Software to run an ESP32-CAM module on your Flipper Zero device.
Full setup, wiring guide, etc. in the main project README here:
Firmware is needed for the ESP32-CAM module, see here for more information:
Button mappings:
Up = Contrast Up
Down = Contrast Down
Left = Toggle invert.
Right = Toggle dithering on/off.
Center = Take a picture and save to the "DCIM" folder at the root of your SD card. Image will be saved as a bitmap file with a timestamp as the filename ("YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS.bmp"). If flash is on in the settings (enabled by default) the ESP32-CAM onboard LED will light up when the camera is opened.
Back = Go back.
Orientation = Rotate the camera image 90 degrees counter-clockwise starting at zero by default (0, 90, 180, 270). This is useful if you have your camera module mounted in a different orientation than the default.
Flash Toggle the ESP32-CAM onboard LED on/off while using the camera.
Dithering Type Change between the Cycle Floyd–Steinberg, Jarvis-Judice-Ninke, and Stucki dithering types.
Haptic FX = Toggle haptic feedback on/off.
Sound FX = Toggle sound effects on/off.
LED FX = Toggle LED effects on/off.