GitHub Octicons V10
See fontinfo for more information on the font table
Fonts are under sfd, otf, ttf and woff2
OcticonsNF_MIN_Copy.sfd is the font I use to patch webfonts as it contains the glyphs that I do/ foresee using. These will play nice with nerd fonts generated with any of the fonts under the above directories.
I will probably use some scripts for this next time but exporting 6 fonts twice didn't take too long to do manually
.sfd is the format used by fontforge
.otf is widely supported though in most cases you should use ttf
.ttf is widely supported as has recently been argued to be superior to cff otf (still uses open type)
.woff2 to provide web support. Most browsers support this format
FontForge has had some significant challenges importing svgs. The workaround is as follows:
- Install the following: inkscape (any), imagemagik (linux/wsl), potrace (linux/wsl)
- Run [icon].svg -w 160 -y 255 -o [icon].png
for each svg - Run
convert [icon].png [icon].bmp
- Run
potrace [icon].bmp -s -o [icon].svg
- Remove [icon].png and [icon].bmp
To do this all in one go, run in linux or wsl.
- Run -g --batch-process [icon].svg --verb='EditSelectAll;SelectionUnion;FileSave'
for each svg file - Import into FontForge
- Open the svg in Inkscape
- Copy the svg to FontForge
- For 16x16 svgs, scale uniformly by 6250% and move by x=492, y=-492
- Metrics set width to 1000 and then metrics centre in width
- Press the Clone or download button in the top right
- Copy the URL (link)
- Open the command line and change directory to where you wish to clone to
- Type 'git clone' followed by URL in step 2
$ git clone
More information can be found at
- Press the Clone or download button in the top right
- Click open in desktop
- Choose the path for where you want and click Clone
More information can be found at
- Download this GitHub repository
- Extract the zip archive
- Copy/ move to the desired location
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