Tendencies for Apps Development course group project - CodeKatas, a library that helps you parse boolean flags from command line.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Visual Studio 2017 or newer
Nuget Package manager
NetCore extension installed
(If retrieving package from nuget.org in Nuget Package Manager) 1.Create/open a .NET Core project
2.Open Nuget Package Manager for the solution
3.Select 'nuget.org' as origin
4.Search for 'ConsoleArgsParser'
5.Install the newest version on to the solution.
(If manually downloading the nuget and then installing in Visual Studio 2017+) 1.Create/open a .NET Core project
2.Open Nuget Package Manager for the solution
3.Open the setting for the nugets origin.
4.Add a new origin
5.Name the new origin
6.Select the path for the origin (the path of the nuget package)
7.Click 'OK'
8.Select the new origin and look up for 'ConsoleArgsParser'
9.Install the nuget into the solution
Use the namespace ArgsConsole:
Using an existing Interger Dictionary:
NUnit NUnit 3 Test Adapter (Required for running unit tests in .NetCore) Microsoft.NET.Test.sdk (Development tools for running unit tests in .NetCore)
- Powered by C# .NetCore 2.1
Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md]
- **Development tendency of apps course students
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- This project was inspired by the Args Kata. You can find more information at http://codingdojo.org/kata/Args/
We wrote this blog post to introduce the tool. Check it out!