Create an appropriate build config:
% tools/mb/ gen -m chromium.fuzz -b 'Libfuzzer Upload Linux ASan' out/libfuzzer
% gn gen out/libfuzzer
Build the fuzz target:
% ninja -C out/libfuzzer $TEST_NAME
Create an empty corpus directory if you don't have one already.
% mkdir ${TEST_NAME}_corpus
Turning off detection of ODR violations that occur in component builds:
% export ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_odr_violation=0
If the test has a seed corpus:
% ./out/libfuzzer/$TEST_NAME ${TEST_NAME}_corpus out/libfuzzer/gen/components/cast_channel/${TEST_NAME}_corpus
If the test has no seed corpus, omit the last parameter:
% ./out/libfuzzer/$TEST_NAME ${TEST_NAME}_corpus
For more details, refer to