Vector math for lua, originally made specifically for TIC-80
all functions return vectors, they do not change the vector that calls them
To import: local Vec3d = require'Vectors'
Create new vector: local A = Vec3d(X,Y,Z)
Add: C = A + B
Substract: C = A - B
Multiply: C = A * n
Divide: C = A / n
Negate: C = -A
Dot product: N = A:dot(B)
Cross product: C = A:cross(B)
Magnitude: M = A:len()
Normalize: N = A:norm()
Round: R = A:round(tolerance)
this will round vector A to the nearest TOLERANCE
for a vector: local A = Vec3d( 10, 14, 11.25 )
- A:round(1) => { 10, 14, 11 }
- A:round(5) => { 10, 15, 10 }
- A:round(10) => { 10, 10, 10 }
- A:round(0.1) => { 10, 14, 11.3 }