Trying to adapt kingzone k1 turbo specs to Aquaris E5 FHD (similar MT6592 device) in order to build CM13 from source
- Dual SIM
- Wifi
- Bluetooth
- Audio
- Sensors
- Camera (photo and video recording)
- Tethering (Wifi, Bluetooth and USB)
# repo init -u git:// -b cm-13.0_Aquaris_E5_FHD (STILL W.I.P. - DO NOT USE) # repo sync # source build/ # brunch cm_Aquaris_E5_FHD-userdebug
Few words about mtk related binaries, services and migration peculiarities.
Services requires root:
surfaceflinger depends on sched_setscheduler calls, unable to change process priority from 'system' user (default user 'system')
mediaserver depends on /data/nvram folder access, unable to do voice calls from 'media' user (default user 'media')
Big thanks to all MTK developers for making this available to MTK devices
- fire855
- Axet
- chrmhoffmann
- DerTeufel1980
- Al3XKOoL
- kashifmin
- Santhosh M
- ariafan
- ferhung-mtk
- superdragonpt
- hyperion70
- CyanogenMod Team