Catalog of my things is a console app that will help you to keep a record of different types of things you own: books, music albums, movies, and games. Everything was based on the UML class diagram provided. The data stored in JSON files.
- Ruby
- Rspec
- Postgresql
To get a local copy, follow these simple steps.
Web browser installed
Cloning a repository
On, navigate to the main page of the repository;
Above the list of files, click "Code" button;
Copy the URL to clone the repository.
To clone the repository using HTTPS :
To clone the repository using an SSH key, including a certificate issued by your organization's SSH certificate authority :
To clone a repository using GitHub CLI :
gh repo clone ElsonOtake/Catalog_of_my_things
Open Terminal;
Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory;
git clone
, and then paste the URL you copied earlier.
👤 Andrés Garzon M
- GitHub: @githubhandle
- Twitter: @twitterhandle
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
👤 Elson Otake
- GitHub: @elsonotake
- Twitter: @elsonotake
- LinkedIn: elsonotake
👤 Mauricio Cantillo Moreno
- GitHub: @Andyveloper
- Twitter: @MauroCantillo_
- LinkedIn: Mauricio Cantillo Moreno
👤 Fabien Brathwaite
- GitHub: @fibini
- Twitter: @Onenewpage1
- LinkedIn: Fabien Brathwaite
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Microverse
- W3Schools
- Stack Overflow
This project is MIT licensed.