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A configurable Dark Ages server emulator

Configuration (appsettings.json)

You can configure the Login and Lobby servers via appsettings.json file
Here are a few quick tips, but there are more options available than are listed

  • It's recommended to keep the staging data out of the repo, this base staging directory can be changed at Options: ChaosOptions:StagingDirectory
  • Username/Password rules can be changed via Options:ActiveDirectoryCreentialManagerOptions
  • If you want to spin up multiple worlds, or offer redirects to other people's worlds, you can add additional servers via Options: LobbyOptions:Servers
  • If you want to accept redirects from other people, you need to communicate a reserved redirect id, and configure it via Options: LoginOptions:ReservedRedirects
  • Edit your login notice message via Options:LoginOptions:NoticeMessage
  • Edit your new character initial spawn point via Options:LoginOptions:StartingMapInstanceId and StartingPointStr

General world options are also changed via Options:WorldOptions

World Options

Name Type/Values Description
AislingAssailIntervalMs number The base assail interval for aislings
This value is modified by the AtkSpeedPct attribute
DropRange number
The tile range around an aisling that they can drop items
MaxActionsPerSecond number The maximum number of assails/skills/spells combined that an aisling can use per second
MaxGoldHeld number The maximum amount of gold an aisling can hold
MaximumAislingAc number
The highest AC an aisling can have
Higher AC = Takes more damage
MaximumMonsterAc number
The highest AC a monster can have
Higher AC = Takes more damage
MaxLevel number
The aisling level cap
MinimumAislingAc number
The lowest AC an aisling can have
Lower AC = Takes less damage
MinimumMonsterAc number
The lowest AC a monster can have
Lower AC = Takes less damage
PickupRange number
The tile range around an aisling that they can pick up items
RefreshIntervalMs number The minimum number of milliseconds allowed between each refresh request
SaveIntervalMins number The number of minutes between aisling saves
TradeRange number
The tiles range around an aisling that they can engage a trade with another aisling
UpdatesPerSecond number The number of server updates executed per second
The server uses a time delta, so this number doesnt need to be very high

Folder Structure

 ┃ ┗📜rat__stick_apple.json
 ┃ ┣📜
 ┃ ┗📜
 ┃ ┣📂test1
 ┃ ┃ ┣📜instance.json
 ┃ ┃ ┗📜spawns.json
 ┃ ┗📂test2
 ┃   ┣📜instance.json
 ┃   ┗📜spawns.json
 ┃ ┣📂Nodes
 ┃ ┃ ┗📜test2.json
 ┃ ┗📜field001.json
 ┣📂Metafiles (TODO)
 ┃ ┗📂bonk
 ┃   ┣📜aisling.json
 ┃   ┣📜bank.json
 ┃   ┣📜equipment.json
 ┃   ┣📜inventory.json
 ┃   ┣📜legend.json
 ┃   ┣📜password.txt (hashed)
 ┃   ┣📜skills.json
 ┃   ┗📜spells.json
   ┃ ┗📜stick.json
   ┃ ┗📜500.json
   ┃ ┗📜common_rat.json
   ┃ ┗📜assail.json

LootTables Folder

Contains .json files such as "lootTableKey.json" that are used to determine loot drops for monsters

LootTable Properties

Name Type/Values Description
Key string A unique id specific to this loot table. Best practice is to match the file name
LootDrops array{lootDrop} A collection of lootDrops. Every item in the list is calculated, allowing multiple drops

LootDrop Properties

Name Type/Values Description
DropChance number
The chance of the item to drop
ItemTemplateKey string A unique id specific to the template of the item that should drop

Example file "testAreaRats.json"

A loot table that gives a creature a 25% chance to drop a stick

  "Key": "testAreaRats",
  "LootDrops": [
      "ItemTemplateKey": "stick",
      "DropChance": 25

MapData Folder

Contains .map files containing tile data for maps


MapInstances Folder

Contains subfolders, one for each map instance
Multiple map instances can have the same numeric map id, but must have unique instance ids
Best practice is for the folder name to match the map instance id

MapInstance Sub-Folder "TestTown"

Contains two .json files, "instance.json" and "spawns.json"
instance.json contains basic information about the map instance
spawns.json contains a collection of spawn objects

MapInstance Properties

Name Type/Values Description
Flags string
A flag, or combination of flags that should affect the map
You can combine multiple flags by separating them with commas
Ex. "Snow, NoTabMap"
InstanceId string A unique id specific to this map instance
Best practice is to match the folder name
MinimumLevel number(optional) Default null
If specified, sets the minimum level needed to enter this map via warp tile
MaximumLevel number(optional) Default null
If specified, sets the maximum level allowed to enter this map via warp tile
Music number
The byte values of the music track to play when entering the map
These values aren't explored yet, so you'll have to figure out what's available yourself
Name string The name of the map that will display in-game
ScriptKeys array{string} A collection of script keys to load for this map (TODO: scripts section)
TemplateKey string
A string representation of the map id. Ex. 500 for mileth
Warps array{warp} A collection of warps
WorldMapWarps array{worldMapWarp} A collection fo world map warps

Warp Properties

Name Type/Values Description
Destination string
"MapInstanceId:(X, Y)"
A string representation of a location
The map instance id and coordinates the warp sends you to when stepped on
Ex. "mileth1:(10, 10)"
Source string
"(X, Y)"
A string representation of a point
The tile coordinates the warp is on
Ex. "(50, 15)"

WorldMapWarp Properties

Name Type/Values Description
WorldMapKey string The unique id of the world map this tile will show the player
Source string
"(X, Y)"
A string representation of a point
The tile coordinates the world map is on
Ex. "(50, 15)"

Spawn Properties

Name Type/Values Description
AggroRange number(optional) Defaults to 0
If specified, monsters created by this spawn will be aggressive and attack enemies if they come within the specified distance
ExpReward number The amount of exp monsters created by this spawn will reward when killed
ExtraScriptKeys array{string} A collection of extra monster script keys to add to the monsters created by this spawn
IntervalSecs number A number of seconds between each trigger of this spawn
IntervalVariancePct number(optional) Defaults to 0
If specified, will randomize the interval by the percentage specified
Ex. With an interval of 60, and a Variance of 50, the spawn interval would var from 45-75secs
LootTableKey string(options) Default is to not have a loot table. If specified, the unique id for the loot table used to determine monster drops from this spawn
MaxAmount number The maximum number of monsters that can be on the map from this spawn
MaxGoldDrop number Maximum amount of gold for monsters created by this spawn to drop
MaxPerSpawn number The maximum number of monsters to create per interval of this spawn
MinGoldDrop number Minimum amount of gold for monsters created by this spawn to drop
MonsterTemplateKey string The unique id for the template of the monster to spawn
SpawnArea rectangle(optional) Defaults to spawn on entire map
If specified, monsters will only spawn within the specified bounds

Rectangle Properties

Name Type/Values Description
Top number
The lowest Y coordinate of the rectangle
Left number
The lowest X coordinate of the rectangle
Width number
The width of the rectangle
Height number
The height of the rectangle

Example file "instance.json"

This is a test town that has a warp to testRoom, and a world map tile on it

  "flags": "None",
  "instanceId": "testTown",
  "music": 1,
  "name": "Test Town",
  "templateKey": "3043",
  "warps": [
      "destination": "testRoom:(4, 12)",
      "source": "(18, 11)"
  "worldMapWarps": [
      "worldMapKey": "field001",
      "source": "(0, 13)"

Example file "spawns.json"

This will spawn 10 rats per 22.5 - 37.5 secs, upt to am aximum of 20
Those rats will aggro within 4 spaces

    "LootTableKey": "testAreaRats",
    "IntervalSecs": 30,
    "IntervalVariancePct": 50,
    "MaxPerSpawn": 10,
    "MaxAmount": 20,
    "AggroRange": 4,
    "MinGoldDrop": 10,
    "MaxGoldDrop": 30,
    "ExpReward": 50,
    "MonsterTemplateKey": "Common Rat"

WorldMap Folder

Contains a "Nodes" subfolder that contains all possible world map nodes

Nodes Folder

Contains all possible world map nodes

WorldMapNode Properties

Name Type/Values Description
NodeKey string A unique id specific to this world map node
Destination string
"MapInstanceId:(X, Y)"
A string representation of the map id and coordinates this node will take the player when clicked
Text string The text display on the world map for this node
ScreenPosition string
"(X, Y)"
A string representation of the screen coordinates this node will show in the world map

Example file "testTown.json"

    "nodeKey": "testTown",
    "destination": "testTown:(1, 13)",
    "text": "Test Town",
    "screenPosition": "(300, 150)"

WorldMap Properties

Name Type/Values Description
WorldMapKey string A unique key specific to this world map
FieldIndex number(1-3) The image index the world map uses
Temuair = 1
Medenia = 2
??? = 3
NodeKeys array{worldMapNode A collection of keys to world map nodes to display on this world map

Example file "field001.json"

    "worldMapKey": "field001",
    "fieldIndex": 1,
    "nodeKeys": [

Metafiles Folder

Not implemented yet

Templates Folder

Contains subfolders for each type of template

Items Folder

Contains .json files to be used as blueprints for items

ItemTemplate Properties

Name Type/Values Description
AccountBound bool
If the item is account bound, it cannot be traded or dropped
Color string
Color Options
Defaults to None(lavender)
If the item is dyeable, this is the dye color
DisplaySprite number(optional) Defaults to null
If specified, this is the sprite used to display the item on character when it is equipped
MaxDurability number(optional) Defaults to null
If specified, the base max durability of the item
MaxStacks number The maximum number of this item that can be in a stack. If set to 1, the item will not be stackable
Modifiers attributes(optional) Defaults to null
If specified, these are the stats this item grants when equipped
PantsColor string
any color between Black and White
Color Options
Default null
If specified, this armor will have pants, and they will be this color
Value number Not fully implemented
Weight number
The weight of the item in the inventory, or equipped
CooldownMs number(optional) Defaults to null
If specified, any on-use effect of this object will use this cooldown
Name string The base name of the item
PanelSprite number
The sprite id used to display the item in the inventory, minus the offset
ScriptKeys array{string} A collection of names of item scripts to attach to this item by default
ScriptVars dictionary{string, dictionary{string, any}} A collection of key-value pairs of key-value pairs
Each script that has variables needs a scriptName-Value pair, and the value of that entry is a dictionary of propertyName-Value pairs
TemplateKey string A unique id specific to this item template. Best practice is to match the file name

Attributes Properties

Name Type/Values Description
Ac number
AtkSpeedPct number
Con number
Dam number
Dex number
Hit number
Int number
MagicResistance number
MaximumHp number
MaximumMp number
Str number
Wis number

Color Options

None Black Red Orange Blonde Cyan
Blue Mulberry Olive Green Fire Brown
Grey Navy Tan White Pink Chartreuse
Golden Lemon Royal Platinum Lilac Fuchsia
Magenta Peacock NeonPink Arctic Mauve NeonOrange
Sky NeonGreen Pistachio Corn Cerulean Chocolate
Ruby Hunter Crimson Ocean Ginger Mustard
Apple Leaf Cobalt Strawberry Unusual Sea
Harlequin Amethyst NeonRed NeonYellow Rose Salmon
Scarlet Honey

Example file "stick.json"

A basic stick item that gives 1 str and 100% atk speed

  "templateKey": "stick",
  "accountBound": false,
  "maxDurability": 1000,
  "maxStacks": 1,
  "value": 1000,
  "weight": 10,
  "name": "Stick",
  "panelSprite": 86,
  "displaySprite": 1,
  "modifiers": {
    "str": 1,
    "atkSpeedPct": 100
  "pantsColor": "black",
  "scriptKeys": ["Equipment"],
  "scriptVars": {
    "equipment": {
      "equipmentType": "weapon"

Maps Folder

Contains .json files to be used as blueprints for maps
Each template should match up to the numeric id of a mapdata file

MapTemplate Properties

Name Type/Values Description
Height number
The height of the map
ScriptKeys array{string} A collection of names of map scripts to attach to this map by default
TemplateKey string A unique id specific to this map template
Best practice is to match the name of the file, and use the numeric id the map this template is for
WarpPoints array{string} The coordinates of each warp tile on the map
Width number
The width of the map

Example file "3044.json"

  "height": 14,
  "templateKey": "3044",
  "warpPoints": [],
  "width": 14

Monsters Folder

Contains .json files to be used as blueprints for monsters

MonsterTemplate Properties

Name Type/Values Description
AttackIntervalMs number The number of milliseconds between usages of assails
Direction string
The initial direction of the monster when spawned
MoveIntervalMs number The number of milliseconds between movements while this monster is targeting an enemy
Name string The name of the monster when double clicked
ScriptKeys array{string} A collection of names of monsters scripts to attach to this monster
TODO: scripts section
SkillIntervalMs number The number of milliseconds between usages of non-assail skills
SkillTemplateKeys array{string} A collection of template keys of skills this monster will use
SpellIntervalMs number The number of milliseconds between usages of spells
SpellTemplateKeys array{string} A collection of template keys of spells this monster will cast
Sprite number
The sprite id of the monster minus the offset
StatSheet statsheet The base stats of this monster
TemplateKey string A unique id specific to this monster template
Best practice is to match the name of the file
Type string
The monster's type
WhiteSquare has no additional functionality, it just appears as a white square on the tab map
WanderIntervalMs number The number of milliseconds between movements while this monster is wandering when it has no target

StatSheet Properties

Name Type/Values Description
Ability number The ability level of this monster
Level number The level of this monster
Ac number
Str number
Int number
Wis number
Con number
Dex number
Hit number
Dam number
MagicResistance number
MaximumHp number
MaximumMp number

Example file "common_rat.json"

  "TemplateKey": "Common Rat",
  "StatSheet": {
    "Ability": 0,
    "Level": 20,
    "MaximumHp": 100,
    "MaximumMp": 100,
    "Ac": 50,
    "Str": 1,
    "Int": 1,
    "Wis": 1,
    "Con": 2,
    "Dex": 1,
    "MagicResistance": 0
  "Type": "Normal",
  "Direction": "Down",
  "Name": "Common Rat",
  "Sprite": 7,
  "WanderIntervalMs": 2000,
  "MoveIntervalMs": 1500,
  "SkillIntervalMs": 1500,
  "SpellIntervalMs": 10000,
  "AssailIntervalMs": 1500,
  "SpellTemplateKeys": [],
  "SkillTemplateKeys": ["Assail"],
  "ScriptKeys": ["CommonMonster"]

Skills Folder

Contains .json files to be used as blueprints for skills

SkillTemplate Properties

Name Type/Values Description
IsAssail bool
Whether or not the skill is an assail and should be used when spacebar is pressed
Assail cooldowns are handled by AssailIntervalMs and AtkSpeedPct
CooldownMs number(optional) Defaults to null. If specified, any on-use effect of this skill will use this cooldown
Name string The base name of the skill
PanelSprite number
The sprite id used to display the skill in the skill pane
ScriptKeys array{string} A collection of names of skill scripts to attach to this skill by default
ScriptVars dictionary{string, dictionary{string, any}} A collection of key-value pairs of key-value pairs
Each script that has variables needs a scriptName-Value pair, and the value of that entry is a dictionary of propertyName-Value pairs
TemplateKey string A unique id specific to this skill template. Best practice is to match the file name

Example file "assail.json"

  "templateKey": "assail",
  "name": "Assail",
  "panelSprite": 1,
  "isAssail": true,
  "scriptKeys": ["statBasedDamage"],
  "scriptVars": {
    "statBasedDamage": {
      "damage": 6,
      "bodyAnimation": "assail",
      "stat": "str",
      "statCoefficient": 0.333

Spells Folder

Contains .json files to be used as blueprints for spells

SpellTemplate Properties

Name Type/Values Description
CastLines number
The number of chant lines this spell requires by default
Prompt string(optional) Defaults to null
Should be specified with a spell type of "Prompt", this is the prompt the spell will offer when cast
SpellType string
The way the spell is cast by the player
CooldownMs number(optional) Defaults to null. If specified, any on-use effect of this spell will use this cooldown
Name string The base name of the spell
PanelSprite number
The sprite id used to display the spell in the skill pane
ScriptKeys array{string} A collection of names of spell scripts to attach to this spell by default
ScriptVars dictionary{string, dictionary{string, any}} A collection of key-value pairs of key-value pairs
Each script that has variables needs a scriptName-Value pair, and the value of that entry is a dictionary of propertyName-Value pairs
TemplateKey string A unique id specific to this spell template. Best practice is to match the file name

Example file "fireBreath.json"

  "templateKey": "fireBreath",
  "name": "Fire Breath",
  "panelSprite": 39,
  "scriptKeys": ["cascade"],
  "spellType": "notarget",
  "castLines": 0,
  "scriptVars": {
    "cascade": {
      "damage": 100,
      "sound": 140,
      "bodyAnimation": "wizardCast",
      "minSoundDelayMs": 2000,
      "propagationDelayMs": 300,
      "range": 15,
      "shape": "cone",
      "stopAtWalls": true,
      "targetAnimation": 138


A configurable Dark Ages server emulator







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