Email settings autodiscover / autoconfig for outlook, thunderbird and others. Made with Python and Flask
Includes multilingual user help for configuring email clients.
Flask, Flask Ptrans, Flask Markdown and Xmltodict.
git clone
pip install -r flautodiscover/requirements.txt
You can serve this app using your favourite wsgi method. We provide nginx+supervisor+gunicorn documentation.
You need to serve web application using an SSL certificate or Outlook will no work. (Pending)
Set your setup paths in flautodiscover/, fla_supervisor.conf and fla_nginx.conf
Copy fla_supervisor.conf to /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ and run supervisorctl update. Run supervisorctl status to check for errors.
Copy fla_nginx.conf to /etc/nginx/sites-available. Link /etc/nginx/sites-available/fla_nginx.conf to etc/nginx/sites-enabled/fla_nginx.conf. Run nginx -t to check for errors. Finally run service nginx reload.
You will have to have access to domains DNS records.
Add two CNAME records to each domain you are serving mail for:
CNAME autodiscover
CNAME autoconfig
Go with your web browser to and you should be able to see web page and MUAs documentation.
Duplicate file at lang/es-es.json to desired language code, eg: lang/fr-fr.json for french speakers.
Edit fr-fr.json "values" to french language.
More info:
Note 1: lang files must be valid JSON files, do not leave trailing comas.
Note 2: You can contribute to this repo with your language files though web help is still unfinished and lang files may suffer a lot of changes.