Thank for taking the time to check out the repo and be willing to contribute!
If you have found an issue or would like to request a new feature, simply create a new issue. Be sure to fill out as much information as possible.
If you would like to submit a feature request or report a bug, we encourage you to first look through the issues and pull requests before filing a new issue.
If you wish to submit a pull request for a new feature or issue, you should start by forking this repository first. This should get you setup on your local machine:
- Install Node.js if you have not already
- Fork the repo
git clone*yourusername*/ofx-data-extractor.git && cd ofx-data-extractor
npm install
npm run test
One you have done this, create a new branch with a name that loosely describes the issue on which you will be working. Once you think you have the addressed the issue in question, submit a pull request to the main