[Epitech Project] C++ project in a client/server architecture voice over IP application, similar to Skype or TeamSpeak.
Install conan ( [ Warning !! ] pip3 required)
pip install conan
conan remote add tech-repo https://api.bintray.com/conan/epitech/public-conan conan remote add public-repo https://api.bintray.com/conan/bincrafters/public-conan
Check with this command if repositories were indeed added.
mkdir -p build && cd build && conan install ..
or if that doesn't work
mkdir -p build && cd build && conan install .. --build=missing or make mouli-install
(CMakeList.txt wrapped by Makefile)
Build babel_client and babel_server binaries.
(create .babel_server_build and .babel_client_build folders)
Build babel_server binary.
(create .babel_server_build folder)
Build babel_client binary.
(create .babel_client_build folder)
Install conan dependencies and build them.
(create build folder)
Install conan dependencies, build them, make build tree and compile project.
(create build folder)
Remove .babel_server_build and .babel_client_build folders.
Remove babel_client and babel_client binaries and call clen rule.
Call fclean and make