krita plugin using the Krita python script manager; it works best using Krita 4.2.x or later. With earlier Krita 4.x versions, it will work but you won't get the automatic animation length detection; it gives an error and won't run at 3.x if I recall correctly.
Exports to a spritesheet from the animation timeline (using all visible layers) (the spritesheet's number of rows and columns are user-defined; default is Best Fit (trying to form a square))
- To import a spritesheet to the animation timeline of a new layer, simply (with your spritesheet open) go to Image > Image Split then (in a new file of the same dimensions as one frame), File > Import Animation Frames (
- To merge spritesheet, go to File > Import Animation Frames ( and then Tools > Scripts > Export As Spritesheet
Installation instructions:
- Download the script using the green "clone or download" button on this page, then clicking "download as zip"
- Import the plugin into krita, by either:
- opening krita, going to Tools > Scripts > Import Python Plugin, then selecting the zip file you downloaded, and clicking Ok into the next dialog box; or:
- extracting the .zip and putting both the spritesheetExporter.desktop file and the spritesheetExporter subfolder into the pykrita folder in krita's resources folder (that you can find through Settings > Manage Resources > Open Resources Folder)
- Restart Krita if it was open
- Activate the plugin by going to Settings > Configure Krita > Python Plugin Manager and checking Spritesheet Exporter (if krita was open, you may need to restart it to see the script in the list, I'm not sure)
- Restart Krita
- you can now use it in Tools > Scripts > Export As Spritesheet
Check the Manual.html page for more information.