Unity Rain Effect for Unity 6 LTS using ShaderGraph, VFXGraph, CustomPass & Custom Render Textures Demo project is setup using DX12 and DXR
Create a Rainy effect in a ScreenSpace fashion by encoding the HDRP normal and smoothness buffer,
Using FullScreen Wetness Controller in the Sample Scene, users can handle the global Wetness effect, the RainDrops custom RenderTexture, and the VFXgraph ColorBuffer main properties
Users can create a vertex-painted mask for the Rain and Wetness effect directly in the Demo Scene using Polybrush, painting the vertex color black or white.
This demo showcases some central Shader :
- ModifyNormalRoughness (fullscreen) ShaderGraph => handle the combination of all the custom buffers and create the final surface effect that applies to all objects using the mask and FullScreen Wetness Controller properties
- Custom RenderTexture Droplets (rain/glide) Shaders => check the materials exposed on the FullScreen Wetness Controller to access to this advanced shaders
CustomPass GameObjects (child of FullScreen Wetness Controller):
- Screen Space Wetness Pass
- Rain On Camera Pass
- Render VFX to Custom Buffer Pass
- Debug Vertex Color Pass
- Debug Roughness Pass
Refer To the Documentation included in the repository for more information about how to use the content
Look in Scene View and Game View, which can differ slightly since the latest Unity updates don't update Custom RenderTextures synchronously in Scene View.