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Lua Cutscenes Recipe Book
This is a recipe-book intended to provide an overview of everything you might want to do with Lua Cutscenes, in approximate order of complexity. All code snippets here are free to use in your cutscenes and are released into the public domain.
This page is currently a work-in-progress!
A cutscene is a .lua
file placed within your packaged mod; its path should usually be Assets/yournickname/yourmodname/cutscenename.lua
, for which you would enter Assets/yournickname/yourmodname/cutscenename
into an entity's parameters.
This path should use /
characters rather than \
, even on windows, due to the way Everest reads modded assets.
When something happens (like the player talking to a Lua Talker or entering a Lua Cutscene Trigger), one of the functions in that lua file will be run (provided it exists), and can take arguments (though it doesn't have to). All cutscenes can define the following functions:
function onBegin(room)
-- cutscene code goes here, and will be run when the cutscene begins
-- this one gets to do things that take time (more on that later!)
function onEnd(room, wasSkipped)
-- cutscene code goes here, and will be run when the cutscene ends
-- `room` is the current room, and `wasSkipped` is `true` if the cutscene was skipped
-- this one can't do things that take time
Additionally, triggers can define these (none of them can do things that take time):
function onEnter(player)
-- code here is run when the player enters the trigger
function onLeave(player)
-- code here is run when the player leaves the trigger
function onStay(player)
-- code here is run every frame while the player is touching the trigger
You can define functions other than these, and call them whenever you want, in order to decrease repetition in your code.
Lua Cutscenes provides many helper functions that let you do things in your cutscenes; a full list is available here 🔗, and the lua code those functions are written in is here 🔗.
To call a function, for example setCameraOffset
🔗, you write the name of the function (you don't need to put helpers
), followed by the list of arguments you want to give it, like this:
function onBegin()
-- set the camera offset to 0.5 in the x direction
setCameraOffset(0.5, 0.0)
-- wait for 1 second
-- set the camera offset to 0.2 in the x direction, and -0.3 in the y direction
setCameraOffset(0.2, -0.3)
-- wait again, for 1.5 seconds this time
-- make some variables to use (generally, pick an alphanumeric name without spaces, and starting with a letter):
local offset_x = -1
local offset_y = 0.1
-- then use them:
setCameraOffset(offset_x, offset_y)
Note that in the documentation this function is written as helpers.setCameraOffset(x[, y])
; the square brackets mean that that argument is optional.
You can get and set flags to store data, and this is typically used to change a cutscene's behaviour depending on choices the player has made. For example, here is the code for a talker that has one dialog path when first talked to, and another if it's been talked to before:
function onTalk()
-- find out if the cutscene has run before
local ran_before = getFlag("example_cutscene_ran")
-- if this is the first time:
if not ran_before then
-- set this for the next time round
setFlag("example_cutscene_ran", true)
-- display the first-time dialog
-- display the talked-to dialog
By putting the if
statement the other way around, you can make a cutscene that runs only once:
function onBegin()
if getFlag("example_cutscene_ran") then
-- the cutscene has already run, so don't run it again
setFlag("example_cutscene_ran", true)
-- handle the cutscene proper
Note that this technique doesn't prevent lua talkers from displaying their interact prompt, it just makes interacting with them do nothing.
The Lua Cutscenes helper functions are useful, but can't do everything. Fortunately, it is possible to interact with C# objects as well, which allows you to do almost anything — you can read and modify almost any data from anywhere in the game code, and call any C# method you like.
You can get a C# class like this:
local calc = require("#monocle.calc")
It's good practice to have all your require
statements at the top of your cutscene file, outside of any functions.
Some of these classes are already imported by the helper functions (see here 🔗)
Once you've done that, you can then call methods on the class:
local calc = require("#monocle.calc")
function onBegin()
-- output into the log the size of this angle, in radians:
-- . (1, 1)
-- /
-- /
-- /) <-- here
-- (0, 0) .----
log(calc.Angle(vector2(1, 1)))
You can also get static fields on classes:
local calc = require("#monocle.calc")
function onBegin()
-- how many radians are in a circle?
You can find a list of all the methods and fields of a class by decompiling it 🔗 or looking at its metadata in an IDE.
Note that whether a method is marked as public
or private
is not relevant when using lua — you can call private methods and get private fields the same way as public ones.
When getting values or calling methods on C# objects, it's important to know about the differences between static and instance methods.
A static method or field exists on the class, like calc.Circle
or csharpVector2.Lerp(start_pos, end_pos, amount)
, while an instance method or field exists on some instance of that class, like player.Position
or level:GetSpawnPoint(pos)
In Lua, an instance method is called with instance:methodname()
rather than instance.methodname()
Enum members 🔗, for technical reasons, cannot be retrieved like normal static fields.
Instead, you can use the getEnum(enum, value)
helper function, called with the full name of the enum type and the name of the member you want.
For example, to get MoveBlock.Directions.Right
, you can use getEnum("Celeste.MoveBlock.Directions", "Right")
The following functions (adapted from the vanilla cutscene in the last checkpoint of Farewell) allow you to create and remove a Badeline entity that doesn't do anything by itself, which is good for dialog:
-- store the badeline entity outside the functions, so it can be accessed whenever necessary
local badeline = nil
local function badeline_appears(left_side)
-- determine the position and flipping properties
local pos_x, scale
if left_side then
pos_x = player.Position.X - 18
scale = 1
pos_x = player.Position.X + 18
scale = -1
local pos_y = player.Position.Y - 8
-- create and add a new badeline dummy entity
badeline = celeste.BadelineDummy(vector2(pos_x, pos_y))
badeline.Sprite.Scale = vector2(scale, 1.0)
-- play sound + effect
getLevel().Displacement:AddBurst(badeline.Center, 0.5, 8, 32, 0.5)
playSound("event:/char/badeline/maddy_split", badeline.Position)
-- wait until the next frame so all that can take effect properly
local function badeline_vanishes()
-- tell the badeline entity to disappear
celeste.Input.Rumble(getEnum("Celeste.RumbleStrength", "Medium"), getEnum("Celeste.RumbleLength", "Medium"))
-- clear the stored variable so the memory can be used for something else
badeline = nil
-- wait until the next frame
function onBegin(room)
function onEnd(room, wasSkipped)
if badeline then
badeline = nil
In Monocle (the engine Celeste is built with), there's a concept of coroutines, which are a way to have a function pause and then resume later.
You can tell that a C# method can be made into a coroutine because it will return an IEnumerator
Additionally, the onBegin
and onTalk
functions are set up as coroutines, which means that they can be paused and resumed later.
This is why only they can call functions like wait
🔗 and say
🔗 — these functions need some way to pause the function and then resume it after the waiting or dialog is finished.
In addition to calling those helper functions, you can do things like calling other coroutines with coroutine.yield
The coroutine.yield
function allows you to call C# coroutines.
For example:
-- minimal version of CS02_Mirror
function onBegin()
-- get a DreamBlock from the room
local dream_block = getEntity("DreamBlock")
-- get a DreamMirror from the room
local mirror = getEntity("DreamMirror")
local break_direction = 0
-- break the mirror by running one of the mirror's coroutines
-- this code only runs once it's finished breaking:
-- the cutscene only finishes once the dream block has activated
Zooming the camera is done like this:
-- zoom to a point
-- * position is a vector2 for where to zoom to
-- * zoom_amount is a number (how much to zoom)
-- * duration is a number (how many seconds the zoom should take)
-- because this uses coroutine.yield, your cutscene will only resume after the zoom is finished
coroutine.yield(engine.Scene:ZoomTo(position, zoom_amount, duration))
-- zoom out again
-- again, your cutscene will only resume after the zoom is finished
-- zoom instantly
engine.Scene:ZoomSnap(vector2(x_position, y_position), zoom_amount)
-- or
-- zoom to a point, but from an already-zoomed-in state
-- works like ZoomTo, but cleanly transitions
coroutine.yield(engine.Scene:ZoomAcross(new_position, new_zoom_amount, duration))
Note that the positions here are screen-space positions.
Sometimes it is necessary to have two functions running in paralell, which coroutine.yield
can't do.
To do this, you can create a Monocle Coroutine, which is a sort of "glue" that attaches a compatible function to an entity, so that it acts like a cutscene for the lifetime of that entity.
Choosing an appropriate entity to attach them to is important; usually the cutscene entity is the best choice.
Any C# method that returns an IEnumerator
can be made into a Coroutine
Here is an example that displays some dialog while zooming in at the same time:
local monocle = require("#monocle")
-- store the coroutine out here so we can cancel it
local coroutine = nil
function onBegin()
-- create a Coroutine to zoom the camera
coroutine = monocle.Coroutine(engine.Scene:ZoomTo(position, zoom_amount, duration))
-- attach the Coroutine to the cutscene entity (either trigger or talker)
-- the camera zoom is now taking effect
-- this will pause the cutscene code until it's finished, but the camera zoom will continue in the background
-- cancel the coroutine and detach it from the cutscene entity
-- zoom back out
function onEnd(room, wasSkipped)
-- now, what if the player skipped the cutscene? let's make sure the zoom is cancelled
-- the if statement is to make sure we don't try to cancel a nil value
if coroutine then
-- make sure no zoom effects leak past the end of the cutscene
It is also possible to convert Lua functions into Coroutine instances, which effectively allows you to run several cutscenes at once. This is more fragile, especially if those functions outlive your main cutscene function.
Here is a helper function to convert a Lua function into a Monocle Coroutine:
local lua_helper = celesteMod.LuaCutscenes.LuaHelper
local monocle = require("#monocle")
local function makeCoroutine(func)
return monocle.Coroutine(lua_helper.LuaCoroutineToIEnumerator(coroutine.create(func)))
This can be used like this:
local lua_helper = celesteMod.LuaCutscenes.LuaHelper
local monocle = require("#monocle")
local function makeCoroutine(func)
return monocle.Coroutine(lua_helper.LuaCoroutineToIEnumerator(coroutine.create(func)))
local function walkBackAndForth()
-- this 'mini cutscene' runs forever, and causes the player to walk back and forth
-- it will be cancelled by calling Cancel on its Coroutine instance; it's OK that the function never actually ends
while true do
-- variable to store the coroutine instance between onBegin and onEnd
local walkBackAndForthCoroutine
function onBegin()
-- begin walking back and forth
-- note that the function is passed to makeCoroutine without calling it, unlike how C# methods are done.
walkBackAndForthCoroutine = makeCoroutine(walkBackAndForth)
-- at the same time, start the dialog
function onEnd(room, wasSkipped)
-- either the dialog finished or the cutscene was skipped, so stop walking
if walkBackAndForthCoroutine then
-- Play a player animation with optional duration
-- Player animations are defined in `Celeste/Content/Graphics/Sprites.xml`
function playSprite(sprite, duration)
player.DummyAutoAnimate = false
player.Sprite:Play(sprite, false, false)
if (duration) then
player.DummyAutoAnimate = true
-- summon a Theo NPC at a position (e.g. `player.Position - vector2(16, 0)`
function summonTheo(position)
theo = NPC(position)
local sprite = SpriteBank:Create("theo")
theo.IdleAnim = "idle"
theo.MoveAnim = "walk"
theo.Maxspeed = 48
theo.MoveY = false
sprite:Play("wakeup", false, false)
return theo
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