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Configuration and parameters

GPT-NeoX parameters are defined in a YAML configuration file which is passed to the launcher - for examples see the files contained in this folder. Parameters originate from either the DeepSpeed runner CLI (DSL), DeepSpeed configuration file (DSC), Megatron-LM CLI (Meg) or are GPT-NeoX (NeoX) modifications.

Example Configuration (GPT3 Small):

Below is an example configuration .yaml to train a ~160M parameter GPT model. This readme will go through each section in the configuration and the options available.

# GPT-3 pretraining setup
   # parallelism settings ( you will want to change these based on your cluster setup, ideally scheduling pipeline stages
   # across the node boundaries )
   "pipe-parallel-size": 1,
   "model-parallel-size": 1,

   # model settings
   "num-layers": 12,
   "hidden-size": 768,
   "num-attention-heads": 12,
   "seq-length": 2048,
   "max-position-embeddings": 2048,
   "norm": "rmsnorm",
   "pos-emb": "none",
   "no-weight-tying": true,
    # this should provide some speedup but takes a while to build, set to true if desired
   "scaled-upper-triang-masked-softmax-fusion": false,
   "train-iters": 320000,

   # optimizer settings
   "optimizer": {
     "type": "Adam",
     "params": {
       "lr": 0.0006,
       "max_grad_norm": 1.0,
       "betas": [0.9, 0.95]
   "zero_optimization": {
    "stage": 0,
    "allgather_partitions": True,
    "allgather_bucket_size": 500000000,
    "overlap_comm": True,
    "reduce_scatter": True,
    "reduce_bucket_size": 500000000,
    "contiguous_gradients": True,
    "cpu_offload": False

   # batch / data settings
   "train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu": 4,
   "gradient_accumulation_steps": 1,
   "data-impl": "mmap",
   "split": "949,50,1",

   # activation checkpointing
   "checkpoint-activations": true,
   "checkpoint-num-layers": 1,
   "partition-activations": true,
   "synchronize-each-layer": true,

   # regularization
   "gradient_clipping": 1.0,
   "weight-decay": 0,
   "hidden-dropout": 0,
   "attention-dropout": 0,

   # precision settings
   "fp16": { 
     "enabled": true,
     "loss_scale": 0,
     "loss_scale_window": 1000,
     "hysteresis": 2,
     "min_loss_scale": 1

   # lr decay settings
   "lr-decay-iters": 320000,
   "lr-decay-style": "cosine",
   "warmup": 0.01,
   # misc. training settings
   "distributed-backend": "nccl",
   "save-interval": 10000,
   "eval-interval": 1000,
   "eval-iters": 10,

   # logging
   "log-interval": 100,
   "steps_per_print": 10,
   "keep-last-n-checkpoints": 4,
   "wall_clock_breakdown": true,

Parallelism Settings:

The parallelism settings are left at 1 in all configs, as the settings you want will be highly dependent on your compute setup and network topology. We have found it best to do model parallelism within a node, and schedule pipeline stages across node boundaries.

   "pipe-parallel-size": 1,
   "model-parallel-size": 1,

These can be set to any integer between 0 and num_gpus, and num_gpus must be divisible by pipe_parallel_size * model_parallel_size.

All Parallelism Settings are below:

Origin Parameter name Default value Description
Meg pipe-parallel-size 0 Number of pipeline parallel stages. Disable with 0.
Meg model-parallel-size 1 Size of the model parallelism.
Meg pipe-partition-method "type:transformer" method used to distribute model layers across pipeline stages. Choose from "parameters", which balances the number of parameters on each pipeline stage, "uniform", which naively balances the number of layers per stage, or "type:[regex]" (in our case this will basically only be "type:transformer"), which balances layers whose class names match [regex]

Model Settings:

   # model settings
   "num-layers": 12,
   "hidden-size": 768,
   "num-attention-heads": 12,
   "seq-length": 2048,
   "max-position-embeddings": 2048,
   "norm": "rmsnorm",
   "pos-emb": "none",
   "no-weight-tying": true,
    # this should provide some speedup but takes a while to build, set to true if desired
   "scaled-upper-triang-masked-softmax-fusion": false,
   "train-iters": 320000,

An example of some basic settings used to configure your model's architecture and number of training steps.

All available options for model settings are below:

Origin Parameter name Default value Description
Meg train-iters Total number of iterations to train over all training runs.
Meg num-layers Number of transformer layers.
Meg hidden-size Transformer hidden size.
Meg num-attention-heads Number of transformer attention heads.
Meg seq-length Maximum sequence length to process.
Meg max-position-embeddings Maximum number of position embeddings to use. This is the size of position embedding.
NeoX norm layernorm Normalization layer to use. Choose from "layernorm", "rmsnorm" and "scalenorm".
Meg layernorm-epsilon 1e-05 Layer norm epsilon.
NeoX rms-norm-epsilon 1e-8 Root mean squared norm epsilon
NeoX scalenorm-epsilon 1e-8 Scalenorm epsilon
NeoX pos-emb learned Type of positional embedding to use - choose from 'learned', 'sinusoidal', 'rpe', 'rotary', 'none'
NeoX rpe-num-buckets 32 T5 relative positional encoding number of buckets, default 32.
NeoX rpe-max-distance 128 T5 relative positional encoding max distance, default 128.
NeoX no-weight-tying false Disables weight tying between embedding weights and final Linear layer
NeoX geglu false Enable geglu activation function (WARNING: will increase memory usage, adjust embd dims accordingly)
NeoX sparsity none Sparse attention layer configuration: none = all regular attn, all = all sparse attn, interspersed = sparse on odd layers, dense on even.
Meg num-unique-layers Number of unique transformer layers. num-layers should be divisible by this value. Currently only has an effect when pipe_parallel_size=0.
Meg param-sharing-style grouped Ordering of the shared parameters. For example, for a num-layers=4 and --num-unique-layers=2, we will have the following ordering for two unique layers 1 and 2-: grouped: [1, 2, 1, 2] and spaced: [1, 1, 2, 2].
Meg make-vocab-size-divisible-by 128 Pad the vocab size to be divisible by this value. This is added for computational efficiency reasons.
Meg apply-residual-connection-post-layernorm false If set, use original BERT residual connection ordering.
Meg openai-gelu false Use OpenAIs GeLU implementation. This option should not be used unless for backward compatibility reasons.
Meg scaled-upper-triang-masked-softmax-fusion false Enable fusion of query_key_value_scaling time (upper diagonal) masking and softmax.
Meg scaled-masked-softmax-fusion false Enable fusion of query_key_value_scaling general masking and softmax.
Meg bias-gelu-fusion false Enable bias and gelu fusion.
Meg bias-dropout-fusion false Enable bias and dropout fusion.
Meg fp16-lm-cross-entropy false Move the cross entropy unreduced loss calculation for lm head to fp16.
Meg init-method-std 0.02 Standard deviation of the zero mean normal distribution used for weight initialization.
Meg apply-query-key-layer-scaling false Scale Q * K^T by 1 / layer-number. If this flag is set, then it will automatically set attention-softmax-in-fp32 to true
Meg use-cpu-initialization false If set, affine parallel weights initialization uses CPU
Meg attention-softmax-in-fp32 false Run attention masking and softmax in fp32.
Meg fp32-allreduce false All-reduce in fp32

Optimizer Settings:

Our optimizer configuration has a similar syntax to deepspeed's. Different optimizers will have different arguments for "params". Learning rate should be configured from here using the "lr" field of optimizer["params"].

  # optimizer settings
   "optimizer": {
     "type": "Adam",
     "params": {
       "lr": 0.0006,
       "max_grad_norm": 1.0,
       "betas": [0.9, 0.95]

Available optimizer types are:

  • "Adam": regular Adam optimizer
  • "OneBitAdam": Deepspeed's OneBitAdam optimizer. To use 1-bit adam, you'll also need to add the freeze_step, cuda_aware, and comm_backend_name fields, like so:
   "optimizer": {
     "type": "OneBitAdam",
     "params": {
       "lr": 0.0001,
       "freeze_step": 23000,
       "betas": [0.9, 0.95],
       "cuda_aware": false,
       "comm_backend_name": "nccl"
  • "CPU_Adam"/"CPU_torch_adam": Adam optimizer on CPU. Either megatron's version ("CPU_Adam") or torch's ("CPU_torch_adam")
  • "SM3": SM3 or Memory adaptive efficient optimization optimizer. We have found this doesn't work well with fp16 training.
  • "madgrad_wd": MADGRAD or [A Momentumized, Adaptive, Dual Averaged Gradient Method for Stochastic Optimizer] weight decay has been implemented AdamW style instead of the original madgrad Adam style.

ZeRO Optimization:

  "zero_optimization": {
        "stage": 0,
        "allgather_partitions": True,
        "allgather_bucket_size": 500000000,
        "overlap_comm": True,
        "reduce_scatter": True,
        "reduce_bucket_size": 500000000,
        "contiguous_gradients": True,
        "cpu_offload": False
  "zero_allow_untested_optimizer": false,

ZeRO optimization in NeoX is currently configured identically to how deepspeed configures it, please see the deepspeed docs for more information.

If you want to combine an optimizer untested by DeepSpeed with ZeRO (i.e, not ADAM or LAMB), you must pass "zero_allow_untested_optimizer": true outside of the "zero_optimization" dictionary (see above).

N.B - ZeRO stages 2+ are incompatible with pipeline parallelism. Please set "pipe-parallel-size" to 0 if you want to use ZeRO stage 2 or more.

Batch Size Settings:

   # batch / data settings
   "train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu": 4,
   "gradient_accumulation_steps": 1,

Our global batch size configuration follows deepspeed's and can be configured in a number of ways. At least any one of "train_batch_size" and "train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu".

  • "train_batch_size": The effective training batch size. This is the amount of data samples that leads to one step of model update. train_batch_size is aggregated by the batch size that a single GPU processes in one forward/backward pass (a.k.a., train_step_batch_size), the gradient accumulation steps (a.k.a., gradient_accumulation_steps), and the number of GPUs.
  • "train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu"": Batch size to be processed by one GPU in one step (without gradient accumulation). When specified, gradient_accumulation_steps is automatically calculated using train_batch_size and number of GPUs.
  • "gradient_accumulation_steps": Number of training steps to accumulate gradients before averaging and applying them. This feature is sometimes useful to improve scalability since it results in less frequent communication of gradients between steps. Another impact of this feature is the ability to train with larger batch sizes per GPU. When specified, train_step_batch_size is automatically calculated using train_batch_size and number of GPUs.

Dataset / Tokenizer / Checkpoint / Logging Settings:

   "data-impl": "mmap",
   "split": "949,50,1",
   # Suggested data paths when using GPT-NeoX locally
   "data-path": "data/enron/enron_text_document",
   #"train-data-path": "data/train/train_text_document",
   #"test-data-path": "data/test/test_text_document",
   #"valid-data-path": "data/valid/valid_text_document",
   "vocab-file": "data/gpt2-vocab.json",
   "merge-file": "data/gpt2-merges.txt",
   "save": "checkpoints",
   "load": "checkpoints",
   "tensorboard-dir": "tensorboard",
   "log-dir": "logs",
   "save-interval": 10000,
   "eval-interval": 1000,
   "eval-iters": 10,

These are the settings used to control the dataloading, train/test/val splits, tokenization and checkpointing. All available options for these settings are below:

Origin Parameter name Default value Description
Meg data-path Path to combined dataset to split.
Meg data-impl infer Implementation of indexed datasets.
Meg mmap-warmup false Warm up mmap files.
Meg save Output directory to save checkpoints to.
Meg load Directory containing a model checkpoint.
Meg save-interval Number of iterations between checkpoint saves.
Meg seed 1234 Random seed used for python, numpy, pytorch, and cuda.
Meg no-save-optim false Do not save current optimizer.
Meg no-save-rng false Do not save current rng state.
Meg no-load-optim false Do not load optimizer when loading checkpoint.
Meg no-load-rng false Do not load rng state when loading checkpoint.
Meg finetune false Load model for finetuning. Do not load optimizer or rng state from checkpoint and set iteration to 0. Assumed when loading a release checkpoint.
Meg eval-iters 100 Number of iterations to run for evaluationvalidation/test for.
Meg eval-interval 1000 Interval between running evaluation on validation set.
Meg split 969, 30, 1 Comma-separated list of proportions for training, validation, and test split. For example the split 90,5,5 will use 90% of data for training, 5% for validation and 5% for test.
Meg vocab-file Path to the vocab file.
Meg merge-file Path to the BPE merge file.
NeoX log-dir Directory to save logs to.
NeoX tensorboard-dir Write TensorBoard logs to this directory.
Meg num-workers 2 Dataloader number of workers.
DSC steps_per_print 10 Print train loss every N steps
DSC wall_clock_breakdown false Enable timing of the latency of forward/backward/update training phases
DSC dump_state false Print out state information of DeepSpeed object after initialization
Meg tokenizer-type What type of tokenizer to use. DEPRECATED - currently only GPT2Tokenizer is available.
Meg exit-interval Exit the program after the iteration is divisible by this value.

LR Scheduler settings

   "lr-decay-iters": 320000,
   "lr-decay-style": "cosine",
   "warmup": 0.01,

Settings used to modify the learning rate over time. All settings available:

Origin Parameter name Default value Description
Meg lr-decay-style linear Learning rate decay function. Choose from 'constant', 'linear', 'cosine', 'exponential'.
Meg lr-decay-iters Number of iterations to decay learning rate over, If None defaults to --train-iters
Meg min-lr 0.0 Minumum value for learning rate. The scheduler clips values below this threshold.
Meg warmup 0.01 Percentage of total iterations to warmup on (.01 = 1 percent of all training iters).
Meg override-lr-scheduler false Reset the values of the scheduler (learning rate,warmup iterations, minimum learning rate, maximum number of iterations, and decay style from input arguments and ignore values from checkpoints. Note that all the above values will be reset.
Meg use-checkpoint-lr-scheduler false Use checkpoint to set the values of the scheduler (learning rate, warmup iterations, minimum learning rate, maximum number of iterations, and decay style from checkpoint and ignore input arguments.

N.B - OneBitAdam requires you to use deepspeed's internal lr scheduler because reasons. Currently the lr decay style defaults to deepspeed's WarmupDecayLR. min lr, lr and warmup should still be configured as above. We're working on making this more flexible.

Regularization Settings:

   "gradient_clipping": 1.0,
   "weight-decay": 0,
   "hidden-dropout": 0,
   "attention-dropout": 0,

Various settings to regularize the model. At larger scales, we find that regularization only slows down training and has little to negative effect. At smaller scales and on smaller datasets, however, it can improve performance. All regularization settings below:

Origin Parameter name Default value Description
DSC gradient_clipping 0 Enable gradient clipping with provided value
Meg attention-dropout 0.1 Post attention dropout probability.
Meg hidden-dropout 0.1 Dropout probability for hidden state transformer.
Meg weight-decay 0.01 Weight decay coefficient for L2 regularization.

Activation Checkpointing Settings:

   "checkpoint-activations": true,
   "checkpoint-num-layers": 1,
   "partition-activations": true,
   "synchronize-each-layer": true,

Checkpointing works by trading compute for memory. Rather than storing all intermediate activations of the entire computation graph for computing backward, the checkpointed part does not save intermediate activations, and instead recomputes them in backward pass. All options for configuring activation checkpointing are below:

Origin Parameter name Default value Description
Meg checkpoint-activations false Checkpoint activation to allow for training with larger models, sequences, and batch sizes.
Meg checkpoint-num-layers 1 Chunk size (number of layers) for checkpointing.
Meg distribute-checkpointed-activations false If set, distribute checkpointed activations across model parallel group.
Meg deepspeed-activation-checkpointing false Uses activation checkpointing from deepspeed
Meg contiguous-checkpointing false Contiguous memory checkpointing for activations.
Meg checkpoint-in-cpu false Move the activation checkpoints to CPU.
Meg synchronize-each-layer false does a synchronize at the beginning and end of each checkpointed layer.
Meg profile-backward false Enables backward pass profiling for checkpointed layers.
Meg partition-activations false Partition Activations across GPUs before checkpointing.

Mixed Precision Training Settings:

gpt-neox's mixed precision training is configured identically to DeepSpeed's, please see their documentation for more information. An example config for fp16 training:

   "fp16": { 
     "enabled": true,
     "loss_scale": 0,
     "loss_scale_window": 1000,
     "hysteresis": 2,
     "min_loss_scale": 1

To train in fp32, simply set fp16["enabled"] to false.

Deepspeed Launcher Options

Origin Parameter name Default value Description
DSL hostfile /job/hostfile Hostfile path (in MPI style) that defines the resource pool available to the job (e.g., worker-0 slots=4)
DSL include Specify hardware resources to use during execution. String format is NODE_SPEC[@NODE_SPEC ...] where NODE_SPEC=NAME[:SLOT[,SLOT ...]]. If :SLOT is omitted, include all slots on that host. Example: "worker-0@worker-1:0,2" will use all slots. on worker-0 and slots [0, 2] on worker-1.
DSL exclude Specify hardware resources to NOT use during execution. Same format as include.
DSL num_nodes -1 Total number of worker nodes to run on, this will use the top N hosts from the given hostfile. -1 will use all.
DSL num_gpus -1 Max number of GPUs to use on each node, will use [0:N) GPU ids on each node. -1 will use all.
DSL master_port 29500 Port used by PyTorch distributed for communication during training.
DSL master_addr IP address of node 0, will be inferred via 'hostname -I' if not specified.
DSL launcher pdsh Launcher backend for multi-node training. Options currently include PDSH, OpenMPI, MVAPICH.
DSL detect_nvlink_pairs false If true, autodetects nvlink pairs and remaps cuda visible devices to place them next to each other. This is an Eleuther addition to deepspeed, and should speed up model parallel training on setups with nvlink pairs when mp=2.

Other Configuration Options

And finally, a few leftover options that don't fit into any particular category.

Origin Parameter name Default value Description
Meg distributed-backend nccl Which backend to use for distributed training.
Meg local_rank local rank passed from distributed launcher.
Meg lazy-mpu-init If set to True, initialize_megatron() skips DDP initialization and returns function to complete it instead. Also turns on use-cpu-initialization flag. This is for external DDP manager.
Meg short-seq-prob 0.1 Probability of producing a short sequence.
Meg reset-position-ids false Reset posistion ids after end-of-document token.
Meg reset-attention-mask false Reset self attention maske after end-of-document token.
Meg eod-mask-loss false Mask loss for the end of document tokens.
Meg adlr-autoresume false Enable auto-resume on adlr cluster.
Meg adlr-autoresume-interval 1000 Intervals over which check for auto-resume termination signal
Meg seed 1234 Random seed used for python, numpy, pytorch, and cuda.
NeoX deepspeed_mpi false Run via MPI, this will attempt to discover the necessary variables to initialize torch distributed from the MPI environment
DSC prescale_gradients false Scale gradients before doing allreduce.
DSC gradient_predivide_factor 1.0 Before gradient averaging predivide gradients by a specified factor, can sometimes help with fp16 stability when scaling to large numbers of GPUs
DSC sparse_gradients false Enable sparse compression of torch.nn.Embedding gradients.
DSC amp Dictionary as described in Deepspeed documentation.
DSC flops_profiler Dictionary as described in Deepspeed documentation.