Run test by bash command
docker-compose exec --user=flag app composer autotests
- Ссылка на документацию Laravel Backup
- Use for start from the CLI:
php artisan backup:run --only-db
- By default, the backpack will be uploaded by the zip archive in the path
, you can configure any other drives, including S3 - The configuration file is located at
- Check the
file for filled by necessary variables - Run a bash command:
docker-compose -f build
- Look at build result message, it should be like this:
Successfully built 47d8a9e3771b
Successfully tagged
- At first, we need login to GitLab registry with deploy token
- Settings for deploy token placed on Settings / Repository of yor GitLab repository:<PROJECT_NAME>/-/settings/repository
- Run a bash command:
docker login -u <CI_DEPLOY_USER> -p <CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD>
- Settings for deploy token placed on Settings / Repository of yor GitLab repository:
- Now we can push this image to the GitLab registry of your project by bash command:
docker push<COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME>:base
If you need to build app image without CI builder & push it to the project registry follow this steps:
- Checkout to the branch by bash command:
git checkout <BRANCH_NAME>;
git fetch && git rebase;
- At first, we need login to GitLab registry with deploy token
- Settings for deploy token placed on Settings / Repository of yor GitLab repository:<PROJECT_NAME>/-/settings/repository
- Alternatively you can use your GitLab user_name & password
- Run a bash command:
docker login -u <CI_DEPLOY_USER> -p <CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD>
- Settings for deploy token placed on Settings / Repository of yor GitLab repository:
- You need to provide special environment file for image building. In this example, we are provided
docker-compose --env-file .env.test -f build
- Look at build result message, it should be like this:
Successfully built 4373b31e6b14
Successfully tagged
- Now we can push this image to the GitLab registry of your project by bash command:
docker push<COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME>:test
- Update or create necessary
file, e.g.:.env.test
for testing server - Fill required variables
- Make database backup if needed, do not archive it
- Make
directory archive if needed; - For automated deploy use Ansible Deployer for deploy to external server
- For manual deploy
- ssh to the remote host
- create
dir by the commandmkdir -p /root/www
- go to the
dir and clonetraefik
repo by commandgit clone
- follow to the instructions from traefik
- create project dir on remote host, e.g.:
mkdir -P /root/www/project
- copy docker-compose.*.yml file to the remote host as docker-compose.yml
- copy .env.* to the remote host as .env
- copy
dir if needed - run on the
container - run on the project by command
docker-compose up -d