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This Ansible Galaxy Role Removes CloudNativePG Sandbox.

The ansible playbook must be executed under an account that has full privileges.


The only dependencies required for this ansible galaxy role are:

  1. AWS EKS CLI, Azure CLI, or Google Cloud CLI - Depends directly on the target cloud
  2. Kubectl
  3. Ansible
  4. Python packages: openshift, pyyaml, kubernetes, pyhelm Installed with commands: pip install openshift pyyaml kubernetes pip install pyhelm
  5. kubernetes.core.helm_repository - Ansible Module - Required for Helm.
  6. community.kubernetes.helm - Ansible Module - Required for Helm.
  7. kubernetes.core.k8s - Ansible Module - Required for Kubernetes.

Role variables

There are no required variables:


The setup_cloudnativepg_sandbox role does not have any dependencies on any other roles.

Example Playbook

How to include the setup_cloudnativepg_sandbox role in your Playbook

Below is an example of how to include the setup_cloudnativepg_sandbox role:

- hosts: localhost
  name: Deploy CloudNativePG-Sandbox Playbook
  gather_facts: yes

    - setup_cloudnativepg_sandbox

Get credentials for Kubernetes Cluster

A previously provisioned Cloud Kubernetes Cluster is required. The steps below will retrieve the credentials and update the local kubeconfig file.

AWS EKS - Elastic Kubernetes Service

# Update local kubeconfig with Cloud Kubernetes Cluster credentials
$ eksctl get nodegroup --cluster <k8s-cluster-name>

Azure Kubernetes Service

# Update local kubeconfig with Cloud Kubernetes Cluster credentials
$ az aks get-credentials --resource-group <k8s-resource-group> --name <k8s-cluster-name>

Google Kubernetes Engine

# Update local kubeconfig with Cloud Kubernetes Cluster credentials
$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials <k8s-cluster-name> --region <gcloud-region>

Get the matching cnp playbook

Copy the setup_cloudnativepg_sandbox.yml playbook located in the playbook-examples/cnp directory into the root of the edb-ansible directory.

Playbook execution examples

# To Deploy CloudNativePG Sandbox into Kubernetes Cluster
$ ansible-playbook setup_cloudnativepg_sandbox.yml 



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