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A common "rule" is that the camera should usually allow the player to see 2 thirds of the screen in the direction they're travelling in any direction. You can set an offset for each room, but there are also useful camera triggers. The offset equivalence is 6 tiles per X offset and 4 tiles per Y offset.

These settings will move the camera 6 tiles right (so the player will be more near the left) and 4 tiles up.

Common camera triggers

Camera Offset Triggers

It pans the camera vertically and horizontally. It will override both values.

Smooth Camera Offset Triggers

Progressively pans the camera in a direction (from old to new offset) so it doesn't have a cut when you enter the trigger.

Camera Catchup Speed Triggers

It is useful for areas with a lot of speed (like double block boosts or chained ultras). It is in Maddie's Helping Hand.

Camera Offset Border Triggers

Prevents a certain area to be seen (in one or both axis). Make sure that they're not in a transition.

Camera (Advanced) Target Triggers

It locks the camera in a node with more or less intensity (with a value of 1 it will be static, with <1 it will follow the player, with >1 it will quickly become static), useful for (semi)enclosed spaces where you're always inside the trigger.

Flag Camera Triggers

Flag versions of most triggers also exist in Maddie's Helping Hand, useful for backtrack or complex/non-linear routings. There is also a Multiflag camera target trigger in Viv Helper for even more complex things.


You can also zoom in the camera easily with Extended Variants, Frost Helper (Eased Camera Zoom Trigger) or Extended Camera Dynamics. You can zoom out with Extended Camera Dynamics (the helper has a guide that explains the recommended resolutions and how to make zoom out work).

Other triggers

Change/Fade Camera Angle Trigger

TODO - Found in AvBday Helper.

Momentum Camera Offset Trigger

TODO - Found in Furry Helper.

Camera Target Corner Trigger

TODO - Found in Honly Helper.

Camera Target Crossfade Trigger

TODO - Found in Honly Helper.

One Way Camera Trigger

These triggers have several options. They can optionally prevent the player from going off-camera (with invisible barriers and killboxes), and can block the camera from going in certain direction(s) while you are inside. It also accepts flags to start having effect. Found in Maddie's Helping Hand.

Reel Camera

This entity can have any number of nodes. It will move the camera in the specified order of nodes, with a specified delay for each time it moves. It has an option to wait before moving, and another option to set x and y offsets when all movements are finished. Found in Saladim Helper.

Smoothie Camera Target Trigger

TODO - Found in Sardine7.

Camera Entity Target

This camera will follow any entities instead of Madeline. For example, in the image below it will track TheoCrystal after the flag theoFlag is activated, so it will look like you're playing as him. The Lerp just determines the strength. Note that it has a hardcoded offset of 1.5, -2 px so that Theo is exactly centered. Found in Random Stuff Helper.

Camera Interactions

The presence of some entities can lock the camera under certain conditions, so if you're having issues check if you placed any of those.

  • Badeline Bosses lock the camera horizontally, and don't allow you to see to the right of them. So if you enter a room with a Badeline Boss from the right, the camera will be locked to the left. There is a specific Badeline Boss version in DJ Map Helper that doesn't lock the camera.
  • Badeline Boosts have a Camera Lock option that makes the camera unable to pan away from the entity.
  • Dream Boosters with path from Communal Helper also lock the camera in the entity.
  • Killboxes lock the camera vertically, so they look like the bottom of the screen. If you have a spawn point near a killbox, you can adjust the Y offset.

There's a few rare cases where the camera can make certain specific mechanics to behave different. For example, the hitbox of the spinners unload when they are not visible. A popular example is the final room of Ultra Difficult (from Spring Collab):

Madeline just clipped through these spinners harmlessly because they were not inside the camera on the previous frame.

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