##css documentation
Primo uses Angular Directives massively in this project
To learn more about directives see:
- Primo uses external directives from the Angular-material framework :
Those directives are tagged by a prefix : "md-"
Primo also creates its own directives which are tagged by the "prm-" prefix.
<header layout="column" layout-fill class="topbar-wrapper">
<prm-search-bar (search-event)="prmSearch.onSearchBarSearchEvent()">
<md-progress-linear class="header-progress-bar animation-scale-up-down" md-mode="indeterminate" ng-show="prmSearch.searchInProgress">
- You can see in the example how we use :
- An HTML5 tag - header
- A Primo directive : prm-topbar , prm-search-bar.
- An external material design directive : md-progress-bar :
- When defining css rules it is important to understand the css cascading/specifity logic:
When you start working on customizing your css be aware of the ability to define css selectors based on the directive name, which is actually equivalent to an html tag - this will enable you changing the design of a component cross-system without relying on id's/classes
For the example above we can define selectors:
prm-topbar input {....}
prm-topbar.md-primoExplore-theme input {....}
- Primo is using a theme inside angular-material to define a palette of colors see:
- This means that you will often encounter a class "md-primoExplore-theme" attached to elements.
Open the
file in the root of your view folder -
You will see a json object with our default color scheme:
{ "primary": "#53738C", "secondary" : "#A9CDD6", "backgroundColor" : "white", "links": "#5C92BD", "warning": "tomato" }
In the August 2016 release - we support the definition of the primary color, just change the definition and save the file
In the November 2016 release we plan to add support to the additional colors - giving you the ability to easily customize the majority of the color scheme.
Open a new command line window
cd to the project base directory (C:**\primo-explore-devenv)
gulp app-css --view <your-view/folder code>
for example:gulp app-css --view Auto1
A new file will be created on your package css directory named:
This file will eventually contain all of the primo-explore theme color definitions. We will continue to add more color definitions to extend this ability
Refresh your browser to see the changes take affect
For example, for the following colors.json file:
"primary": "#512DA8",
"secondary" : "#D1C4E9",
"backgroundColor" : "#BDBDBD",
"links": "#009688",
"warning": "#FF5722"
You will get:
- Select the parent container containing the search result and the facets
- Copy the selector definition using your browsers' dev tools
- Define the container as
- complete css definition:
prm-search > md-content.md-primoExplore-theme .main, prm-search > md-content.md-primoExplore-theme.main {
display: -webkit-flex; !* Safari *!
-webkit-flex-flow: row-reverse wrap; !* Safari 6.1+ *!
display: flex;
flex-flow: row-reverse wrap;
.screen-gt-sm .sidebar{
webkit-flex: 0 0 15%;
flex: 0 0 15%;
Save and refresh your browser
The result: