We use playwright to test playwright-crx.
The context
fixture is extended to load a playwright-crx
extension (e.g., recorder-crx or test-entension)
To run tests in our test-extension
just use crxTest.ts
and use the runCrxTest
with your test function.
It will run the function inside the extension:
import { test } from './crxTest';
test('should add todo item', async ({ runCrxTest }) => {
await runCrxTest(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('https://demo.playwright.dev/todomvc');
await page.getByPlaceholder('What needs to be done?').fill('Hello world');
await page.getByPlaceholder('What needs to be done?').press('Enter');
Debugging an extension service worker requires opening its service worker devtools.
That can be done in chrome://extensions
but to avoid lots of clicks and to allow test debugging, you can use the Chrome DevTools
playwright project.
This project will open the extension devtools and set a debugger
instruction for the debugger to pause before running the test.
That way, you can set all necessary breakpoints before continuing the execution.