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Tag Schema Region

TagSchemaRegion is an implementation of SchemaRegion

  _____             _____      _                           ______           _             
|_   _|           /  ___|    | |                          | ___ \         (_)            
  | | __ _  __ _  \ `--.  ___| |__   ___ _ __ ___   __ _  | |_/ /___  __ _ _  ___  _ __  
  | |/ _` |/ _` |  `--. \/ __| '_ \ / _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _` | |    // _ \/ _` | |/ _ \| '_ \ 
  | | (_| | (_| | /\__/ / (__| | | |  __/ | | | | | (_| | | |\ \  __/ (_| | | (_) | | | |
  \_/\__,_|\__, | \____/ \___|_| |_|\___|_| |_| |_|\__,_| \_| \_\___|\__, |_|\___/|_| |_|
            __/ |                                                     __/ |              
           |___/                                                     |___/ > version 1.0.0

How To Use

Firstly, you should package schema-engine-tag by the following command:

mvn clean package -pl schema-engine-tag -am -DskipTests

After that, you can get a conf directory and a lib directory in schema-engine-tag/target/schema-engine-tag. Copy the file in the conf directory to the conf directory of server, and copy the files in the lib directory to the lib directory of server.

Then, open the in the conf directory of server, and set the schema_engine_mode to Tag, set the enable_id_table to true. Restart the IoTDB, the system will use TagSchemaRegion to manage the metadata.

Use Cli

IoTDB offers different ways to interact with server, here we introduce the basic steps of using Cli tool to insert and query data. The command line cli is interactive, so you should see the welcome logo and statements if everything is ready:

Starting IoTDB Cli
 _____       _________  ______   ______    
|_   _|     |  _   _  ||_   _ `.|_   _ \   
  | |   .--.|_/ | | \_|  | | `. \ | |_) |  
  | | / .'`\ \  | |      | |  | | |  __'.  
 _| |_| \__. | _| |_    _| |_.' /_| |__) | 
|_____|'.__.' |_____|  |______.'|_______/  version 1.0.0

IoTDB> login successfully

create timeseries

  • create timeseries
IoTDB> create timeseries root.ln.tag1.a.tag2.b.status with datatype=BOOLEAN,encoding=PLAIN
Msg: The statement is executed successfully.
  • create aligned timeseries
IoTDB> CREATE ALIGNED TIMESERIES root.ln.tag1.a.tag2.c(latitude FLOAT encoding=PLAIN compressor=SNAPPY, longitude FLOAT  �encoding=PLAIN compressor=SNAPPY)

Msg: The statement is executed successfully.

show timeserie

  • point query

enter a full path

IoTDB> show timeseries root.ln.tag2.c.tag1.a
|                     timeseries|alias|database|dataType|encoding|compression|tags|attributes|
| root.ln.tag1.a.tag2.c.latitude| null|      root.ln|   FLOAT|   PLAIN|     SNAPPY|null|      null|
|root.ln.tag1.a.tag2.c.longitude| null|      root.ln|   FLOAT|   PLAIN|     SNAPPY|null|      null|
  • batch query

paths ending in ".**" indicate batch query

IoTDB> show timeseries root.ln.tag1.a.**
|                     timeseries|alias|database|dataType|encoding|compression|tags|attributes|
|   root.ln.tag1.a.tag2.b.status| null|      root.ln| BOOLEAN|   PLAIN|     SNAPPY|null|      null|
| root.ln.tag1.a.tag2.c.latitude| null|      root.ln|   FLOAT|   PLAIN|     SNAPPY|null|      null|
|root.ln.tag1.a.tag2.c.longitude| null|      root.ln|   FLOAT|   PLAIN|     SNAPPY|null|      null|

IoTDB> show timeseries root.ln.tag2.c.**
|                     timeseries|alias|database|dataType|encoding|compression|tags|attributes|
| root.ln.tag1.a.tag2.c.latitude| null|      root.ln|   FLOAT|   PLAIN|     SNAPPY|null|      null|
|root.ln.tag1.a.tag2.c.longitude| null|      root.ln|   FLOAT|   PLAIN|     SNAPPY|null|      null|

IoTDB> show timeseries root.ln.tag2.b.**
|                  timeseries|alias|database|dataType|encoding|compression|tags|attributes|
|root.ln.tag1.a.tag2.b.status| null|      root.ln| BOOLEAN|   PLAIN|     SNAPPY|null|      null|


  • insert a single column of data
IoTDB> insert into root.ln.tag2.d(timestamp,status) values(1,true)
Msg: The statement is executed successfully.
IoTDB> insert into root.ln.tag2.d(timestamp,status) values(2,false)
Msg: The statement is executed successfully.
IoTDB> insert into root.ln.tag2.d(timestamp,status) values(3,true)
Msg: The statement is executed successfully.
IoTDB> insert into root.ln.tag1.a.tag2.d(timestamp,status) values(1,true)
Msg: The statement is executed successfully.
  • insert alignment data
IoTDB> insert into root.sg1.tag1.a(time, s1, s2) aligned values(2, 2, 2), (3, 3, 3)
Msg: The statement is executed successfully.


  • point query
IoTDB> select * from root.sg1.tag1.a
|                         Time|root.sg1.tag1.a.s1|root.sg1.tag1.a.s2|
|1970-01-01T08:00:00.002+08:00|               2.0|               2.0|
|1970-01-01T08:00:00.003+08:00|               3.0|               3.0|
  • align by device
IoTDB> select * from root.sg1.tag1.a align by device
|                         Time|         Device| s1| s2|
  • batch query
IoTDB> select status from root.ln.tag2.d.** where time < 2017-11-01T00:08:00.000
|                         Time|root.ln.tag1.a.tag2.d.status|root.ln.tag2.d.status|
|1970-01-01T08:00:00.001+08:00|                        true|                 true|
|1970-01-01T08:00:00.002+08:00|                        null|                false|
|1970-01-01T08:00:00.003+08:00|                        null|                 true|