Compiling the code form a newly cloned version from Github, (expected/intended to be 0.27-maintenance) under MSVC 2019 for a 32-bit version of Exiv2:
In convert.cpp the line
EXV_ICONV_CONST char* inptr = const_cast<char*>(str.c_str());
the line shown, causes the error:
1>D:\pkg\C++\MSVC2019\exiv2Git\exiv2\src\convert.cpp(1527,25): error C2664: 'size_t libiconv(libiconv_t,const char **,size_t *,char **,size_t *)': cannot convert argument 2 from 'char **' to 'const char **'
1>D:\pkg\C++\MSVC2019\exiv2Git\exiv2\src\convert.cpp(1528,31): message : Conversion loses qualifiers
1>C:\gnuwin32\include\iconv.h(92,37): message : see declaration of 'libiconv'
This error causes most of the other sub-projects to also fail.
Replacing EXV_ICONV_CONST with a plain 'const' allow this file to compile cleanly as well as all of the rest.
The sln file was created following the instructions for Windows MSVC compile
At this stage I have no idea about the version of libiconv, but the entire setup was presumably vetted by the conan install & update process.
Searching for the string "EXV_ICONV_CONST" does not show any instance except the line giving the error, implying that for the current setup it is not defined
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: Windows 10, 64-bit
- Compiler & Version MSVC 2019
- Compilation mode and/or compiler flags