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323 lines (275 loc) · 15.2 KB

File metadata and controls

323 lines (275 loc) · 15.2 KB



Error Name Codespace Code Description
ErrInvalidExpirationTime authz 3 expiration time of authorization should be more than current time

You can also find detailed information in the following Errors.go files:


Error Name Codespace Code Description
ErrNoInputs bank 2 no inputs to send transaction
ErrNoOutputs bank 3 no outputs to send transaction
ErrInputOutputMismatch bank 4 sum inputs != sum outputs
ErrSendDisabled bank 5 send transactions are disabled
ErrDenomMetadataNotFound bank 6 client denom metadata not found
ErrInvalidKey bank 7 invalid key

You can also find detailed information in the following Errors.go files:


Error Name Codespace Code Description
ErrInvalidCapabilityName capability 2 capability name not valid
ErrNilCapability capability 3 provided capability is nil
ErrCapabilityTaken capability 4 capability name already taken
ErrOwnerClaimed capability 5 given owner already claimed capability
ErrCapabilityNotOwned capability 6 capability not owned by module
ErrCapabilityNotFound capability 7 capability not found
ErrCapabilityOwnersNotFound capability 8 owners not found for capability

You can also find detailed information in the following Errors.go files:


Error Name Codespace Code Description
ErrTokenNotExist collection 2 token symbol, token-id does not exist
ErrTokenNotMintable collection 3 token symbol, token-id is not mintable
ErrInvalidTokenName collection 4 token name should not be empty
ErrInvalidTokenID collection 5 invalid token id
ErrInvalidTokenDecimals collection 6 token decimals should be within the range in 0 ~ 18
ErrInvalidIssueFT collection 7 Issuing token with amount[1], decimals[0], mintable[false] prohibited. Issue nft token instead.
ErrInvalidAmount collection 8 invalid token amount
ErrInvalidBaseImgURILength collection 9 invalid base_img_uri length
ErrInvalidNameLength collection 10 invalid name length
ErrInvalidTokenType collection 11 invalid token type pattern found
ErrInvalidTokenIndex collection 12 invalid token index pattern found
ErrCollectionExist collection 13 collection already exists
ErrCollectionNotExist collection 14 collection does not exists
ErrTokenTypeExist collection 15 token type for contract_id, token-type already exists
ErrTokenTypeNotExist collection 16 token type for contract_id, token-type does not exist
ErrTokenTypeFull collection 17 all token type for contract_id are occupied
ErrTokenIndexFull collection 18 all non-fungible token index for contract_id, token-type are occupied
ErrTokenIDFull collection 19 all fungible token-id for contract_id are occupied
ErrTokenNoPermission collection 20 account does not have the permission
ErrTokenAlreadyAChild collection 21 token is already a child of some other
ErrTokenNotAChild collection 22 token is not a child of some other
ErrTokenNotOwnedBy collection 23 token is being not owned by
ErrTokenCannotTransferChildToken collection 24 cannot transfer a child token
ErrTokenNotNFT collection 25 token is not a NFT
ErrCannotAttachToItself collection 26 cannot attach token to itself
ErrCannotAttachToADescendant collection 27 cannot attach token to a descendant
ErrApproverProxySame collection 28 approver is same with proxy
ErrCollectionNotApproved collection 29 proxy is not approved on the collection
ErrCollectionAlreadyApproved collection 30 proxy is already approved on the collection
ErrAccountExist collection 31 account already exists
ErrAccountNotExist collection 32 account does not exists
ErrInsufficientSupply collection 33 insufficient supply
ErrInvalidCoin collection 34 invalid coin
ErrInvalidChangesFieldCount collection 35 invalid count of field changes
ErrEmptyChanges collection 36 changes is empty
ErrInvalidChangesField collection 37 invalid field of changes
ErrTokenIndexWithoutType collection 38 There is a token index but no token type
ErrTokenTypeFTWithoutIndex collection 39 There is a token type of ft but no token index
ErrInsufficientToken collection 40 insufficient token
ErrDuplicateChangesField collection 41 duplicate field of changes
ErrInvalidMetaLength collection 42 invalid meta length
ErrSupplyOverflow collection 43 supply for collection reached maximum
ErrEmptyField collection 44 required field cannot be empty
ErrCompositionTooDeep collection 45 cannot attach token (composition too deep)
ErrCompositionTooWide collection 46 cannot attach token (composition too wide)
ErrBurnNonRootNFT collection 47 cannot burn non-root NFTs

You can also find detailed information in the following Errors.go files:


Error Name Codespace Code Description
ErrNoSender crisis 2 sender address is empty
ErrUnknownInvariant crisis 3 unknown invariant

You can also find detailed information in the following Errors.go files:


Error Name Codespace Code Description
ErrEmptyDelegatorAddr distribution 2 delegator address is empty
ErrEmptyWithdrawAddr distribution 3 withdraw address is empty
ErrEmptyValidatorAddr distribution 4 validator address is empty
ErrEmptyDelegationDistInfo distribution 5 no delegation distribution info
ErrNoValidatorDistInfo distribution 6 no validator distribution info
ErrNoValidatorCommission distribution 7 no validator commission to withdraw
ErrSetWithdrawAddrDisabled distribution 8 set withdraw address disabled
ErrBadDistribution distribution 9 community pool does not have sufficient coins to distribute
ErrInvalidProposalAmount distribution 10 invalid community pool spend proposal amount
ErrEmptyProposalRecipient distribution 11 invalid community pool spend proposal recipient
ErrNoValidatorExists distribution 12 validator does not exist
ErrNoDelegationExists distribution 13 delegation does not exist

You can also find detailed information in the following Errors.go files:


Error Name Codespace Code Description
ErrNoEvidenceHandlerExists evidence 2 unregistered handler for evidence type
ErrInvalidEvidence evidence 3 invalid evidence
ErrNoEvidenceExists evidence 4 evidence does not exist
ErrEvidenceExists evidence 5 evidence already exists

You can also find detailed information in the following Errors.go files:


Error Name Codespace Code Description
ErrUnknownProposal fbridge 2 unknown proposal
ErrUnknownVote fbridge 3 unknown vote
ErrInactiveBridge fbridge 4 the bridge has halted

You can also find detailed information in the following Errors.go files:


Error Name Codespace Code Description
ErrFeeLimitExceeded feegrant 2 fee limit exceeded
ErrFeeLimitExpired feegrant 3 fee allowance expired
ErrInvalidDuration feegrant 4 invalid duration
ErrNoAllowance feegrant 5 no allowance
ErrNoMessages feegrant 6 allowed messages are empty
ErrMessageNotAllowed feegrant 7 message not allowed

You can also find detailed information in the following Errors.go files:


Error Name Codespace Code Description

You can also find detailed information in the following Errors.go files:


Error Name Codespace Code Description
ErrInvalidState fswap 2 swap module invalid state
ErrCanNotHaveMoreSwap fswap 3 no more swap allowed
ErrSwappedNotFound fswap 4 swapped does not exist
ErrExceedSwappableToCoinAmount fswap 5 exceed swappable to-coin amount

You can also find detailed information in the following Errors.go files:


Error Name Codespace Code Description
ErrUnknownProposal gov 2 unknown proposal
ErrInactiveProposal gov 3 inactive proposal
ErrAlreadyActiveProposal gov 4 proposal already active
ErrInvalidProposalContent gov 5 invalid proposal content
ErrInvalidProposalType gov 6 invalid proposal type
ErrInvalidVote gov 7 invalid vote option
ErrInvalidGenesis gov 8 invalid genesis state
ErrNoProposalHandlerExists gov 9 no handler exists for proposal type

You can also find detailed information in the following Errors.go files:


Error Name Codespace Code Description
ErrUnknownSubspace params 2 unknown subspace
ErrSettingParameter params 3 failed to set parameter
ErrEmptyChanges params 4 submitted parameter changes are empty
ErrEmptySubspace params 5 parameter subspace is empty
ErrEmptyKey params 6 parameter key is empty
ErrEmptyValue params 7 parameter value is empty

You can also find detailed information in the following Errors.go files:


Error Name Codespace Code Description
ErrNoValidatorForAddress slashing 2 address is not associated with any known validator
ErrBadValidatorAddr slashing 3 validator does not exist for that address
ErrValidatorJailed slashing 4 validator still jailed; cannot be unjailed
ErrValidatorNotJailed slashing 5 validator not jailed; cannot be unjailed
ErrMissingSelfDelegation slashing 6 validator has no self-delegation; cannot be unjailed
ErrSelfDelegationTooLowToUnjail slashing 7 validator's self delegation less than minimum; cannot be unjailed
ErrNoSigningInfoFound slashing 8 no validator signing info found

You can also find detailed information in the following Errors.go files:


Error Name Codespace Code Description
ErrEmptyValidatorAddr staking 2 empty validator address
ErrNoValidatorFound staking 3 validator does not exist
ErrValidatorOwnerExists staking 4 validator already exist for this operator address; must use new validator operator address
ErrValidatorPubKeyExists staking 5 validator already exist for this pubkey; must use new validator pubkey
ErrValidatorPubKeyTypeNotSupported staking 6 validator pubkey type is not supported
ErrValidatorJailed staking 7 validator for this address is currently jailed
ErrBadRemoveValidator staking 8 failed to remove validator
ErrCommissionNegative staking 9 commission must be positive
ErrCommissionHuge staking 10 commission cannot be more than 100%
ErrCommissionGTMaxRate staking 11 commission cannot be more than the max rate
ErrCommissionUpdateTime staking 12 commission cannot be changed more than once in 24h
ErrCommissionChangeRateNegative staking 13 commission change rate must be positive
ErrCommissionChangeRateGTMaxRate staking 14 commission change rate cannot be more than the max rate
ErrCommissionGTMaxChangeRate staking 15 commission cannot be changed more than max change rate
ErrSelfDelegationBelowMinimum staking 16 validator's self delegation must be greater than their minimum self delegation
ErrMinSelfDelegationDecreased staking 17 minimum self delegation cannot be decrease
ErrEmptyDelegatorAddr staking 18 empty delegator address
ErrNoDelegation staking 19 no delegation for (address, validator) tuple
ErrBadDelegatorAddr staking 20 delegator does not exist with address
ErrNoDelegatorForAddress staking 21 delegator does not contain delegation
ErrInsufficientShares staking 22 insufficient delegation shares
ErrDelegationValidatorEmpty staking 23 cannot delegate to an empty validator
ErrNotEnoughDelegationShares staking 24 not enough delegation shares
ErrNotMature staking 25 entry not mature
ErrNoUnbondingDelegation staking 26 no unbonding delegation found
ErrMaxUnbondingDelegationEntries staking 27 too many unbonding delegation entries for (delegator, validator) tuple
ErrNoRedelegation staking 28 no redelegation found
ErrSelfRedelegation staking 29 cannot redelegate to the same validator
ErrTinyRedelegationAmount staking 30 too few tokens to redelegate (truncates to zero tokens)
ErrBadRedelegationDst staking 31 redelegation destination validator not found
ErrTransitiveRedelegation staking 32 redelegation to this validator already in progress; first redelegation to this validator must complete before next redelegation
ErrMaxRedelegationEntries staking 33 too many redelegation entries for (delegator, src-validator, dst-validator) tuple
ErrDelegatorShareExRateInvalid staking 34 cannot delegate to validators with invalid (zero) ex-rate
ErrBothShareMsgsGiven staking 35 both shares amount and shares percent provided
ErrNeitherShareMsgsGiven staking 36 neither shares amount nor shares percent provided
ErrInvalidHistoricalInfo staking 37 invalid historical info
ErrNoHistoricalInfo staking 38 no historical info found
ErrEmptyValidatorPubKey staking 39 empty validator public key

You can also find detailed information in the following Errors.go files:


Error Name Codespace Code Description
ErrInvalidContractID contract 2 invalid contractID
ErrContractNotExist contract 3 contract does not exist
ErrTokenNotExist token 2 token does not exist
ErrTokenNotMintable token 3 token is not mintable
ErrInvalidTokenName token 4 token name should not be empty
ErrInvalidTokenDecimals token 5 token decimals should be within the range in 0 ~ 18
ErrInvalidAmount token 6 invalid token amount
ErrInvalidImageURILength token 7 invalid token uri length
ErrInvalidNameLength token 8 invalid name length
ErrInvalidTokenSymbol token 9 invalid token symbol
ErrTokenNoPermission token 10 account does not have the permission
ErrAccountExist token 11 account already exists
ErrAccountNotExist token 12 account does not exists
ErrInsufficientBalance token 13 insufficient balance
ErrSupplyExist token 14 supply for token already exists
ErrInsufficientSupply token 15 insufficient supply
ErrInvalidChangesFieldCount token 16 invalid count of field changes
ErrEmptyChanges token 17 changes is empty
ErrInvalidChangesField token 18 invalid field of changes
ErrDuplicateChangesField token 19 invalid field of changes
ErrInvalidMetaLength token 20 invalid meta length
ErrSupplyOverflow token 21 supply for token reached maximum
ErrApproverProxySame token 22 approver is same with proxy
ErrTokenNotApproved token 23 proxy is not approved on the token
ErrTokenAlreadyApproved token 24 proxy is already approved on the token

You can also find detailed information in the following Errors.go files: