- Read replicas help us to scale our read operations
- We can create up to 15 read replicas within the same AZ, cross AZ or cross region
- Replication is async between the RDS and replicas => reads are eventually consistent
- Replicas can be promoted as standalone databases
- Read replicas are used for reading => only
kind of statements should be executed on them - Example of use case: analytics on top of the main database which can cause performance degradation of the main DB
- In AWS there is a network cost when data goes from one AZ to another
- Exception for managed services, since RDS read replicas are considered to be managed services, within the same region we don't pay a free for inter-AZ data transfer
- It is a synchronous replication to another stand-by database in another AZ
- We have only one DNS name for the database, the failover in case of a disaster happens automatically => will increaser availability
- Failover happens automatically in case of an AZ outage, loss of networking connectivity or instance storage failure
- No manual intervention required
- Not used for scaling!
- The Read Replicas can also have Multi AZ synchronous replication enabled
- In case we go for a database from single-AZ setup to multi-AZ:
- There is no downtime (no need to stop the DB)
- Only thing to do is to click on
for the database
- The following will happen internally:
- A snapshot is taken automatically
- A new DB is restored automatically from the snapshot in a new AZ
- Synchronization is established between the two databases
- Clients must use the writer endpoint for accessing the writer; they must connect to the reader endpoint to access the read replicas
- Aurora Cross Region Read Replicas:
- Useful for disaster recovery
- Simple to set up
- Aurora Global Database (recommended)
- 1 region is defined as the primary region (can be used for reads and writes)
- Up to 5 secondary regions, can be used for reads only. Replication lag is less than 1 second
- We can have up to 16 read replicas per secondary region
- In case of a disaster, the RTO for promoting another region is less than 1 minute
- Typical cross-region replication takes less then 1 second