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Simple yet powerful Odoo image for Docker maintained by Elico Corporation.

Table of Contents


In order to use this image, a recent version of Docker must be installed on the host. For more information about Docker Engine, see the official documentation.

Run the image^

Running this image without specifying any command will display this help message:

$ docker run elicocorp/odoo:10.0

To display the user manual, run the image with the command man. Redirecting stdout to less is highly recommended:

$ docker run elicocorp/odoo:10.0 man | less

To start Odoo, run the image with the command start:

$ docker run elicocorp/odoo:10.0 start

The easiest way to use this image is to run it along with a PostgreSQL image. By default, Odoo is configured to connect with a PostgreSQL host named db.

Note: The PostgreSQL image of Elico Corp can be used as well.

Compose example^

Below is an example of a simple docker-compose.yml to use this image. For more information about Compose, see the official documentation.

version: '3.3'

    image: postgres:9.5
      - POSTGRES_USER=odoo

    image: elicocorp/odoo:10.0
    command: start
      - postgres:db
      - ODOO_DB_USER=odoo

Once this file is created, simply move to the corresponding folder and run the following command to start Odoo:

$ docker-compose up

Note 1: With this configuration, Odoo will be accessible at the following URL only from the local host:

It is possible to publish it following one of these options:

  1. map a reverse-proxy to
  2. remove the prefix in order to publish the port 8069 outside the local host

Note 2: With this configuration:

  1. Odoo is running without master password
  2. odoo PostgreSQL user is a superuser who doesn't require any password

See Security section for more info.

Note 3: With this configuration, all the data will be lost once the containers are stopped.

See Data persistency section for more info.


In order to improve the security, it is recommended to:

  1. set a master password for Odoo using ODOO_ADMIN_PASSWD
  2. start PostgreSQL with a different superuser (e.g. postgres)
  3. give the superuser a password using POSTGRES_PASSWORD
  4. create a separate PostgreSQL user for Odoo (e.g. odoo) with his own password and specify it using ODOO_DB_PASSWORD

Note: Run below SQL queries with PostgreSQL superuser to create the odoo user:

CREATE user odoo WITH password 'strong_pg_odoo_password';
ALTER user odoo WITH createdb;

The docker-compose.yml should look like:

version: '3.3'

    image: postgres:9.5
      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=strong_pg_superuser_password

    image: elicocorp/odoo:10.0
    command: start
      - postgres:db
      - ODOO_ADMIN_PASSWD=strong_odoo_master_password
      - ODOO_DB_USER=odoo
      - ODOO_DB_PASSWORD=strong_pg_odoo_password

Note: If Odoo is behind a reverse proxy, it is also suggested to change the port published by the container (though this port is actually not opened to the outside). For instance:


Data persistency^

As soon as the containers are removed, all the modifications (e.g. database, attachments, etc.) will be lost. There are 2 main volumes that must be made persistent in order to preserve the data:

  1. the PostgreSQL database in /var/lib/postgresql/data
  2. the Odoo filestore in /opt/odoo/data/filestore

Optionally, it is also possible to map the Odoo sessions folder in /opt/odoo/data/sessions

In the following example, these volumes are mapped under the folder volumes which is in the same folder as the docker-compose.yml. This command will create the corresponding folders:

mkdir -p ./volumes/{postgres,odoo/filestore,odoo/sessions}

The docker-compose.yml should look like:

version: '3.3'

    image: postgres:9.5
      - ./volumes/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=strong_pg_superuser_password

    image: elicocorp/odoo:10.0
    command: start
      - postgres:db
      - ./volumes/odoo/filestore:/opt/odoo/data/filestore
      - ./volumes/odoo/sessions:/opt/odoo/data/sessions
      - ODOO_ADMIN_PASSWD=strong_odoo_master_password
      - ODOO_DB_USER=odoo
      - ODOO_DB_PASSWORD=strong_pg_odoo_password

Note: With this configuration, all the data created in the volumes will belong to the user whose UID matches the user running inside the container.

See Host user mapping section for more info.

Host user mapping^

Default host user mapping in Docker^

Each Docker image defines its own users. Users only exist inside the running container.

For instance:

  • in elicocorp/odoo image, the default user that will run the Odoo process is odoo with UID 1000
  • in postgres image, the default user that will run the PostgreSQL process is postgres with UID 999

Whenever those users are used inside the container, Docker will actually use the corresponding user on the host running Docker. The mapping is made on the UID, not on the user name.

If the user elico with UID 1000 exists on the host, when running the Odoo image with the default user, the Odoo process executed by the odoo user inside the container will actually be executed by the host user elico.

Note: The users don't have to actually exist on the host for the container to use them. Anonymous users with the corresponding UID will be created automatically.

If the with UID 999 doesn't exist on the host, when running the PostgreSQL image with the default user, the PostgreSQL process executed by the postgres user inside the container will actually be executed by the anonymous host user with UID 999.

Host user mapping and volumes^

When the user inside the container owns files that belong to a volume, the corresponding files in the folder mapped to the volume on the host will actually belong to the corresponding user on the host.

Following the previous example:

  • in the Odoo container, the files created by the odoo user in the folder /opt/odoo/data/filestore will be stored on the host in the folder ./volumes/odoo/filestore and belong to the host user elico
  • in the PostgreSQL container, the files created by the postgres user in the folder /var/lib/postgresql/data will be stored on the host in the folder ./volumes/postgres and belong to the anonymous host user with UID 999


When having root privileges on the host, the default host user mapping behavior is usually not a big issue. The main impact is that the files mapped with a volume might belong to users that don't have anything to do with the corresponding Docker services.

In the previous example:

  • the host user elico will be able to read the content of the Odoo filestore
  • the anonymous host user with UID 999 will be able to read the PostgreSQL database files

It is possible to avoid this by creating host users with the corresponding UIDs in order to control which host user owns the files in a volume.

However, a user with limited system privileges (e.g. no sudo) will have a bigger issue. The typical use case is a user with limited system privileges that maps a volume inside his home folder. He would expect to own all the files under his home folder, which won't be the case.

Following the previous example, if the host user seb with UID 1001 starts the image from his home folder:

  • the files in ./volumes/odoo/filestore will belong to the host user elico
  • the files in ./volumes/postgres will belong to the anonymous host user with UID 999

The host user seb will not be able to access those files even though they are located under his own home folder. This can lead to very annoying situations where a user would require the system administrator to help him delete files under his own home folder.


Each Docker image has its own way to deal with host user mapping:

  • for PostgreSQL, see the official documentation (section "Arbitrary --user Notes")
  • for this image, use the environment variable TARGET_UID as described below

First, the host user needs to find out his UID:

$ echo $UID

Then, simply assign this UID to the environment variable TARGET_UID.

After starting the Docker containers, all the files created in the volumes will belong to the corresponding host user.

The docker-compose.yml should look like:

version: '3.3'

    image: postgres:9.5
      - ./volumes/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro
      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=strong_pg_superuser_password
    user: 1001:1001

    image: elicocorp/odoo:10.0
    command: start
      - postgres:db
      - ./volumes/odoo/filestore:/opt/odoo/data/filestore
      - ./volumes/odoo/sessions:/opt/odoo/data/sessions
      - TARGET_UID=1001
      - ODOO_ADMIN_PASSWD=strong_odoo_master_password
      - ODOO_DB_USER=odoo
      - ODOO_DB_PASSWORD=strong_pg_odoo_password

Note: For a more dynamic UID mapping, you can use Compose variable substitution. Simply export the environment variable UID before starting the container and replace the UID with $UID in the docker-compose.yml.

Odoo configuration file^

The configuration file is generated automatically at startup. Any available Odoo parameter can be provided as an environment variable, prefixed by ODOO_.

Note: As a convention, it is preferrable to use only big caps but this is not mandatory. The parameters will be converted to small caps in the configuration file.

In the previous docker-compose.yml examples, the following Odoo parameters have already been defined:

  • admin_passwd: environment variable ODOO_ADMIN_PASSWD
  • db_user: environment variable ODOO_DB_USER
  • db_password: environment variable ODOO_DB_PASSWORD

For a complete list of Odoo parameters, see the documentation.

It is also possible to use a custom Odoo configuration file. The most common ways are:

  1. ADD the configuration file in /opt/odoo/etc/odoo.conf using a Dockerfile
  2. Map the /opt/odoo/etc/odoo.conf using a volume

Additional Odoo modules^

This image allows to load additional Odoo modules through the volume /opt/odoo/additional_addons. When adding modules manually in that folder, the Odoo parameter addons_path must be defined accordingly:

addons_path = /opt/odoo/additional_addons,/opt/odoo/sources/odoo/addons

Note: The previous configuration assumes that all the modules are at the root of the folder /opt/odoo/additional_addons. Depending on the folder structure, the parameter might need to be adapted.

Automatically fetch Git repositories^

This image is able to automatically fetch (e.g. git clone) a Git repository containing a set of modules. It is based on the cross repository dependency management system introduced by the OCA.

Basically, this image is able to recursively fetch Git repositories in the /opt/odoo/additional_addons volume. Once all the repositories have been fetched, the addons_path parameter will be generated automatically.

The cross repository dependency is based on the oca_dependencies.txt syntax.

Note: This image integrates a Git repositories cache system. If some of the repositories already exist in the volume (e.g. when restarting the container), the container will pull (e.g. git pull) them instead of cloning them, which allows for much faster boot.

The easiest way to clone a Git repository is to set the environment variable ADDONS_REPO with the URL of the repository.

For instance, in order to fetch the OCA Project Git repository, as well as all the Git repositories it depends on, you can use the following docker-compose.yml:

version: '3.3'

    image: postgres:9.5
      - ./volumes/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro
      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=strong_pg_superuser_password
    user: 1001:1001

    image: elicocorp/odoo:10.0
    command: start
      - postgres:db
      - ./volumes/odoo/addons:/opt/odoo/additional_addons
      - ./volumes/odoo/filestore:/opt/odoo/data/filestore
      - ./volumes/odoo/sessions:/opt/odoo/data/sessions
      - ADDONS_REPO=
      - TARGET_UID=1001
      - ODOO_ADMIN_PASSWD=strong_odoo_master_password
      - ODOO_DB_USER=odoo
      - ODOO_DB_PASSWORD=strong_pg_odoo_password

Note: After the repositories have been fetched, it might not be required to pull them every time the container is restarted. In that case, simply set the environment variable FETCH_OCA_DEPENDENCIES to False (default value is True) in order to boot much faster, e.g.:


Fetch multiple independent repositories^

It might be necessary to fetch more than one Git repository (and the repositories it depends on). In that case, instead of using the ADDONS_REPO environment variable, simply create one oca_dependencies.txt file and put it at the root of the /opt/odoo/additional_addons volume.

For instance, if you want to fetch the OCA account payment modules repository along with the OCA project repository, put the following oca_dependencies.txt in the /opt/odoo/additional_addons volume:

# list the OCA project dependencies, one per line
# add a github url if you need a forked version

Fetch private GitHub repositories^

This image is able to pull multiple private GitHub repositories when provided a valid SSH key that has read access to these repositories. The URL for GitHub SSH authentication is available under the "Clone with SSH" option.

Simply put the SSH private key whose name must be id_rsa in the volume /opt/odoo/ssh. Since Odoo doesn't need to write in that volume, you can use the ro option to mount a read-only volume.

The docker-compose.yml should look like:

version: '3.3'

    image: postgres:9.5
      - ./volumes/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro
      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=strong_pg_superuser_password
    user: 1001:1001

    image: elicocorp/odoo:10.0
    command: start
      - postgres:db
      - ./volumes/odoo/addons:/opt/odoo/additional_addons
      - ./volumes/odoo/filestore:/opt/odoo/data/filestore
      - ./volumes/odoo/sessions:/opt/odoo/data/sessions
      - ./volumes/odoo/ssh:/opt/odoo/ssh:ro
      - TARGET_UID=1001
      - ODOO_ADMIN_PASSWD=strong_odoo_master_password
      - ODOO_DB_USER=odoo
      - ODOO_DB_PASSWORD=strong_pg_odoo_password

Note: If the host user has a valid SSH key under the .ssh folder of his home folder, he can map his .ssh folder instead, e.g.:

  - ~/.ssh:/opt/odoo/ssh:ro

Run a bash script at startup^

In some cases, it might be useful to run some commands in the container before starting Odoo. After the Odoo target user has been created, the container will execute a bash script with the container user root.

The script is located at /opt/scripts/ and can be mapped with a volume or added via a Dockerfile.

How to extend this image^

This image comes with all the dependencies required to run the standard version of Odoo. However, some additionnal modules might require an extra setup.

While the startup script is a way to achieve this, the changes it operates in the OS of the container are not persistent. Such setup would be performed every time the container is restarted, which could induce long delay in the boot process.

In order to make those changes persistent, simply create a child Docker image by extending this image.

The below example shows how to install the dependencies captcha and simplecrypt for the Odoo v8 module website_captcha_nogoogle.

This is how the Dockerfile would look like:

FROM elicocorp/odoo:8.0
MAINTAINER Elico Corp <>
RUN pip install --upgrade cffi
RUN pip install captcha simple-crypt recaptcha-client
RUN pip install --upgrade pillow

Save it as ./build/odoo/Dockerfile. Then, in docker-compose.yml, replace the image instruction with a build instruction, e.g.:

  build: ./build/odoo

When starting the container with docker-compose up, Docker will first build the image. In order to re-build the odoo image, use:

$ docker-compose build odoo

Note: Extend an image is an extremely versatile feature of Docker. The only limit is your imagination! For instance, check out the Elico Corp Odoo Docker image localized for China.


  • Use the code of maintainer-quality-tools to pull the oca_dependencies.txt

Bug Tracker^

Bugs are tracked on GitHub Issues. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first, help us smash it by providing detailed and welcomed feedback.




Elico Corp

This project is maintained by Elico Corporation.

Elico Corp is an innovative actor in China, Hong-Kong and Singapore servicing well known international companies and as well as local mid-sized businesses. Since 2010, our seasoned Sino-European consultants have been providing full range Odoo services:

  • Business consultancy for Gap analysis, BPM, operational work-flows review.
  • Ready-to-use ERP packages aimed at starting businesses.
  • Odoo implementation for manufacturing, international trading, service industry and e-commerce.
  • Connectors and integration with 3rd party software (Magento, Taobao, Coswin, Joomla, Prestashop, Tradevine etc...).
  • Odoo Support services such as developments, training, maintenance and hosting.

Our headquarters are located in Shanghai with branch in Singapore servicing customers from all over Asia Pacific.

Contact information: Sales