University project for Electronics and Communication Systems course (MSc Computer Engineering at University of Pisa, A.Y. 2023-24)
In an Image Elaboration System, it is necessary to calculate the Fo Coefficient, with the following formula:
fo = α · y(i − 1, j) + (1 − α) · y(i, j)
- y(i − 1, j) and y(i, j) are pixels of the matrix y, which represents an image;
- y(i, j) ∈ I, y(i, j) ∈ [0, 255];
- α is a parameter chosen by the user. α ∈ (0, 1)
The goal of this Project is to design a digital circuit for implementing such operation.
- The value α in fixed-point arithmetic is represented on 3-bits.
- The output f0 is represented in 12 fixed-point arithmetic.
The Schema of the circuit, obtained through Vivado’s RTL analysis is the following:
├── conf_files
├── docs
├── modelsim
├── script
│ └── results
├── src
├── tb
└── vivado