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CollabUtils2 Entities

maddie480 edited this page Apr 5, 2023 · 2 revisions

CollabUtils2 Entities

Table of Contents

Crystal Hearts (Return to Lobby)

Work just like regular Crystal Hearts, except they return to lobby instead of returning to map once collected.

If "Display End Screen For All Maps" is enabled in Mod Options, the endscreen information (total time, map name and version information) wiill appear at the same time as the poem text.

Golden Berry Respawn Points

If the player dies with a golden berry and the level restarts, they will respawn at the golden berry respawn point instead of the default spawn point in the room.

This one works with everything triggering a "golden berry restart" (this includes silver berries and speed berries).

Silver Berries

Those work pretty much like golden berries, and can be collected by crossing a Golden Berry Collect Trigger or when hitting a mini heart.

They are intended for collab entries, and count towards unlocking the rainbow berry.

Silver Blocks

Same as Golden Blocks, except appearing only when the player carries a silver berry. (Golden Blocks appear when the player carries a golden, silver or speed berry, for technical reasons.)

Mini Hearts

They are collected like regular hearts, except doing so will not display any heart message, and will send you back to the lobby instead of the overworld. So, this is meant to end collab entries.

Collecting it will mark the crystal heart on the current map as collected.

You can have custom sprites for them, by placing them in Graphics/Atlases/Gameplay/CollabUtils2/miniheart/someUniqueName and using someUniqueName as a "sprite" in Ahorn.

To make the heart on the chapter panel mini as well, and customize it if you want, you will need to create a sprite XML: create a file in Graphics/CollabUtils2/CrystalHeartSwaps_YourCollabName.xml and fill it like this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <!-- The name should be: crystalHeart_CollabName_LobbyName -->
  <crystalHeart_2021SeasonCollab_1_Spring path="CollabUtils2/miniHeart/bgr/" start="idle">
    <Center />
    <Loop id="idle" path="" frames="0" />
    <Loop id="spin" path="" frames="0*10,1-10" delay="0.08"/>
    <Loop id="fastspin" path="" frames="1-10" delay="0.08"/>

You can use the hearts from the 2020 Spring Collab by replacing "bgr" in the path with "imd", "adv", "exp" or "gdm". You can also use custom ones by dropping them somewhere in Graphics/Atlases/Gui/YourCollabName and changing the path (it works the same way as Sprites.xml).

Note that you can also use this file to reskin the crystal hearts of any level, on the chapter panel and on the poem screen. For that, use the full path to the map, like you would for naming the map in English.txt:

  <crystalHeart_2021SeasonCollab_0_Lobbies_2_Summer path="collectables/heartgem/2/" start="idle">
    <Center />
    <Loop id="idle" path="spin" frames="0" />
    <Loop id="spin" path="spin" frames="0*10,1-10" delay="0.08"/>
    <Loop id="fastspin" path="spin" frames="1-10" delay="0.08"/>

You can pick which heart to use by changing the path: you can use the vanilla hearts (collectables/heartgem/0/ with 0 = blue, 1 = red, 2 = yellow, 3 = grey/ghost), ones from the collab (CollabUtils2/crystalHeart/expert/ for orange and CollabUtils2/crystalHeart/grandmaster/ for purple), or custom ones by dropping them somewhere in Graphics/Atlases/Gui/YourCollabName.

If you use one of the vanilla crystal heart sprites (collectables/heartgem/1/, collectables/heartgem/2/) or the "expert" or "grandmaster" sprites that ship with the collab utils (CollabUtils2/crystalHeart/expert/, CollabUtils2/crystalHeart/grandmaster/), the text color on the poem screen will be changed accordingly to red, yellow, orange or purple.

If you want a custom text color on the poem screen, include poemtextcolor_[hexcode] somewhere in the texture path: for example path="MyMod/customcrystalheart_poemtextcolor_ff0000/".

For B-side and C-side hearts, add _B or _C at the end of the sprite name. For example, for the B-side of 2021SeasonCollab_0_Lobbies_2_Summer: crystalHeart_2021SeasonCollab_0_Lobbies_2_Summer_B

Fake Mini Hearts

Those look exactly like Mini Hearts, but disappear for 3 seconds when dashed into, like vanilla fake hearts.

Mini Heart Doors

They're pretty much heart gates, but you can customize their height, and make them count the hearts on the level set you want. They also open with a cutscene, instead of Maddy having to stand next to them.

If you followed the setup at the beginning of this document, the level set should look like CollabName/LobbyName. For example, 2021SeasonCollab/1-Spring

To trigger the unlock cutscene when the player comes back to the lobby with enough crystal hearts to open the gate, drop a Mini Heart Door Unlock Cutscene Trigger around the door. The cutscene will trigger as soon as the player enters it if the conditions are met, and it will only happen once per save file.

If you have multiple heart doors in your lobby, and don't want them to open all at the same time (for example because they are referring to different level sets), give your doors different IDs (with the "Door Id" field). You should then use the same ID in the unlock cutscene trigger lo link the door to its trigger.

Tip: If you use these doors without an unlock cutscene trigger, they behave like vanilla mini heart doors, but approachable from both sides, with resizable height, and all using their own flags (so opening one won't open all heart gates with the same amount of hearts). You shouldn't use a mix of vanilla heart doors and mini heart doors in the same map though.

Rainbow Berries

This is a special berry that will appear as a hologram until the player got all silver berries in the level set they're associated to. Only silver berries count, golden berries are excluded from this counter.

If you followed the setup at the beginning of this document, the level set should look like CollabName/LobbyName. For example, 2021SeasonCollab/1-Spring

To trigger the unlock cutscene when the player comes back to the lobby with enough silver berries to unlock the rainbow berry, drop a Rainbow Berry Unlock Cutscene Trigger around the berry. The cutscene will trigger as soon as the player enters it if the conditions are met, and it will only happen once per save file.

Speed Berries

When grabbed by the player, a timer will appear, and it will start as soon as the next screen transition ends. You can set 3 times, Gold, Silver and Bronze, and the player dies and restarts the level if the timer goes over the bronze time.

The best time appears on the chapter panel, and on the lobby and overworld journal. Note that it won't appear in the journal if you didn't follow the collab setup at the start of this document, but it will still appear on the chapter panel.

To stop the timer and collect the berry, you need to place a Speed Berry Collect Trigger. The berry won't count in the strawberry counter.

⚠️ If the player crosses a Golden Berry Collect Trigger, the speed berry will collect but the timer will not stop. This is an odd interaction, and you should make sure to have the player cross a speed berry collect trigger first.