In priority order, the responsibilities of the Fuchsia Gardener are as follows (though see notes below!):
- Chromium waterfall: Keep the Fuchsia bots on the Chromium waterfall green.
- Join the #chromium IRC channel on Freenode.
- Not all waterfall bots have a corresponding try-bot configuration.
- E.g. the Cast Fuchsia bots are not run on the CQ by default.
- E.g. the CQ builds have DCHECKs enabled, whereas our Cast waterfall bots don't.
- Chromium try-bots: Ensure that Fuchsia bots are not causing CQ flake.
- Join the #chromium IRC channel on Freenode.
- Watch for try-flakes emails & investigate any tests/suites reported flakey.
- Watch for IRC mentions of flakiness on the Fuchsia bots.
- Fuchsia SDK rolls: Keep the Fuchsia SDK auto-roller working.
- Watch for emailed status updates from auto-roller CLs.
- If a roll CL fails, check the failed bot to confirm SDK-related fail vs other flake.
- If it was an actual SDK-related failure, note the latest auto-roller patch-Id, and stop the auto-roller.
- Create a local branch e.g. with "
git checkout -b sdkRoll origin
". - Pull-down the auto-roll CL with "
git cl patch <patch-Id> && gclient sync
". - Clear the CL metadata with "
git cl issue 0
". - Make any necessary modifications for compatibility with the new SDK.
- Commit the changes and run "
git cl upload
" to upload a new CL. - Edit the CL description, which will include the git commit description from the auto-roller CL, making it easy to provide a consistent description.
- Note that if the auto-roller is blocked for a long time then it may be easier to fix the most-recent failed roll, and roll from there, to avoid having to deal with several different causes of breakage in a single roll!
- FYI waterfall: Keep our bots on the FYI waterfall green.
- FYI bots don't block the CQ, but still provide early-warning of regressions.
- They're also our staging-ground for bringing complex test suites to the CQ/waterfall.
While the Gardener takes primary responsibility for each of these areas during their rotation, that does not mean that they must do all the work - if another teammate happens to have started fixing the SDK roll, un-breaking the bots, or sending you CLs to fix our Debug builder (look, ma! No try-bot!), then lucky you, your Gardening job is done. :)
The waterfall is green, the try-bots reliable, SDK is rolling and pigs soar majestically in the sky. Fear not, gentle Gardener, you still have a valuable role to play!
- Look for tests that have been filtered under Fuchsia, and diagnose them.
- File a new bug, or upate the filter to refer to existing bugs, as appropriate.